Episode 25

Joscilynn Stachowiak Rejoins Us to Teach Us How to Fit Healthly Living Into Our Busy Lives - Strategies, Tips, Ticks, And More!

We are so glad for Joscilynn Stachowiak to join us again to help you dial in your fitness, nutrition, well-being. What good is a thriving business if your health suffers?

Joscilynn is the founder and CEO of the Game Changer Academy. She focuses on coaching busy entrepreneurs and real estate agents. She is passionate about helping others live a happier and healthier lifestyle in way that is simple, effective, and flexible.

In this episode, you will learn some of her top approaches to nutrition and why "Diet" is a bad word for long term health. She will teach you the best way to approach adding fitness and activity throughout your day to help you with your fat loss and physical fitness goals.

You don't have to sacrifice your health and vitality. You can implement these strategies into your schedule and improve your overall health and well-being. You are your most effective when you are health. Don't wait. Try these tips and tricks today.

Get Joscilynn's Intermittent Fasting Guide Here



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We're live everyone. Uh, welcome to the remarketing podcast, where we focus on tech real estate, entrepreneurship and business leadership. My name is Scott slacker. I'm your host for this episode. And today we have a second appearance from someone who's been on this podcast before. We're happy to welcome back, uh, Joslyn to Hoak.

Did I say that right? Uh, but very, very close, very close, very close. Uh, you almost got it. Jo. Jocelyn's the CEO of game changer academy, which is online fitness academy, specializing in individualized and tailored, uh, fitness and health programs for realtors, agents, uh, investors, and high level professionals.

She's very passionate about helping people with very busy schedules, maintain a healthy lifestyle and nutrition and make sure they're staying active to keep their body and minds healthy. So Jocelyn, welcome back to the podcast. We're glad to have you on again. Uh, so if you want to, can you tell us what everyone you've been up to, uh, tell everyone what you've been up to, uh, since the last time you were on?

Yeah. Well, thank you. First of all, for having me back, I loved being on here and I always love, you know, bringing more and more value to those out there who are struggling to get their fitness in check as long as well as, you know, with their business, because it does get kind of difficult trying to juggle the two and finding time for that.

Uh, what I've been working on recently is some, uh, interesting new, uh, programs because summer is around the corner. So working on some programs that really help, you know, shed that summer weight, some of that, sorry, that winter weight, and also not spend hours in the gym, you know, um, nobody really has time to spend like more than an hour or two hours in the gym.

So finding very efficient ways to work out, get your nutrition in check and also lose that fat for summer because everybody's got those travel plans. We all have vacations coming up. Um, so it's very important to also have a plan while you're on vacation as well, so that we don't backtrack and lose all of our progress.

So that's just a few things that I've been working on there. Okay. That's that's, that's actually, uh, something really interesting. I wanted to ask, as you were, you were saying, I was thinking like, what is one of the, the biggest challenges you think for getting, uh, an efficient workout routine? And I know you work a lot with entrepreneurs who very much, especially in the real estate space have a changing schedule day to day.

I know for myself personally, I'll be working on something and then I'll get a message and I'll like, Hey, we need to jump on a zoom meeting now. And I'm like, oh great. Now I gotta shift this around. I gotta move this. And sometimes for us, it's hard to figure out, okay. Now when I get that 40 minutes, yeah.

45 minutes to an hour. And how do I make sure, uh, all that time counts? Like it's going to lead me towards the goals for my level of fitness. Yeah. Uh, that's a great question. So I always think of it this way. So, you know, we're gonna have busy weeks and we're gonna have, you know, not so busy weeks. So it's good to have, um, kind of like a plan B when it comes to your workout schedule.

Um, you know, that could go down to, you know, regular week schedule. I plan on working out four times a week, you know, I'm gonna split up the workouts, do like a push pool leg, or, you know, chest it in, tries back and bys split it up. However that is, but on your backup. Plan, um, just getting full body workouts in being very efficient.

Maybe you can only work two to three times a week on those extra busy weeks. Um, and then just have those full body workouts. So at least you're working out every single muscle, um, cause that's, what's important that you're working out all the muscles and uh, with those full body workouts. The great thing about it is you could, you know, really get a good workout in, in a short amount of time, like 15 minutes to 20 minutes to even 30 minutes, uh, depending on the type of workout you do.

