Episode 18

Investor to Real Estate Agent With Jake Toyberman

Investor to Real Estate Agent With Jake Toyberman

Are you interested in becoming a real estate agent?

Our podcast is the perfect place to start. We talk to successful agents and investors about their journeys and share tips on how you can make the switch too.

Join us with Jake Yoyberman who tells us all about his journey from being a real estate and investor to getting his real estate license and explains why he made the switch added it to his arsenal.

Jake gives tips and tricks and explains what types of things to do and what to watch out for. We know you're going to love this episode!

Start listening today by subscribing on iTunes or Google Play!

Host: Jerome Lewis

Guest: Jake Toyberman

Jake's Facebook page

@realtorjaketoyberman on Instagram

Jake's Website

Jake on YouTube


All right, so we are live. Um, I'm gonna start with a brief, brief introduction of the podcast, then I'm gonna introduce you and then we're gonna get into the questions. All right. So sure. We're gonna do a screen share first. And could you please tell me if you can share, see my screen? I can. Okay. Perfect.

All right. So welcome to the remarketing podcast. My name is Jerome Lewis. I'm your host for today. And the remarketing podcast has two purposes. Our content is for marketing tech and business leadership. Uh, and we are for real estate agents, real estate investors and real estate entrepreneurs. Now, again, to reiterate, we have two purposes.

Our two purposes are one for you, Jake, to spotlight you, your business, your service. Or your product in a way that provides value to you, including market exposure and content creation. Number two is to educate and inform our audience and our listeners. All right. So today we have Jake to Beman. Jake is an accomplished retail banking professional that switched to a full-time real estate career.

As a licensed real estate agent at Homestar Realty. Jake is able to draw in his many years of banking experience and provide his clients with a new level of professionalism for all their real estate needs. As an agent, he advises clients on everything from searching for a property. Negoti through negotiating Morgans acquisition and closing on the property of their dreams as an investor and a landlord, Jake shares his experiences, both positive and negative and helps his clients decide what is best for them, their business, and their family.

Jake, welcome to the podcast. Happy to have you here. Thank you for having Joan. Absolutely. So, uh, the way our structure works is I, I told you a little bit earlier, we like to do. Question answer format. And, but before we get into those questions and answers, what I want to do is I'm gonna call on you. And I want you to tell us in your own words, tell us a little bit about yourself and your.

Um, I am a realtor that, uh, basically helps others to not just buy and sell a property, but really advocate for them. Um, one of my biggest things that I have, uh, learned being an investor, which actually been an investor a lot longer than a realtor almost, uh, 10 years. Um, so that vast knowledge of, uh, what landlords, uh, Can anticipate and what potholes that are gonna be, uh, in the future of future landlords, um, is, uh, quite vast.

And so a lot of folks do tend to lean on me for those types of resources. Thank you. Thank you, Jake. I appreciate that. And we are all about, we want to talk to people who are in real estate, involved investing real estate agent. Doesn't matter. We wanna talk about those people. So, um, I have a few questions for you and we're gonna go down the line.

We're gonna start with some business questions, then we're gonna go personal, and then we're gonna go to the closing table, which I like to call it. That'll be the final round. Right? So the first question that I kind of had for you, right, is in your opinion, what is the most important personality trait or strength that someone would need to work in your industry and your.

Hm. Um, I think someone that has either thick skin or someone who does not really care too much about what others think of themselves. Um, so if there's others that have a certain, um, impression, I'd like to have a certain type of, uh, Appeal to them. If they are too busy worrying about what others are thinking, it causes, uh, or could completely deter someone's, uh, ability to get to their goals.

Okay. And I wanna ask you like a follow up question to that and where you always, so basically you need to have tough skin and you can't really worry how others perceive you. Let me ask, were you always that way or is it something that you develop. In this career or another past career? Um, well actually I am very sensitive to what others think of me.

Honestly, I, I have the personality where I always want to be liked and appreciated and the looked and the best light. Um, but at the same time, I just, because it's, my weakness doesn't necessarily mean that I can't be aware of it. And do something about it. So that's interesting because you're like, I always wanna be like, and I wanna tell you, from my perspective, ever since I've known you and met you, you've always been likable.

