Episode 20

Fitness, Health, and Healthy Habits for Real Estate Agents and High-Level Professionals With Joscilynn Stachowiak

Do you want to learn how to get fit and healthy?

Listen in as we interview online fitness coach Joscilynn about her healthy habits and the benefits of having a coach. You’ll be inspired to make positive changes in your life after hearing her story.

By following Coach Joscylynn’s advice, you can achieve your fitness goals and feel better than ever before. She is passionate about helping others reach their potential and will provide you with all the tools you need to succeed.

Listen to the podcast interview now!

Joscilynn is the founder of Game Changer Academy, an online fitness academy specifically individualized and tailored for realtors. She is a personal coach with over 10 years of experience in the health and wellness industry. Joscilynn has a passion for helping others achieve their goals and reach their highest potential.

Having an online fitness coach can help you with these benefits and more:

- Lose weight

- Get in shape

- Feel better

- Transform your life for the better.

- Become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself.


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Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: The remarketing podcast is where we talk marketing tech business and leadership and we talked for real estate agents real estate investors and real estate entrepreneurs.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: are two purposes one to spotlight you jocelyn and your business your service or your product in a way that provides value to you, including market exposure and content creation number two to educate and inform our audience and listeners.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: That being said, i'm going to introduce our speaker right so jocelyn you gonna kill me cuz I gotta get this right Jackson as.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: A whole we act is the founder of game changer academy an online fitness academy specifically individualized and tell it for realtors and high level.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Business professionals, she is a personal coach with 10 years of experience and the health and wellness industry.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: JASMINE has a passion for helping others achieve their goals to reach their highest potential jocelyn welcome to the podcast and I would like to start off with hey tell us a little bit about your story your background.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: yeah first of all, I just want to say thank you for having me thank you for reaching out i'm so honored to be here a little bit about me gosh i've been fitness has been my life so.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I grew up you know, in a very sports oriented family so soccer was my sport right and I actually had intended to go all the way with soccer like that's all I knew I even played in Italy.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Was crazy but um I don't know where I end up getting a tumor in my knee so kind of pulled me out of.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Playing sports for bullies on a professional level, so if anybody has ever.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: been involved in sports, you know that it's more than just playing the sport it's a whole lifestyle your friends are doing it your coaches are telling you what to do what to eat.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: there's so much guidance there so pretty much been ripped out of that I had to figure it out all on my own, and it was really difficult because, at the same time I just started entering into college and.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: If anybody knows how stressful that can be throw that on top of it and yeah it was not a good time for me I kind of.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: hit a very low point with my own fitness I gained way and I just could not for the life of me to at four years of college figure it out, I mean I was getting a degree.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: In exercise science, but for some reason, I could not implement it for myself, I felt like a fraud, I felt horrible so.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: It wasn't you know they say hindsight is 2020 it wasn't till after I graduated I realized the real problem was actually my mindset.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Because I wasn't taking care of my mindset, you know it all follows the body, the mind is all connected So if you don't have a healthy mindset it's hard to have a healthy body, and vice versa.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You know graduated college and I still don't know what I was gonna do with my life so like I did something crazy and I just up and moved to South America and even speak Spanish.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Nothing and I discovered that I had such a passion for helping others like I love doing it so can't live in South America forever right.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: So I moved back and I just threw myself into doing any kind of community work to help others, but I also still love fitness like that's what I grew up that's what I always knew, so I tried, the whole personal training route hated it I know.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I just I felt like I wasn't reaching my full potential, because I have so much knowledge from college from just my life in general.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: That just watching someone workout wasn't enough, you know I had to do more, so that's when I created my company now game changer Academy.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: And I really aimed to focus on helping people that are like me, you know I truly believe that you try to help everybody you'll help nobody.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: But if you try to help that one individual that you could have a profound impact on you're going to change their life and that's what I aim to do so that's a little bit about my story, and I hope it resonates with some of y'all.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Thank you john I really appreciate that so with your story we're going to we're going to actually we're going to interview you and we're going to go into your business, and we want to hear about game changer academy and.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: You know how you got here, we met through like a Facebook group for real estate entrepreneurs so i'm going to ask you a question right what is a common myth about your field or expertise so tell us the common this that you hear.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: i'm myth or more of like a Sigma thinking that any kind of online coach is the same as like an influencer and, therefore, how we got a result.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You know, in our fitness we had to do something else, we had to have gotten like surgery or something like that it can't be that easy there's got to be.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Some little trick that we use to figure out fitness whether it's some special diet, or some special workout but it's really not even that that hard it's like it's pretty simple it's just.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Staying consistent with it, and I would say that's kind of like the little Stigma is just classing us all together in the same boat, because there's definitely a difference between influencers and someone who actually has a company and focuses on.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Training transformations for their clients, thank you.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Great great answer next question we have for you what's The biggest challenge you're facing at your current business, and how are you tackling it.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: hey.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I would say, for any kind of entrepreneur business owner out there i'm sure y'all can relate but building those solid routines because you know there's that saying what got you here won't get you there you know, having.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: That schedule that got you to the level of success that you're currently at and you're like Okay, how do I break through and get to that next level.