So just having that backup plan like structure is the key here, right? Because okay. Our life has to be very structured to grow our business. So also having our fitness there, it has to be very structured. So having two plans, um, is something that really helps another thing would be to. Um, and I always tell people to when they first join J game changer academy is to track their time for a whole week, see where they spend time doing what, because you'd be surprised how much free time you could spare up when you realize that you're spending so much time on social media or, you know, watching TV here and there and finding out the time of the day.

That time is more in your control. Usually that happens to be in the morning. So maybe throwing your workout in the morning when you have more control over your time, um, maybe it's the evening, you know, maybe you stop working after a certain time and you don't have family and then you could do it cuz sometimes the evening time is family time.

Mm-hmm yeah. And doing that, uh, that could help too, obviously on those extra busy weeks, you know, more sporadic, it's gonna be more about making sure that you just get three workouts in minimum that week instead of setting your expectations so high so that when you don't reach that you kind of feel bad.

You're like, oh, I, I feel like I'm not gonna make these gains in my fitness because I didn't reach my five workouts this week. But you know, on those busy weeks, setting them your expectations a little bit lower, just like having like a standard, you know, um, that if I hit this standard, this minimum, I will be happy.

I'll be successful with my fitness and I'll be making progress towards it. And then, um, you know, on when you reach that standard or you go higher than you feel even more accomplished with your fitness schools. Does that make sense? Yeah, that, that definitely makes sense. I know I've been guilty myself of like I try to work out, um, Six days a week.

And right now I'm in a muscle building and strength training program that I follow. And I've sometimes have missed days where I'm like, oh man, and I'm down on myself about it. And then that can very quickly spiral and to you not getting into the next session, when you need to get your butt up and you need to get into that next session, even though you missed one, just like get up and keep on going, stay on the path.

Uh, so to speak, which you are right, is a huge point and something I've seen a lot of times, a lot of the same advice from other fitness, uh, professionals, which is usually your best times in the morning. If you can get up before everybody gets up, however, that's been a real struggle for me. Do you have any advice for people?

I mean, we struggle with getting up like, say 5:00 AM and then getting into the workout. um, yeah, just so. First of all, you wanna focus obviously on your sleep and priming yourself to go to bed at a certain time, um, get your body used to that. Just like your body has to get used to working out. And once you start working out regularly, your body starts to crave it and you just feel that need to get, you know, active, um, same thing with your, your sleep cycle.

So focusing on your sleep cycle, because then you can wake up earlier. Um, if you're not a morning person, I'm not a morning person. I work out in the evening or midafternoon I would say, yeah. Um, I don't know, my brain is awake in the morning and I'm like, okay, I could get a lot of work done. And I always feel like my body isn't awake in the morning.

So finding out those times as well, um, if you're just sporadically busy throughout the day, you could always, uh, break your workouts, your workouts up into smaller sessions. Um, if it's an hour workout, you could break it into 30 minutes here, 30 minutes there. Um, you could break it into three, uh, little sessions as well.

Uh, I know if it's just strength training, some people are like, well, you know, I need to go hard for that entire time. But like I said, as long as you're working out your entire body each week, uh, you will see progress versus not doing anything at all. Obviously, uh, you're gonna have those good weeks.

You're gonna have. Those bad weeks, but it's really just about getting the workout in sometimes, because like you said, if you, you know, feel bad that you didn't get the workout in and that carries on to the next day, and then you end up not working out for like maybe the next three days, and then you just kind of lose a lot of progress there.

So I think it's important that if you just break it out and then also just being active, finding ways to be more active, um, throughout the day, increasing your activity level. A lot of us, you know, we're sitting at a computer doing a lot of work. We need to find ways to be more active. So getting more steps in, um, just being mindful of that, sometimes just being mindful in general, you'd be surprised of all the creative ways that you pop up into your head of how to get more activity in.

You know, if you're about to jump onto a call and you have like 10 minutes before the call, maybe like get some pushups in, do like some dips. I don't know. do a little, do little workouts here and there. Maybe you have some dumbbells around you and you could like bust out a couple, uh, presses or anything like that to kind of get active, uh, hit workouts are obviously gonna be a great thing to utilize.