So whatever you do, whatever your magic is, you got it. You got it going on. I I've always like you. I'm like, that's a very likable thing. Thank you. So you're the feeling is mutual. Yep. So, uh, next question I have for you is what is one piece of advice you would. To someone starting in your career. And I wanna break that into two segments, right?

So you're an investor. You are an investor first, right? So I wanna get your perspective as an investor. Right. And then I also wanna get your perspective as a realtor, right? So let's start first with the investor perspective. Um, having a goal in mind, uh, meaning why would someone wanna become an investor?

There has to be an underlying reason. Um, a drive. Once you have an understanding of what that goal I is, then. To be able to get someone who has experience and can hold your hand through that process, but without actually having a goal without having a vision, what the three to five seven year plan is gonna look like it's very difficult and you could really, really hurt yourself and, uh, limit your growth potential on the, and.

Go ahead. I was gonna say, would you say on the retail side is the same? Is it different or as a realtor on the realtor side is quite different. Um, I, if I was to start from day one today, I would team up with a really strong. Producer or a team of producers, um, that have a specialty, um, some sort of a specialty, whether it's working with investors, whether it's, uh, really strong on the buyer's side or on the listing side.

So this way you could get the best knowledge in the shortest amount of time and to be an asset to them because folks nowadays need as much help as possible. I know I do. Okay. And so I wanna follow like a follow up question. I get always like, sometimes you get feedback pushback, right? So in marketing we say like you specialize in one thing and then later on you want to branch out.

Right. So I'm trying to align that to what you said in, in terms of specializing as a real estate professional. Right. A lot of people, they want to go, why we call it and do like, just about everything. So do you have, do you have any avers to go on wide or, or like, why do you suggest specializing.

Specifically, specifically specializing in buyers. For instance, being able to be a strong buyers' agent allows you to see how others, uh, on a listing side operate. Now you could see how others are protecting their clients on the listing side. You get to learn a lot more and be a better advocate. Okay, appreciate that.

So the next question, I, I appreciate having like dual. People, right. Cause you can answer like two different questions and get two different perspectives. Right? So, well the same question and the next question I have for you, did you always want to be a realtor? Right? And then the next question after that will be, did you always wanna be an investor?

I never even thought about being a realtor. I've always wanted to be a banker and, uh, right outta college, I was a bank, uh, banker and, uh, I loved it. And being a banker, I realized that a lot of the time, a lot of my clients. Are in fact investors and they had a quality of life that, uh, it was quite intriguing and they owned properties.

And that is where I started to dabble and purchase rental properties. Right. Okay. Appreciate that. So you knocked out both questions with that one and, uh, next I want to get into like the personal questions a little bit. So I want to, we gonna, we wanna learn about Jake, like as a person. So if you could be remember for one thing.

What would that be?

I wanna be known for helping others. Uh, really at the end of the day, it's all about positioning others to succeed. And if, uh, one can do that, um, they tend to think of you when it's time for them to need your services. I, so personally I've been through like this phase in my life where I like had. Work on myself in order to help others.

Uh, when you say help others, I think sometimes people get confused and they think that they can help others without helping themselves or vice versa. Could you talk about that a little bit? Like those two things. Yeah. Um, in order, I'll give you an example. One of the things that I love doing is I had a certain goal for last year to donate it to non-for-profits and this year I want to increase that, but I can't just do that because of my sheer willingness.

I need to be able to. Have the revenues to justify that, to be able to do that. So just to answer your question, yes, I need to be stronger on, on the producer's side to be a better philanthropist, but at the same time to help others, I want to be able to, and I have been connecting them, making introductions.

What's important to you for instance, who can I introduce you to, that can essentially elevate your production and your, uh, revenues, uh, uh, that much. And so I just want to give a testimonial cuz we had a conversation. We were supposed to do this interview yesterday, I think. And I dropped the ball a little bit.