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Now you got to restructure your schedule you gotta figure out what works for you all over again, and that is a big challenge for me right now just figuring out based upon.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Myself my energy levels because everybody's a little bit different and working around my daily standards working around you know my energy essentially.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Okay, so i'm not sure if you answered already how, how are you tackling that issue.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: um how i'm tackling it is, I will say that I have done a little bit more research into, and this is just something totally.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: off topic probably but finding my kronos tight and that's pretty much.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Finding your body's natural hormone levels because everybody's like on a circadian rhythm and speak, you know their hormone levels go up throughout the day everybody's a little bit different based upon your hormone levels, you can find.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: know what time of the day, you're more mentally awake what time of the day, you're more physically awake like when you should work out when you should tackle creative projects when you should.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Do more like tedious type of work and just trying to restructure my schedule around that and it's been a kind of a trial and error, because you know you can never get it perfect right off the BAT so it's trial and error and that's kind of how i'm tackling get for myself.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Okay, how so.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Could you could you say what that is again.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: What is it called a corona corona type you could like see our oh and Oh, and then type.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: And there's a quiz on it and there's a book brought it to, and that is a really awesome book, by the way, um but by Dr Oh, my goodness, he has a crazier name than me I can't pronounce his last name starts with an s also it's one of those crazy names.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: But just.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Google it on the Internet, and you can find it it's usually one of the first thing that pops up it's like take your kronos type quiz and.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: And it'll be very detailed and broken down to people.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: How did you learn about discovering your kronos.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Honestly um so I truly believe that you should always have some sort of coach some sort of mentoring your life and my mindset coach led me on to that because he discovered it and i'm like okay cool.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Nice that's interesting I would love to learn more about that so.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: that's really interesting next.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: question I have for you is what's your product what's your favorite productivity hack for entrepreneurs.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Productivity hack for entrepreneurs um I will say, because you know time is obviously limited that's always like the biggest thing is time doing.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: tasks that like say you have the meal prep or say you're getting your workout in and you're doing Cardio combine that with another task like educating yourself i'm addicted to audio books.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I will literally listen to the same book like five times on repeat until like I feel like it's ingrained in my brain and that was that's another little tip there too, if you listen to audiobooks don't just go through the chapters.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: go through like three chapters, at a time and repeat it three times until it feels like you're watching like a.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: rerun of your favorite TV show so that you're just like Oh, I already know what they're going to say so that it's like going into your subconscious.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: But i'll i'll do that whenever i'm like meal prepping whenever I am doing Cardio at the gym any kind of like mindless has cleaning, you know you don't two birds with one stone i'm a daily walks you know that's when I do like respond to emails and messenger just combining the two.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Alright, so I like I love productivity hacks Have you ever.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: I call it the because i'm not the three three now like the three x method right so with.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: All your books and videos you can like bump up to speed, have you ever done that do you do that.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Yes, a little bit, but sometimes they're talking a little too fast slow it down, but I do do that a lot I probably only bump it up to like.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: What is like a fourth or a half above, I can't I don't know how someone is able to listen to it faster, are you someone that can listen to it.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: i'm going to challenge you.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: To try, if you it's the same thing, like working out.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: You want to graduate right, so I always like to suggest people like they start with YouTube and maybe something.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Like educational that's maybe a little bit long where you don't have to absolutely observe the information, so I always suggest like go to YouTube and take it up to speed 1.25 right.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: do that for the next few days, then you do the same thing at 1.5.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: You do that for the next few days, and then you go 2.75 then on and on until you get to two and then from now on it's just gonna be like this is going to sound normal to you.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: yeah times the speed is like going so fast, so I often.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: challenged people like even people that I work with is like look get up to two X, because it saves you so much time and then at one point, like now i'm just greedy of them like to and then.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: For.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: And it's like it's not working so i'm stuck at three x but it saves a lot of time, so that's a cool productivity hack and I want to challenge you to get up there right, you can listen to audiobooks.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: yeah if you listen to audiobooks those things can be long if you just bump it up gradually.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: you'll start to be like Okay, this is practical I can't do this, and a lot of people believe that it's going to take much longer, and that is going to be challenging but if you just diligently apply that you can be up to like two times and less than a week.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Less than a week so like someone like you like listening to audiobooks you can go through one of the audio books and just bump it up.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: And then just continue to you'll be able to to X and it saves you so much time you get so much time back, I have this phrase like oh my God.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: three x is amazing, I see so much time because it does Thank you so much time that's one of my favorite productivity hacks are all time is almost anybody can get up to it if the trial.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: So I just wanted to you know.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: it's so yeah it's so small and that's a great tip, by the way, it's such a small little little thing that someone went think about but.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: it's the small little things that make a huge impact, I feel like the tiny little things that no one really thinks about and that's a really good tip i'm definitely going to try that.






Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: know you can do it.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: can do it because I already see how serious you are, I know you can do it next question I have for you, in your opinion, what is the most important personality tree slash strength someone would need to work in your industry and be successful like your field your expertise, I would.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I would say to really down to the core have a passion for helping others.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: know what I do, obviously, is a lucrative business, and you can easily make a good amount of money, but if that is your.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: The goal getting into coaching as I am just doing it to make a bunch of money, you are going to get burnt out and you're going to hate it because it's not.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Everything that you see online you don't see a lot of the hard work that goes into it behind the scenes, so you really do have to have.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: That you know passion for actually making a difference in someone's life and getting over your imposter syndrome, we all, we all get it.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: At some point, shape or form, we think that we're not good enough for not the coach that's good enough for these clients, but you know that.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: They came to you for a reason you are the coach for them and continuing to improve upon yourself, because if you have a passion for helping others you.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: are always wanting to improve upon yourself how can I be a better leader, how could I be a better coach, how can I make a bigger impact in this individual's life, and that is what is going to really drive you and push you every day.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Let me ask you how did you get over your head pastor Center.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: um honestly.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I would say just continuing through my routines even though.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Some days you know I didn't think I just want to lay in bed, and I felt a little bit depressed, but I do hire mentors for myself like I said and the kind of kept me accountable, just like you could hire a coach to keep you accountable.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: They kept me accountable they're like six year routines don't think about it it's like a working out, you know.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Some days you're not going to want to work out you're just unmotivated, but when you take emotion out of it and you just continue going through the motions on some days it's literally like you're going through the motions.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: But you know the key factors that are important in your business that you just have to go through the motions with.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Those are the things that add up over time because it's consistency and then you'll start to see.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Over time wow, this is actually working wow like.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: i'm actually making a difference and then you start to believe in yourself a little more and a little more, as you continue on because.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: it's kind of like a newbie thing i'd say is you know, most people will get it every now and then like I still get it every now and then.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: But now, when I get it it's not the same when I get it in the in the beginning now when I get it, I have to really ground myself, and I do a lot of meditation things like that ground myself and I just.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You know realize that those are just.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: False beliefs in your head they're limiting beliefs and you're just getting in your own way.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Alright, so you understand.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: I think you understand the importance of having a coach or a mentor or having people objective, there are some people that believe you do not need coaches or they're not necessarily to success and i'm not saying that they're right or wrong, what is your perspective on that.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I would say um you really you don't need it, but you're going to get there 10 times faster you do i'm just thinking about this way all the little hiccups that you go through all those pitfalls that you go through, and you have to really like.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You know you're stuck down there for a good amount of time you don't know how to get out of whatever situation you're going through.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: If you have a mentor they could completely skip all those because they send you on the right path, so that you avoid.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: All the ups and downs of figuring it out yourself and that's if you even figure it out yourself without failing your business and the process, because we all know, the first year, even to can be the hardest.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: But having a mentor is really going to just bypass that and also just accelerate the growth of your business like what you can get accomplished in 10 years you can.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: easily get accomplished in five years and even probably even less, to be honest, depending on the individual and how much work they're willing to put into it, but.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I just honestly think that's the fastest way to get to where you want to be.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Whether that be physically or business wise or spiritually you know there's a coach for literally everything out there, you can have a coach that teaches you how to.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: golf better you know coach that teaches you how to like a mindset coach like I had at some point, and I just love learning and I feel if I could learn that amount in such a shorter amount of time that I can learn more and more and more.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Things i'm interested.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Yes, it does so you're gonna get me, but so from know.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: What is it that again see are.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: In a.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: corona no.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: All right, so kroto type right I don't know if this has anything to do with kronos type, but the question is at what time of the day, do you get your best work done, does it have anything to do with the clementine.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Yes, it does for.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: me um.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: first thing in the morning that's when I accomplished my bigger projects that stuff because you know you have your big projects and then you have your daily tasks So for me.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: it's my my mind, is just awake in the morning and it's ready to do any kind of creative work any kind of big projects because you know.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: For someone who's like me at around 4pm your brain and just like flow like i'm not i'm not getting any kind of big projects done I can't think i'm just tired, you know.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: But also around 2pm is when my my body is awakened between two and four is when I like to get a workout in and around four after that's kind of when I start to unwind down and work on more tasks that don't involve too much mental energy.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Okay awesome so.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: next question I have for you.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: is so I saw like you posted and i've really enjoyed your post, by the way you posted a story about how you used to work in like the nightlife so.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: You can either save this question around that or you can give me a different answer right so.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: The question is what occupation, other than your own, would you like to try.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Okay um well, something I would like to try and I can tell you a little bit about my.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Job like when I was so pretty much I was bartending for like probably eight years I bartered it my way through college, all the way even past college I just I don't know I like the the fast pace environment, I like.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: being challenged every day with something a little bit new something little bit different which is great now because I love it now i'm creating something myself.