A lot of people love hit workouts. Um, and then even with hit workouts, those. This could be like 15 minute workouts and you could do those like four times throughout the day. And that's only 15 minutes. Like everybody's got 15 minutes to spare, you know? Um, it's not as scary as looking at as like a whole hour.

Uh, and then let's see any other pieces of advice. If you're someone who travels a lot, uh, having a gym that has multiple locations is gonna be something to definitely look at instead of just going to the same gym every single time. Sometimes it just works out better that way to have multiple locations, especially if you're doing showings and stuff like that.

Uh, and you're in a different part of town than you normally are in, you know, checking out having a game plan beforehand, like, oh, you know what? There's, um, this gym that I go to there, we have another location where around where I'm gonna be doing the showing. So bringing your workout stuff, you change your clothes in the car, having all that ready.

Okay. So preparation key, you mentioned, uh, doing hit to kind of compress time. I don't know if all of our listeners know what hit is. I know what it is, but would you like to explain it, just break it down briefly for our listeners. So they kind of understand things, not yeah. Uh, high intensity interval training.

That is what hit is. So that's when you see people jumping around doing all these crazy things, right. Um, burning a lot of calories. Uh, I know, depending on your goal, They could be structured differently. Uh, if your goal is fat loss, you know, you can be the crazy person jumping around, or if it's muscle gaining, it's more about just, uh, doing like, I would say a small little circuit, so like pretty much lining up, uh, different workouts back to back.

And you do one right after the other with the break after you complete each exercise and the break being like about maybe like a minute or so, just catch your breath and then go back and do it again, and then keep doing that for however many rounds. Um, there's different styles of hit, but to not overcomplicate it, just think about it as doing all these different types of workouts back to back, uh, without with minimal or no rest in between them.

So you could be doing, oh, let's see, like everybody hates burpees, but burpees are really like the best. They're the best to burn, uh, calories. They get your heart rate out fast. Oh my God. Yeah. But they, they really are. They, they burn the, the most calories per minute per ex for any exercise out there. So they do burn a lot of calories.

You could do burpees and then combine it and say, you carry around like some dumbbells or kettlebells with you, something, some sort of weight that's, you know, easily accessible that you could travel around with, do burpees, and then just do some squats, holding, you know, your dumbbells and the squats you could like.

Go into a press with it at the end, uh, work out the whole body. You go. It's always great to get total body workouts in whenever we're crunched for time, because it's just important to work out all the muscles versus, you know, neglecting anything because you wanna be, you only balance, you know, if you work out one muscle group more than the other, it kind of throws you off and have gives you bad posture.

And, you know, as we get older posture is more and more important, you know, so that we don't get all those aches and pains, um, and getting up and moving around is easier. So total body workouts utilizing that is definitely what you wanna do. Um, you could easily search hit workouts on the internet, or, you know, you would check out one of my social media pages and workouts there.

Yeah, sure. She'll show you how to do it. Mm-hmm I used to do, uh, when I came home from work, I used to do, uh, high knees and then 10 pushups, the high knees for 30 10 pushups. And I go like 10 rounds. So by the end of it, I've done a hundred pushups and I've probably been doing some high intensity for about 10 minutes, a little over 10 minutes.

And that, that was killer when I've spent weeks not doing it and then went back into doing it. It killed me. I'm like, ah, I can't do this. Yeah. um, it's intense. And, and the thing is a lot of people don't think about, um, you know, body, weight workouts are, they can really. Build muscle, depending on the variations you do.

Cause you see you do pushups. Well, imagine doing those pushups, but your, your feet are raised on something like a sofa. So now you're doing it at an angled position and now you're working out your upper chest and that right. Brings a different type of variation there. And, you know, depending on how you, instead of just going straight and like busting out as many as you can, as fast as you can, you know, focus on fighting gravity, uh, you know, bringing different types of intensities in there, it really helps, uh, you know, work the muscles out.