And, but what we did at that time was we talked about some ways we could help each other. And you brought a lot of value to me. You gave me that input and that advice about joining a chamber of commerce and you were looking for. For nothing from it. So I just wanna give that testimony to you. I really, really appreciate that.

So thank you. And that's the testimonial for what you just said. So thank you. You're welcome. So next is what's the best compliment that you've ever gotten. Um, just

being, just being generous really and thoughtful that's uh, nowadays consideration is really not as common, um, as we should. Be seeing and hearing. So generosity and thoughtfulness was definitely goes, uh, uh, a long way. Would you say there's ever a point where you were too generous to somewhere? Oh, absolutely.

Um, at one point there was a, an instance where I was way too generous and this individual took advantage of that. Um, and I realized I can do one of two things. I could stop being generous and completely change my personality and do more harm to my, myself and others around me. Or I could. I learned I'm taking something away from this individual, from this situation, but I am not gonna allow that individual to change my personality and I'm just gonna continue plugging away and plugging forward.

Okay. Would in your perspective, right? Cause I, I struggle with this a little bit myself. Sometimes I could be, be too generous. When do you realize that you're being too generous? Like what's the light bulb that goes off like, okay, I need to stop. I need to pull back or I need to change something here. Two strikes the first strike when someone really, you know, When you, when you're sit looking at that situation, how would a, a typical individual do it?

Is, was there any intent? Um, I usually give a benefit of the doubt to that individual. And then, uh, the second time it happens, that's it. Okay. All right, we're gonna move on to the next question. If you could go back and give your 18 year old self one piece of advice, what would it be? uh, I would say buy a duplex or a Plex.

Don't wait. does. So let me ask you, uh, does it matter what market does it matter? What price can we talk about? Some details on buying that duplex? How should we buy it? Each person has their own vision of, uh, where, how, um, it doesn't really matter. Um, I didn't know what my vision was gonna be when I first bought my duplex, but when I saw a second acquisition and a third acquisition, I started to see a pattern.

Um, and then you could always either deviate from that pattern or continue to move forward. So you may, don't wait to see a pattern, just make, do actions. That's. Okay. When you, when you say, when you talk about that pattern of purchasing that duplex, what was it? Is it a positive pattern? Negative. And what was that pattern?

Uh, in terms of, uh, the location in terms of, uh, was it an, a property, a B property or a C property or, and tenant. So again, too many people start overanalyzing a particular property and what it may potentially do for them, but again at 18, just by anything. And learn from it and see where, uh, it goes. So you mentioned something that always comes up and just entrepreneurship in general analysis paralysis.

Do you have any insight or input on how to kind of get over that analysis paralysis?

I see that quite a bit, both from, uh, first time homeowners that want to for occupants, as well as investors, they talk about various ratios, cash on cash return and all these different things. And they become experts at all the, all the terminologies. Uh, but unfortunately, uh, that's all they become. And, uh, I say, Don't worry about the terminology, keep things simple and, uh, get your toe in the water, you know, then get your ankle in the water and, uh, do it conservatively.

There's there are conservative ways of doing it and, uh, get someone to help you and hold your hand, someone that you could lean on with a text or a call at 10 o'clock at. Who, so you, you, you answered that perfectly because I wanted to next ask you about like mentorship, coaching. Like, what's your perspective on that?

On the real estate, uh, realtor side, I absolutely adore helping and holding hands. Um, I do have, uh, colleagues that lean on me on that respect. They in turn helped me with other things that I can't get my. You know, enough time to handle. And on the client side, I have folks that are recent college graduates.

Um, I have, um, physicians that have been physicians for over 30 years and all walks of life. Folks that want to just Jake, I have a question. I have a concern, whether it's a one off text message or a phone call, it, it I'm always available. Thanks. I appreciate that. And, um, could you talk about networking because that's we met, we met networking, right?

We met through some local R groups. Could you just talk about the importance of networking and how it has influenced in your life? Absolutely. Um, I belong to probably five networking groups. Uh, some of which are either on a weekly basis, others on maybe on a monthly basis. But what it allows me to do is help.