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: But something that I would potentially get into, and I think i'm going to get into this eventually much further down the road is but non nonprofit work and I really want to get the nonprofit work.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: What I want to do exactly i'm not exactly sure yet, but I do know that.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: My need for helping people is going to draw me there, eventually, one day, so.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Okay, I was gonna ask you.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Well, what specifically are nonprofit but you gave the answer already so.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Now.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I can say i'm sorry I didn't mean interrupt.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I can say that it's going to be something in the realms of public speaking because that's something that I really want to get into.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Potentially doing fundraisers towards certain causes where I could host it and speak at the event that's that's as far as I know, that's why i've kind of come to realize so far, but the details haven't panned out completely yet.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Okay, no problem so have you always wanted to work within the health and fitness industry.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: um.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: yeah actually I can't say i've ever wanted anything else because, even at certain points in my life to my college career, I changed majors a few times, but each time I changed it.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: It was always around there I first started going for athletic training than.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Physical therapy and I was born pre MED for a while and then I was like well, let me just get a general.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You know degree behind sports medicine, so that when I do decide what I want to do if I want to go back to college, I could easily do that but it's always been in the same area so i've ever since I was young i've always been sports and fitness so kind of how my mind is wired now.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: awesome awesome next question I have for you is.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: what's one thing about your field of expertise that almost no one agrees with you about.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: um i'll say this is more like 5050, but I am all about intermittent fasting I teach intermittent fasting like crazy that's a big part of game changer and.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: it's more than just.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Okay we're going to stop eating and then we're going to start eating at a certain time, I really dive heavily into the science because i'm kind of a nerd when it comes to science around health fitness anything.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: In that area I I like it so much like I will read the boring like journals like.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: The stuff that you want to pull your hair out to but I love and i'm fascinated with the science around intermittent fasting and how it interacts or how we can maximize the benefits.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Just based off our biological makeup and i'm just in love with it so intermittent fasting some people they they're not for it, they think that there's all these negative effects, but the negative effects come when you're not doing it right so i'll say.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Alright next I have for you what I would like to know is tell me your favorite client success story.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Oh Okay, let me.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: And let me, let me throw us, can you make a specific do you have like a favorite alright so let's do to do you have a favorite realtor client and then a favorite somebody outside of real estate or.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Is it like the same Am I making sense.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: yeah that makes sense um I think they're generally the same because the the mindset shift is kind of similar in both but I did have this female client and either a female in a male so I had this female client she came to me, and she was.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You know, working her regular you know.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: What like I think she's working, it was a very, very beginning, she was working like am to like I don't even know how late at night it's been like the hours it just never stopped right and she couldn't find time for fitness and she.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: was very unhappy with her body, and she was in a not so great relationship so throughout this.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: program you know she reached out to me and she's just like was very questionable, so I kind of sent her on my mini version, just to get her to test the waters, because.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I know that some people are a little hesitant with online coaching they don't know if they want to invest that much into someone they've never met in person right, so I can't give her little.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: mini version to kind of get her warmed up to it and see how she liked it she lost like I think oh I don't know like eight pounds about maybe a little bit more she was really happy with that and the thing is she didn't realize that.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You know, eating right and feeding her body what she needs based upon what her body needs everybody's body is a little bit different.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: started giving her more energy and she was able to do more in that amount of time, so much so, to where she's like okay.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: The three weeks is that I gotta sign on this has got to continue like I want to maximize this energy level that i'm getting now, and you know this kind of happiness like a happier feeling that she's just having all around.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Because, after because in the beginning, when she came to me it was kind of a sense of she was just going through the motions which is kind of like not really happy or satisfied with life anymore.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: yeah pretty much that that sounds horrible but yeah pretty much and throughout the course of the program she ended up losing where was she yeah she's like at 160 should end up getting down to 135 and she hadn't been that way, since she was in high school.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: But now it looks better too, because when she was that way it was just all she was Cardio and barely eight.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: And now, she was eating more and she was enjoying her favorite foods and she had that kind of flexibility she had a really bad relationship with food, she ended up.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: realizing you know and so much so, to where she would like essentially started herself on most days and then she would over indulge on.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Other days when she finally did have that food again and her kind of perception around food was like good food and bad food, and we really got to take those labels off because there is no good food bad food and there is no good days and bad days you know.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: So we taught her how to enjoy it she wants without feeling that feeling of guilt or shame and weight loss just came so effortless to her after she kind of made that breakthrough with her mindset and yeah she reached a new.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: New goals there she actually ended up leaving she had the confidence to leave that relationship to during the process which was a big thing because.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: She was kind of co dependent upon him at that point, and you know she found her own independence was happy, she was actually working less time because she realized, she was able to get more done in less time when she.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: wasn't sluggish and tired and just taking forever to get a simple task done so that was a big thing for her I did have a male client.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: i'll say, and this one is isn't a real turn and i'm working with him now and he's loves and he just went straight into the program he's like i've been following you for a while I like what i'm seeing, I just want to do this, you know.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: And he had really bad back problems he worked in the automotive industry, so he had bad back problems on his feet all day and he ended up losing so far.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: 50 pounds within four months, and now he just graduated to evolve, where we're going to start teaching him about intermittent fasting and we're going to get his body all shredded for the summer i'm really excited.