Yeah. I I've always loved body weight exercise because I don't go to the gym. I have my own equipment here at my place. So I have, um, an adjustable dumbbell set that goes from five pounds to 50. So I'll use those and I have a foldable bench, so I'm not hitting maybe the numbers that I would get. If I went to a gym, uh, before getting back into the string training, I was working on advanced calisthenics.

So I was doing tuck plan holds. I was doing a one tuck lover, and these are stuff that you would see at gymnasts do, but you could definitely challenge your body with just body weight alone, with some of these more challenging exercises. The thing I love about is you don't need a gym. If you're traveling, you can still make time in your day to do some of these harder variations.

Give yourself the workout you need. All of 'em are compound movements too. So they work more than one muscle group and you can get a full body workout. Pretty easily. I, I find that works for my busy schedule, although I did take six months off and I will say, and I don't know if you have experience with this, but six months of that without working out.

And my strength dropped, like I wouldn't believe, oh yeah. I was doing 50 pushups, easy. I had a hard time knocking out 10. Yeah. And then the, just the mindset of getting back into it as well is a challenge. It's uh, what did I read some study once or no, I learned this when I was in, uh, in college, uh, that women, if we take two weeks off, we lose about 50%, 40 to 50% of our strength gains.

Wow. Take one week off. It's yeah, two weeks. And for men it's like, I know, I know it's crazy. It's because we don't, uh, produce as much testosterone. It doesn't preserve muscle the way men, men do men. It's about like 20 to 30%. That's still a lot in two weeks. Mm-hmm like, that explains that Def. So I've been working my way gradually, and I would say that to anyone listening, you are not working out right now.

Don't jump into the heavy weights or the challenging exercises start small, please. Yeah. Um, and it really takes two weeks to get, get it back too. So it's, it's really, your body has a great way of remembering. How to work out if you worked out regularly. So getting it back, it's not hard. You just have to do it consecutively for two weeks straight mm-hmm and you'd be surprised how much you gain back.

So it's not a whole, oh my goodness. Like I'm never gonna get this back. I lost six months of progress. Uh, it's just your, your body kind of forgets how to do certain exercises. Um, the way I don't wanna overcomplicate it to the audience, but pretty much your brain has a way to communicate to the muscles mm-hmm and that communication, like it, it kind of forgets how to do that, but it picks it up real quickly within two weeks.

And once it could communicate to the muscles, then all your strength gains just come flowing back really easily. Okay. Yeah. That reminds me, there's a, a program in Navy seal created to double your reps on an exercise within two weeks. And it, it essentially was saying when he, he came up with it, by understanding when he was going through their hell week, they did a lot of pushups.

He's, you know, at the end of that whole period of time, he said, I got really good at doing pushups. Mm-hmm it was just your body got good at doing it. The other part is your muscles adapted and became stronger. So there's two sides to that where your body's getting good at it. And if you take your time off, your body is not good at it anymore.

And your muscles are. You're having to yeah. Go through both again, which is where I find myself today. But thankfully I'm doing it. Yeah. It's called, um, it's called neuromuscular adaptation. There you go. If you wanna know the, the science find it. I love that. I love that kind of stuff. I'm a big bias person.

I love that, that all that thing. I bring some of that, the acronyms up. Think that's something that's very confusing to people getting into fitness for the first time they hear acronyms like hits or doms or in neat mm-hmm and they like, what is this? And I like 'em I think they're cool, but it can be very confusing for someone to, and yes.

And then kind of going off of you' mentioned. Neat. So, uh, just something going off that, and that's more about your calories you burn when you're not doing when you're not working out. Just so y'all know, um, you know, your total calories that you burn throughout the day, exercise only accounts to about like five, maybe 10% of that.

So especially being someone who is busy and doesn't have the time to spend in the gym, like someone who, uh, just has all the free time, they need to dial in even harder on their nutrition. Um, more so than most people. And that's where you'll really see, you know, yourself reaching those fitness schools, whether that be muscle building or, or fat loss, you just really need to dial in on the nutrition and that's.

Kind of the secret behind it. Um, you know, with working out with the total body workouts, that's great. But really nutrition is the key, you know, they always say it's 80% and it definitely is. But more so for us. Yes. Yes. I'm so glad you brought that up. Something that comes up with people that I know very well.