Each and every single person in that particular group to be connected to others. And people tend to see me with other groups and they always ask me if I have a recommendation on this particular specialty or that specialty. So to be able to be a networker, it has been quite instrumental, um, in, in both on the real estate side, uh, as a realtor and then also as an investor, because now those.

Clients or potential clients lean on me and say, Hey, can you assist with something that, uh, may need another channel? Thank you, Jake. I appreciate that. So we're coming up on the closing table. I got, uh, three questions for you around that. Right? So the first question that we have is what are three movies you'd recommend to the audience and why?

Ah, you know what? There's so many awesome movies. Um, but really the only one that stands out I would say is. Glen Gary, Glen Ross. Um, I, you know what, anything sales oriented you definitely wanna, yeah, you definitely wanna see, although it is an extreme of EV of any, um, of any sales, uh, Atmosphere. And that's how sales folks get their bad reputation if you would, but really having an understanding of, uh, what salespeople do and how they think is, uh, quite important.

And to be able to relate to your consumer. Okay. So with that, uh, since we only had one movie, are there any books that you would recommend to the audience going back to, um, sales? I've always enjoyed Zig Zeigler. Okay. Um, him knowing, um, and caring about his clientele. Uh, no matter whether it's 20, 30, 40 years ago, it still resonates the human connection.

I, I highly encourage, uh, those, uh, that really want to learn how to truly connect, um, with others, um, in the sales and non-sales environment. Thank you, Jake. I appreciate that. And I wanna give you a compliment. You are very concise, right? Concise. So you're to the point. I like that. Appreciate that.

Absolutely. So next question that I have for you, and then we got one more after, right? What's one question you wish I'd asked you and how would you have answered it? Huh?

Um, you've. We, we got everything did a good job. I can't, yeah. I, I can't think of anything else that, uh, I would, uh, that I would add. Okay. Jake, I appreciate you. The final question that I have for you is where can we learn more about you online? Feel free to reach out to me either LinkedIn or just as Jake real estate.com.

Um, you can, uh, anywhere pretty much from Instagram, at realtor, Jake Toberman. Okay. Um, anytime you have any questions, thank you, Jake. I really appreciate that. And we'll get all your links inside of the show notes, and then we'll kind of proceed from there. Jake, do you have any final closing statements?

one of the biggest things that I always try to share with others that lean on me for questions. And as a resource, when tomorrow comes and you look back at today, will you have any regrets? So if you have a regret, go do it. Got it. Because the worst thing in life is, uh, having those regrets. What, what, what could have been, and, uh, I'm not willing to settle for those, uh, feeling.

Jake really appreciate you. Thank you so much. Um, that, that wraps up our questions and we'll put everything in the show notes. Um, appreciate, you would love to have you back in the near future. Thank you for having absolutely.

All right. Uh, let's see.

Okay. Done.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Real Estate Marketing Implementation Podcast (The REmarketing Podcast)
Real Estate Marketing Implementation Podcast (The REmarketing Podcast)
Real Estate, Marketing, and Implementation Perspectives For Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Coaches, and Real Estate Investors by Jerome Lewis

About your host

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Jerome Lewis

Jerome Lewis is the author of the book REmarketing - Insider’s Secrets of Successful Advertising, Lead Generation, & Marketing Implementation For Real Estate Entrepreneurs.
He is also the founder and CMO of Digital Real Estate Strategy, a tech, and marketing agency that helps busy but serious real estate entrepreneurs implement, structure, and systematize their tech, lead generation, marketing, and business systems. Jerome has helped over 5000 real estate entrepreneurs from more than 40 states and 4 countries. Jerome has shared stages with some of the real estate industry’s best national experts including names ranging from Vena Jones-Cox, Krista Mashore, Marc Halpern, and many more.
Jerome is a bold introvert, father, and former IT professional. In 2021, Jerome won eXp University’s Instructor of The Year Award. He is also the host of the Real Estate Marketing & Social Media Mastermind, where he teaches real estate investors and agents tech and marketing implementation.