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: If you aren't following me on Facebook follow his journey, because I post about him all the time.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: he's made some serious progress, but he hasn't been that even close to that way he doesn't even know the last time he's been close to that way, he was at I think.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: 270 almost so he lost a good amount of weight and.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Back problems gone all those posture problems with aches and pains gone he actually had a pretty bad insomnia, to that we come to realize and start working on his sleep getting better quality sleep.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: He was getting like four hours of sleep he.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: goes really bad and he was you drinking a lot to On top of that, which affects the quality of sleep.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: So now he's getting a solid seven hours we're working on a every single night doesn't wake up throughout the night, if anything can wake up once every couple nights but.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Now he wakes up so energizing the morning you like messaged me he's like I feel great all these exclamation points.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Just how amazing he feels just pressing in the morning, and that is a big thing like.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: When you're unhealthy and you wake up in the morning you kind of like take a while to go to bed is sluggish, but when you're you're on it you're feeding your body right you're working out the way you're supposed to.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Getting the sleep getting the recovery you wake up like out of bed like you know, like snow white in the morning, the birds flying you just feel like you're in a movie it feels amazing but.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I just love seeing all has all those little wins when they tell me along their journey like this happened today and I feel awesome I never knew that I could get to this before someone told me like wow I lost weight my feet and I even know that was saying, like like I guess.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: that's awesome it, let me ask you something, because you know, like i've been around I think real estate for six seven years now, and I find that real estate entrepreneurs can be quite difficult sometimes is this yours, do you have a similar experience or to talk about what I just said.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: about them being difficult like.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: they're like.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: used to doing things their way and i'm going to do this so.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: what's your yeah I set the tone in the beginning, so it's usually pretty straightforward and my.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: role with the arm fish.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: What I do is extremely structured so there isn't really any kind of wiggle room it's like if you do what's asked of you you're gonna get to where you're going to get to and you just have to do it.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Now, when it comes to workouts and everything like that, I do have an online APP so it kind of makes things easy.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You know they open up their APP they have their workout for the day i'm like complete this sometime today, you know so they get it done whenever is convenient for them so that kind of works around their schedule, so that.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: We got some flexibility there to make it, you know fit their schedule, however, they want so it's not like i'm telling them, you have to work out at this certain time every single day.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Now, when it comes to the nutrition that's probably like the hardest part for everybody is nutrition, but having someone that holds you accountable every day i'll say definitely.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: helps because you know you got to check we do check ins every single morning, so if they're slacking i'm going to grill them the next morning, and then they don't like that so um.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I wouldn't say it's too difficult actually prefer it just because they work very well structured environments and what I do is extremely structured and they're self motivated.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: and obviously I can't be there to hold your hand through the workout or make you eat the food, so you have to have some sort of motivation for yourself there, so you know just someone who.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: can do that and follow a detailed plan that like hey this is how you get from point A to Point B in the shortest amount of time possible and a healthy way.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You know, they just follow it.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: awesome appreciate that I would love to have you back in the future, and you could give us like a DEMO or show us some of how your program your operation works, what do you think about that.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Oh absolutely I would love to do that, and you know if y'all end up finding me on social media on Facebook it's just my first of my last name.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: But I do tons of great resources out there to show you how it works every so often I even hold master classes over certain processes within my my company.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I actually going to be doing another one here, and probably the next 14 days.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: And I haven't done one in a couple months but that one I try to focus more on the nutrition side because that's where everybody kind of like has the hardest time.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: And it's like makes the biggest difference to us 80% so it's like yeah I can work out, but the nutrition like that's the hard part so.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Just know that whenever I do any kind of nutritional master classes are going to be focused around.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: This particular type of lifestyle, you know around things like meal prepping and intermittent fasting and few other little tiny details as well, but things that really fit for that type of individual that because i'm trying to help that person.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: So in my in my experience, there is like a I guess a stigma, or maybe it's correct about diets you say diets don't work, what is your perspective on that.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Oh yeah diets don't work I know we don't think we do because i'm honestly I just hate the word diet, because diet is something you do for a certain amount of time and then you're done.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: It needs to be a lifestyle and another thing with diets is.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: No matter what it is it's about restriction and i'm very anti restriction to make something sustainable and enjoyable you need to not restrict yourself not tell yourself that there's any particular food that you cannot have.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Because my favorite food is pizza and if someone told me, I can have you ever again i'm like no.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I love pizza um but yeah any kind of diet out there it's all about eliminating carbs or eliminating.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Whatever like your favorite foods, no longer could have pizza over again to be healthy and that's just not true um, obviously, if you have health conditions like you're diabetic or something like that you know there.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: that's different than a diet, when I think of diets I think of these little fad diets out there, and you know certain things like keto know they work for certain people.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: But it is hard it's all about sustainability and finding something that you enjoy that you just yourself doing forever, so if there's a diet you're about to join or you're thinking about doing.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Ask yourself, can you do this for the rest of your life and if not, then you need to find a way to.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: not restrict yourself and maybe you seek help from a professional and not just some downloadable nutrition plan off the Internet that you found because that isn't tailored for you based around your likes dislikes and your body types.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: That you said I was going to X next I was going to X, if you offered consultations.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: um yeah I do so, and I wish I had a good link I just give you right now but um.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I will say i'm a social media page on my bio I have my link in there for free, one on one evaluation with me and I.