Um, I, I let 'em know point blank when they start out a routine that you're maybe burning. If it's string training or hypertrophy training, you're maybe burning 300 calories, maybe four, if you're doing some high intensity cardio, it could be more and you can burn significantly more calories that way, but you have to get the, most of it is in your nutrition.

Like that's just, it's what you put in your body. I, there was an old say and it goes garbage in, garbage out. yeah. And then that's why I was saying, being mindful of your activity levels throughout the day. That's how you also raise that calorie burn throughout the day. Cause I think that's about 30%, uh, neat is what it's called non-exercise um, activity or something like that.

Pretty much when you're not working out the, the calories you burn from being active throughout the day from moving my hand to sitting here to, to anything. So finding ways to increase that because that's 30, about 30%. So, you know, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, uh, parking at the end of the parking lot, when you gotta go grocery shopping, um, Just little things like that really do add up tracking your steps, you know, that will add up as well, doing the, the pushups while you're waiting for a sales call.

you know, like busting out a couple right there, busting out a couple burpees here and there. Uh, it all adds up to your daily activity level, uh, raising. And that's what you wanna raise because if you actually track your steps, you'll see most of us, we're very sedentary. , we're actually pretty Sary yeah.

Behind a computer or a desk all day mm-hmm walking around the office, you know, finding ways to walk around the office. And, um, if you're in an office just being mindful, consciously aware of, huh? How can I be more active? What, what is something I could do to be more active right now? You know, things like that, just like you would when you're eating healthier and you're mindful of, you know, huh.

How can I, you know, clean up my diet a little bit? Oh, I'll take sodas out stuff like that. Little things like that, but more on the realm of the fitness side. Okay. So trying to add in, uh, personally I've done walking from the end of the parking lot for a long time. Now I am, I got outta shape in high school, like really bad mm-hmm

And at 19, I was like, whoa, what happened? I was always in pretty decent shape. I was in martial arts since I was six and competitive sparring. And my school's closed up about 16, 17, and I just kept eating. Like I was. Competing all the time. Mm-hmm and eating like a whole pizza to myself and, you know, you put on the pounds and you're just sitting there hanging out.

So I saw it. I was like, I gotta get back on it. So I started doing things like I cut out soda, cut out snacks. I started only eating whole foods and mm-hmm and I park at the end of the parking lot and walked those little things. It took me a long time to put it all together myself though. So do you have any advice for someone who doesn't maybe have access to a personal trainer at the moment or, and they're, they're trying to just figure out something to do.

Yeah. And just going off of that real quick, it's crazy. Um, you, I really wish there is better information out there that teaches us how we need to feed and move our body as we get older, because we have to do it differently as we get older, obviously, uh, when we're young, we could do anything. We could throw our bodies through hell and be perfectly fine and sometimes I'll watch like, uh, some of these athletes, the, the extreme athletes, um, okay.

Doing the crazy flips and stuff. And then I see them fall and I'm like, Ooh, you're gonna fill that when you're 30 yeah, yeah. I'm like, I couldn't do that now. I would never do that now, but you know, moving in, um, your body differently and feeding your body differently as you, as you age. And, you know, you could find this by finding a reliable source, someone who's credible, someone and just.

You know, following them, following their podcast, following reading their books, um, you could hire someone, a mentor, a coach, uh, just make sure that you do your research and they're credible. And that they're the, that you believe in what they believe in as well, because everyone has a little bit, um, different ways of teaching things and they, they're not wrong as long as it's not unhealthy, as long as you're not restricting yourself from something like someone's telling you, oh, you need to give up certain food groups or anything like that because you definitely don't like every macro carbs fats, proteins, they all have a purpose.

Mm-hmm . Um, but it's more about, do you believe in that type of lifestyle and does it fit your lifestyle? Like, for example, I don't teach, uh, keto, but I'm not against people who do keto the right way. Um, because I have done keto before and I have done vegan and vegetarian and all that, and they're all great, but they're just not, for me.

It's not the lifestyle that I want. So you need to make sure that you believe in whoever you're following, whoever you're seeking advice from that you believe in there are fundamental principles, you know, mm-hmm, , um, that's very important. Obviously there's so much information out there, so it's kind of like, yeah.