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Do like i'll dig deep and i'll ask you some serious questions and just be prepared like if you talk to me like I like to dig in deep and.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: And to the problem, so you know I might talk about your childhood and stuff like that, because it's all important to know, because ultimately it comes down to your relationship with food and that's the big thing with the mindset and.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: To find that out you gotta I gotta ask you questions that no one has asked you before, but those are questions that you need to know the answer to So yes, to answer your question, I do do that.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: appreciate that, so I I was so we'll get your link and we'll get the get that posted in the show notes, but I appreciate talking to you today because there's like conflicting information right and i'm not.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: I don't I don't consider I don't think i'm overweight right and i've always like I love food I like to eat, but I like to eat right and i'm very particular about certain things but.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Sometimes you hear people say no, you can't like food you're not supposed to do i'm like i've been like a food all this time, why.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Why is it, such a bad thing.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: So i'm grateful to hear you say that we just have to make sure we're disciplined and careful and structured and how we kind of eat the food, you know i'm not a health professional, like you, but.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: I love food, I really enjoy food.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: My favorite things to do, like to eat certain things.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: I enjoy it right, and I think that, like we talked about like there's a lot of airy fairy stuff out there, but in intent behind food.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: I think it matters and because I like to enjoy my food and because i'm grateful and appreciative of that food, I think you know I don't blow up into some balloon or something like that so.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: yeah it's nice to hear you say that we don't have to restrict ourselves, and we don't have to hate food like it.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: You can enjoy food.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Yes, absolutely because when it comes down to it, the times that you really.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You know overindulge are times that you know you're stressful you don't have good coping mechanisms something emotional just happened it's other things I don't even have anything to do with food that cause us to.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Look at it negatively, in a sense, so really just realizing that you know food is good, I love food too I love cookies I eat all of that, I love I love pastries cakes all that ate that too, but just knowing that.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You don't have to eat the entire cake, you know it's not going anywhere.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: You go back to it whenever you want it that's something I tell my clients do like whenever you know.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: you're at a party even and there's a bunch of bad foods just know that the food isn't going anywhere you don't got to stuff your face you always come back to it and.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: it's good enjoy yourself don't restrict yourself don't feel guilty about it either.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Thank you josh I now want to actually some a couple of personal questions right questions about josten so we can get to.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: know better.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: question, if you could be remembered for one thing, what would it be.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I would say.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I just want to be remembered for really making such a positive impact in the world, whether that be big or small, through my clients or.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Through what I want to eventually do one day getting into nonprofit but, honestly, if i'm not remembered I still make the impact in the world i'm perfectly fine with that too.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: All right, thanks thanks next if you could go back and give your 18 year old self one piece of advice What would it be.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Okay, it would be.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: to relax Caribbean perfectionist.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: quit stressing about my body all the time.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Just to know that.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: It just be anything everything that I really taught myself mentally that has really helped me now and because.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I was really bad I had body dysmorphia I was even believe I got a point to.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Wait what's what what is that what does that mean.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: When body.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Oh body dysmorphia when you, you know look fine, but you see something else in the mirror like.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Like anorexia could be like looked at almost was like body like extreme body dysmorphia innocence.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Like you know you see these fitness people out there and they're working out crazy and they're like addicted to the gym and they're there seven seven days a week to a point to where it's unhealthy.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: it's because they're looking at themselves, and even though we see that that person's like fit and everything they don't see it.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: They still see like that skinny person or that overweight person like they're not there yet so it's yeah body dysmorphia so I had a little bit of that.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: because everybody told me they're like oh you look great you look great like but, in my mind, I was like wow she is like.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Because you know, I was a soccer player my life, so I like ABS, and everything I didn't have that anymore, and I just saw like this fat woman looking at me was horrible I hate it myself, so it would really be too.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: No work on loving myself read a lot of self help books, I would tell myself to do that and.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Just to not stress, not to over indulge and eat when i'm stressful to use healthier.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: practices when dealing with stress, because I was in college at the time, taking 18 hours, so I think a lot of it was stress eating as well, so there are healthy practices to do when you're stressed out that don't turn to food, and I was never taught that so I always tend to food.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: How did you how did you.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: overcome that.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Like that mindset like if you if you could give us one thing that really I know it's not one thing is a bunch of little things, but if you could give us like one major thing What would it be.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: How you overcame that mindset, I would say.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Oh, you know, a major thing actually now i'm thinking about it is, I completely change the people I hung out with.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: It sounds horrible but I stopped hanging around.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Anybody that I just didn't like want to be like essentially because I hung around a lot of people since I worked in the bar industry a lot that went out to drink and you know they were overweight and they just wanted to party.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: And I was like you know it i'm going to take myself out of that and only hang around entrepreneurs, I want to do nothing but better themselves and it's almost like.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: That energy just sucked me in and I just fed off of it and just made me want to do more and be better and.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: When you hang around people there's like a there's an energy that they give off when you're hanging around people that you aspire to be like.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: it's like when you accomplish these tasks and goals that you've always wanted to do it feels natural doesn't feel forced, so I would say just check changes circle.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: awesome next so we talked about this a little bit earlier, but I want to hear more more detail what's your morning routine like.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Oh, my morning routine okay so.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Not everybody has to do something as crazy as mine, because I do a pretty long one.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: But it's mostly because I meditate for a long time, but pretty much you know I wake up and if i'm fasting, then I have.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: My I have a special drink that I have first thing in the morning it's a water with apple cider vinegar lemon juice and pink salt, so I drink that first thing in the morning, then I go.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: make my coffee a black coffee and I slept that throughout the morning and then sometimes if I want to work out in the morning that's what I work out I after I have my caffeine.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: With not then I will meditate after my coffee and that could be anywhere from depending on how badly I need to meditate that could be all the way up to an hour and that's what makes my morning routine long and then after I meditate that I do journaling work and that really.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: is important of sometimes I forget to do that, and it makes a huge impact in my week so journaling is super super important and what I do for journaling is I literally it takes me 15 well.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: No like 11 or 12 Minutes because I set a timer.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: For one minute and then within that one minute timer I write down my top 10 goals or no as fast as I can, because what happens when you do that.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Is you're retraining your brain subconsciously to seek out paths to open doors to reach those goals, because if you can't.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You know just list off your top 10 goals, right now, without looking for them written down somewhere.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Then, how are you supposed to just naturally seek the path towards them, so you need to retrain your subconscious, so I do that and then after that I set a five minute timer and I do some declarations like I am I have.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: No help getting rid of limiting beliefs, that I have within myself, and then I do another timer for five minutes, and then I do gratitude.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: And then that helps me become grateful for what I have and it's still like deeper happiness as well with your life, so I do that and then that pretty much wraps up my morning routine Oh, and then I take my dog for a walk.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: wow awesome that's why you you such great shape you look so good that's a lot going on you've done the mindset routines that's a lot, so people.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: can take sometimes it's not even about the amount of work but.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Consistency so yeah you look great you do good work so.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: We want to get to the closing table right so we're in real estate we call it the closing table when it's time to close the deal.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: So this is the closing table we're going to actually some final questions, then we can like wrap it up so first question I have for you, what are three books that you recommend to the audience and why.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: i'm number one book it's my most favorite book is the happiness advantage by Sean anchor i'm like I said i'm a nerd so I like science and he.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: graduated from Harvard top 1% of his class he pretty much uses positive psychology to.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: show you how you could become more successful make more money in your career as an entrepreneur in any aspect of life by just being happier and teaching you how to instill happiness in yourself and others, so that one for sure, another one.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: will probably be that kronos type that I was talking about that's a good.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I wish I remembered his name I can't.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: find it a.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: crazy names.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: yeah the crotona type just because it's so important to learn that about your body, especially if you are an entrepreneur by any means, because.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Just maximizing on.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Your energy levels is a great way to improve productivity to, and then the third one would be and i'm date debating between this one.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: It might be another book by Sean anchor actually it's before happiness.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: that one is a really good one and that more about.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: that one is more about building like a solid team, so if you're at that level to where you're building a solid team.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: that's a good one to do like more of a CEO style I guess book.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Okay, you got one more you could give us one more.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Okay um that's more minor because i'm thinking more around the area of health and fitness but, honestly, this is kind of what started.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: My path to really understanding, you know, nutrition and everything but it's that that whole 30 book.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: And just doing that I wouldn't do that for like a lifestyle, but I wouldn't do that for the 30 days, because you learn so much about your body and how it reacts to different foods that you eat.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: different sensitivities, the analogy that they use in the book I believe was.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You know, if you look at food.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: In this way, so like let's say you move into a new house and there's like a cedar tree out there and every morning you wake up and you're all congested and you feel like crap.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: And then, over time, though, you forget that that's the reason why you feel badly and it just becomes your new normal and you're just used to it, but then you go on vacation so you go up in the mountains of Colorado and the air is clean and.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You know you feel you wake up and you feel amazing that you have all this energy.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Then you realize wow it's that cedar tree that was making me feel this way it takes that approach with food, so all food that has been known to cause inflammation in the body.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: You completely eliminate it for 30 days, and then you bring it back in a controlled setting week by week to see how your body reacts to it.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: i'll tell you the first time I had dairy when I came back my stomach literally went into the most painful cramps i've ever experienced like I was in a ball.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: For a good like hour and I couldn't even like extend myself, because it just hurts so bad, so I don't have dairy anymore, because of that.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: So I it's like me learning that my body just really does not like dairy everything else completely fine like grains know all of that, but it's a great tool to us to learn about yourself.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: because everybody.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Could you repeat the name of it one more time.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: A whole 30.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: w H O l E and then three zero.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Thank you next question is what's one question you wish i'd X you and how would you have answered.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: um let me think.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Well, now i'm.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: ooh.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: We went pretty deep here let's see I wish you had asked me.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: i'm a little stumped here.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: We talked about my journey, I was gonna be like well throughout my journey but then I kind of give you a pretty good feel about my journey.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: All good.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: So after.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Two more times right, thank you, I appreciate.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: It So the first one is How can someone bring immediate value to you and your business, and you have to answer you can't say you stumped me you got to give us a way to add immediate value to you.