Hard to find someone you trust. So that's why I say, uh, you know, look at, you know, if they're a coach look at. Their client results. See how long they've been doing this, do your research, um, on them. Because instead of just looking at their body and being like, oh, I want that. And then that's literally as much research as you do, like really right.

Do your research on them because you, yeah. Someone like us, we can't fake it. You know, if we, we believe in it, we definitely can't fake it. Um, I've definitely seen some coaches or coaches, I would say more like influencers, um, who are now having legal things, brought their way because they get plastic surgery and they claim that it's, you know, fitness and stuff like that.

But if you actually look at their content, you know, versus just looking at their body and being like, wow, they look great. Like I'm gonna listen to them, but actually like read their content. You're gonna be like, whoa, I don't agree with that. Like this isn't, doesn't make sense. And just really looking at testimonials and things like that.

Um, just with anything you get into, you always wanna make sure you do your research right. Oh, absolutely. Um, and I I'll say this before. We, we move any forward too. Just so that way everyone knows listening. Anything we say on here, if you decide to go try it out. Number one, like Jocelyn said, do your research number two, check it over with your doctor, especially if, as you're getting older.

Um, because we're, I'm not a medical doctor. Um, not a practice. I know you were doing some premed stuff, I think before. Yes. You have more experience than I do, but always yes. always check it over. You have to put that disclaimer out there. It's like same thing with getting legal advice. I'm not a lawyer. I just play one on TV but, um, yes, but that's always important.

Always make sure that you, before you start any, even any fitness routine, even going to a gym that you always make sure that you are healthy, your doctor is cleared to you because, uh, I, yeah, I'm not a doctor either, but even if I was, I would still tell you to go to your doctor because your doctor, you have a relationship with and they know your history and that's the thing like, cause you know, you gotta, it's a relationship and your health is through an entire timeline.

So your doctor is gonna know exactly what you need. Um, versus someone new who doesn't know anything about you. So, um, Al you're you're totally right. Always go to the doctor, always go. I'll pull my earpiece out. That's alright. Um, so. You were talking about like some of the influencers, you know, they're promoting certain things.

What's something you see as a trend out there to be aware of, or to steer clear from like how would somebody who has no idea what they're doing. They're just getting into their research phase to see what resonates with them. What are some red flags that you would give them to look out for to, to kind of alert them?

at tells you to eat less than:

th feeding yourself less than:

Um, I even say is less, less than is definitely not something that you wanna search out for. If you feel like you're starving, like you start something and you feel like you're starving, or you feel drained of energy, you're not supposed to feel like that when you're feeding your body properly. Uh, you're supposed to feel good, obviously.

Giving yourself two weeks, because with anything new, we gotta give ourselves two weeks to, to really like, get used to it for our bodies to get adjusted to that. Um, you know, if you are a heavy soda drinker and you cut soda out, you obviously, you know, soda's not good for you. So if you cut soda out, you're still gonna have some sort of withdrawal and that's gonna take about two weeks.

So, um, our body normally takes about two weeks to adjust to anything. Now, after that two weeks, you still feel like sluggish, you feel like like crap, right? Mm-hmm and you're starving and it just doesn't feel good. Then listen to that, go off of that. Your body is communicating with you, your body can't communicate with you through words.

So it uses things like hormones and, and cravings and feelings to communicate with you. So really listening to your body and knowing that this doesn't feel right. Like it just, you feel like you're dying almost starving. and then also, also anybody that tells you that you have to give up a food group, like, and by food group, I mean, carbs, proteins fats.

Um, I wouldn't listen so much to that. Now you could argue, oh, keto says you, you can't have like so many carbs, blah, blah, blah. They don't necessarily give it up. They just limit it to a very, very small amount, but they're not giving it up. Um, So that's another red flag to look out for. Uh, I will say another thing is, uh, when it comes to weight loss, losing a lot of weight, uh, in a short amount of time is, is unhealthy.

Yeah. And that's not including like when you first start a program. Cause when you first start a program, you do lose a bunch of weight, but that's normally inflammation that we're hanging onto. And depending how unclean you were eating before, how much processed food you were eating before. Depends how much of that initial weight drop you'll have?