Joscilynn Stachowiak: by me on social media and share one of my posts how about that.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Okay share a post that resonates with you, because obviously.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: know I do put some thought behind what I say, and my clothes there's a story and there's a message always so you know find something that you really feel resonates with you and share that and, if not just put a comment about what resonated with you and I just love to hear your feedback.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Okay, so how about this right i'll do the social media posts i'll share it to my Facebook group, but that post, you have a lot of great post and we have a newsletter that we send out like physically you'll get a copy because you I think you you requested, one of the books.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: i'm going to take one of your posts.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: One of your posts and put it in the newsletter how about that and we can put some advertising in there for you.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Okay amazing yeah.






Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: that's one.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Media but also grand marnier nice post and put it inside of our newsletter and i'll i'll send it to you, so you can see, and everything like that we'll go.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: From there now next very similar question, but this time it's long term value How can someone bring you long long term value.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Long term value, I would say to.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Honestly, just follow me um and interact with and engage with my content.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: whenever you see anything that speaks to you just because I am very active, with all of my followers if you write, something I read everything you write so.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: you write a comment i'm going to read it i'm gonna respond to it, you can even talk to me i'm very open like I don't bite i'm not going to try and.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: shove any kind of sales down your throat that's not what you're looking for, if you want to just reach out to me for advice on anything i'm an open book I love to advise you, the best I can.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I don't know, I just want to help i'm here to serve so that's I mean.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: awesome so now i'm actually this you ever thought about becoming a real estate.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Investor or real estate agent yourself like.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Investing yes, I don't think i'd be.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: i'm.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Honestly, from what I see it, is a lot of work.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: can be already i'm already doing a lot of work, as it is, and I honestly couldn't see myself doing that also on top of it i'm just like.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Until I get into more of a CEO role and I, my team is able to take full reins of everything and then i'm like okay now I could go explore other avenues but.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Definitely, the investing has interested me, and I believe i'm not sure which group that you followed me from, but I know there is a real estate investing group that i'm heavily involved with and i'm actually learning about real estate investing there as well, so.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: awesome we've run, like several events and groups ourselves i'll tell you more about those like offline but here's what i'm thinking here's what I want you to consider.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Right, and this is like it's because it's open opportunity for me like so i'm licensed right but I don't want to be the typical realtor I got my license to contribute to be.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Being a real estate investor right, but I also when I was doing that I learned marketing and tech Those are my skills right and getting a license allows me to be in rooms with other licensed professionals and offer them other services so.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: You understand where i'm going with this like you have a license maybe you don't be a full time.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: realtor or a real estate agent or something like that, but.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Having that license could give you more clientele because you can be in those rooms more and offer those services so just an idea to think about.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Just something to think about.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: You might not you might not want to.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Be not but yeah that's a you know he can get you a Ramzi might never do a transaction ever like there are some people that never do.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Anything no transactions and they still have their license because if for some other opportunities such as investing or networking and meeting certain people so just lose something to give you now a this was a great I think this was our longest one yet, and it was fun.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: So the next question the final question that I have for you, is where can listeners find out more about you online.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Okay, so now i'll give you all my social media so on Facebook it's my first my last name and if it's not on here i'm just going to spell out so J O s ci l y and in jocelyn Soviet sta si H O w ei ei K.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: find that on Facebook on instagram is jocelyn faith FA I Th that's my middle name underscore fit and then even on tick tock you can find me on tech talk is J underscore fit, so I got those three platforms and i'm very active on all three.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Thank you Jackson, and this has been amazing and, yes, you are you filled out the form so you're all your social needs will be in the show notes for our guests, so I really appreciate you do you have any final closing thoughts before we close out.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Just a appreciation and gratitude I love this connection that we made, I had a great time I would love to be on the show again sometime you're a great host, by the way.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I can i'm excited to get that book.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Because I requested it, I want it, is it more about your productivity strategies and everything in there.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: It is more about marketing in the real estate industry, and you know you can apply it to anywhere, but there are some bonus items in here too and you'll also be getting a newsletter you get to see where we're going to.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Put.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Your stuff in there, so.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: I definitely want to see more of your product.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Your productivity hacks.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: yeah I love.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: It I love it.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Absolutely absolutely.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: So yeah.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Thank you jocelyn I, this has been amazing I really appreciate you i'll get everything to you when it's all process and everything like.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: That and then yeah looking forward to have you in the future, so we can talk more specifically about some of the stuff you offer and also.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: I also know some other clients and some other groups that could really benefit from the services that you offer so i'm looking forward to making those connections as well.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: Thank you.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: And i'm looking forward to connecting for the.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Thank you so much, I really appreciate you.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Okay.



Joscilynn Stachowiak: bye.



bye bye.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Real Estate Marketing Implementation Podcast (The REmarketing Podcast)
Real Estate Marketing Implementation Podcast (The REmarketing Podcast)
Real Estate, Marketing, and Implementation Perspectives For Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Coaches, and Real Estate Investors by Jerome Lewis

About your host

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Jerome Lewis

Jerome Lewis is the author of the book REmarketing - Insider’s Secrets of Successful Advertising, Lead Generation, & Marketing Implementation For Real Estate Entrepreneurs.
He is also the founder and CMO of Digital Real Estate Strategy, a tech, and marketing agency that helps busy but serious real estate entrepreneurs implement, structure, and systematize their tech, lead generation, marketing, and business systems. Jerome has helped over 5000 real estate entrepreneurs from more than 40 states and 4 countries. Jerome has shared stages with some of the real estate industry’s best national experts including names ranging from Vena Jones-Cox, Krista Mashore, Marc Halpern, and many more.
Jerome is a bold introvert, father, and former IT professional. In 2021, Jerome won eXp University’s Instructor of The Year Award. He is also the host of the Real Estate Marketing & Social Media Mastermind, where he teaches real estate investors and agents tech and marketing implementation.