What is considered healthy is considered losing about one to two pounds a week, um, for fat loss for weight loss. So just keep that in mind, you know, you could lose maybe like 10 pounds the first few weeks, totally normal. But after that, it should come down to a slow, steady progress of about one to two pounds.

Um, anything more than that that's normally when you'll see. People end up gaining the weight back plus more after the end because your body, what it does is it thinks it's starving. So it starts releasing hormones to make you hungrier. And it's trying to fight against it. It's like, Hey, we need food. You know?

So then when you stop that, whatever you're doing, diet, you start eating and eating and eating and you gain it all back. Um, and that's when you see that, that yoyo dieting. So that's something to watch out for. Um, another thing are just, uh, really big claims because fitness and, and weight loss and even muscle gaining.

It's a, it's a journey it's, um, you know, it took you a while to get to where you're at. It's gonna take you a while to get out of that. Exactly. Yep. so there's no quick fix. Is that like, uh, oh, lose 10 pounds in one week by doing this supplement or something like that. Um, big claims like that are red flags.

I would do some serious research if you're looking into that person as a source of information and they're making a lot of large claims like that, start looking more into them and see how valid those claims are. Uh, before you start anything, before you put anything in your body supplements or whatever, mm-hmm , um, Just because a lot of those supplements that do end up making you lose a lot of weight really quickly, really quickly are not so great for your body in the long term.

Um, so it's always about long term health because nobody wants to get old and then end up being in a wheelchair for the last 10 years of their life. Right. Nobody thinks about that, but nobody wants that when we get there. Oh, oh exactly. Some of the, the pre-workouts things that I've seen, the stuff that's in them can be, uh, pretty, even if you used 'em for a long period of time, you were saying something earlier in there, and I'm glad you brought up when I was preparing for this interview and looking through your social media, see what kind of content you posted and you posted a video where you said, oh, you lost 10 pounds on this diet.

It was pretty much all water, weight and inflammation. I was dying because that's what I tell everybody. And the same thing when it comes to muscle building, if you've never trained before you, you might put on 10 pounds of muscle in a month, like if you've never trained before sure. Maybe gains right.

Newby gains. But after you've kind of hit that point, it's maybe a pound a year or two pounds a year to see like, just a little bit adding on, at least if you're doing it naturally and weight loss, I read the same thing. You about a pound two pounds a week. And it's, it's very slow. It's, it's a, it's a marathon.

It's not a race, but your body does adjust when you're eating a diet. That's good for you to shedding a lot of water weight as you were holding onto a lot of water and then inflammation. I'm wondering, have you ever heard of, uh, McKayla Peterson. Mm, I haven't. So there's a psychologist. Tell me more follow her daughter, his daughter, her name's Mikayla.

Uh, she has her own podcast as well. She eats strict carnivore. She had a very, very severe autoimmune condition where, so she did all inflammation. Her whole life had a hip replacement, several joint replacements before she was even 17. And she through her diet was able to basically cure it all. And she, for her, it was carni for everyone's a little bit different.

Mm-hmm um, what was she said in her journey with that? She dropped three pan sizes, but didn't drop weight cuz it was all inflammation, which surprised to me she went down three pan sizes in the course of, let's say a month or so, but when she weighed herself, she weighed exactly the same amount. So a lot of times you could be losing weight or losing size and it's just because your body's inflamed because of everything you're eating.

That that was a huge, like it blew my mind. I'm like really that extreme, that it's crazy how much our body will hang onto. Um, that's why it's always important to not base everything around the scale. Um, you know, doing the way you measure your progress should be how you look in the mirror. If anything, measuring a circumference with a measuring tape around your, your midsection around your chest, around your arms, around your, your waist, uh, your hips.

The areas that we tend to hold a lot of inflammation. Mm-hmm for women it's around the hips for men, it's the belly. And, um, I believe around the chest area as well. Mm-hmm so doing those kind of measurements shows you that, Hey, you know, I'm losing either inflammation, body fat and building muscle versus the scale because, um, if any of y'all have ever seen what five pounds of body fat looks like versus five pounds of muscle, it's a huge difference.

Muscle could five pounds of muscles about like this. I don't know if we're doing video or audio here, but it's about like maybe two hands, right? Yeah. Um, and then five pounds of fat is like, I don't even know it's, it's huge. I, I can't even describe it. It's like a Boulder. Like, it's crazy. Like the difference, you know?

So just remember that if you're also, you know, strength training, which you should be doing, uh, when you're losing body fat. So you're also putting on muscle at the same time. And the muscle is much heavier than, than fat is mm-hmm, , it's about the body composition than it is about the scale. Obviously, if you have a, a good amount of weight to lose, I would just not weigh in every day because your weight will fluctuate.

Mm-hmm depending on how much sleep you got, depending on how much water you drank the day before, how clean your diet was, it'll fluctuate. But what you wanna see is. Looking at it at a week to week view or a month to month view. And seeing that it's slowly decreasing that it's at, um, like if you look at it like a graph, like it's going down okay.

Versus every single day where it's going up and down, up and down, you know, does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. I think there's a lot of people, especially, I would say probably predominantly women who are really focused on their, their physical appearance that will look at the scale and obsess over the number every single day mm-hmm

My mother was one of those. She was overweight for a significant period of time and she struggled and struggled with losing and she was obsessive about it. Uh, where versus guys they want to get bigger and stronger for the most part. That's usually their goal. And to tune down some fat for, for men, I would say a great way to, to, um, you know, look at that when it comes to strength, gaining is to keep track of, you know, when you're working out, how many reps of what you did, your mm-hmm your weight, uh, cuz you wanna see that go up higher.

It's called your PR yeah. Your personal record. You wanna see that go up because that's showing you that you are in fact building more muscle because you're getting stronger. So you need more muscle there. Um, and then also you did say yeah, to gain, like I think what is considered really fast, uh, muscle gaining for someone who's been working out for.

I wouldn't say a lo mm. Maybe a like a year would be like one to two pounds a month. That would be really fast. But if you've been working out for a year, anything more like three years, it's gonna decrease me much slower. The longer you've been working out. Right. Absolutely. And we all have a genetic, so another thing for people to consider, we all have a genetic cap.

You're only going to get so far, you know, your gene tell you where it's gonna stop. And at some point you have to be okay with that. If you wanna be all natural. Yeah. And know there's guys that get involved in, I think there was, there was an interview I saw way back where there was a guy who thought most bodybuilders were natural, but then some were doing like steroids and he goes, no, they're pretty much all doing it when he got yeah.

And they take a, they take a whole bunch of supplements too. And it's, it's crazy the amount they have to take supplements for their organs to take supplements. crazy. They keep they're at organs, healthy too. Takes supple more supplements, you know? Oh my God, that's interesting. I was just at a body building, um, event this past weekend.

So just listening to all of them, they're like, oh, I need more liver supplements because they're your liver. You know, that's where all the supplements are filtered through your liver. Like I gotta get liver supplements to take so that I could take these supplements. I. Oh, my gosh, that's a lot. These guys, these guys' bodies are gonna be wrecked.

I mean, they know it too. They know they're, they're sacrificing themselves because they love the, the competition, which I don't think is healthy in the long term. Especially if you're a busy entrepreneur that probably shouldn't be your goal to look like that. Just looking good in the mirror, feeling like you have energy and being active and mobile, I think is probably it's all about.

Yeah. And you know, there's, there's extremes of it. Like, you know, eating disorders, you know, one extreme body dysmorphia, you know, the other extreme, um, you know, really taking care of your mental health. And once you learn to love yourself, all of the extremes, you're like, okay, I don't care if I look like the magazine person or the body builder, you know, as long as you look healthy and you feel comfortable in your own skin.

And obviously like you said, having the energy to keep up with this kind of lifestyle is very important as well. Yeah, there was, I was working in schools years ago. I mentioned before we jumped on that, I worked with, uh, disabled kids in, in the schools. And some of the, the kids that I worked with were, they were more mildly disabled.

They were in regular ed classes and there was a health teacher. I saw one year as the best health teacher I ever saw. He was big on both of the boys and the girls with disordered eating cuz this school district's, uh, main sport was wrestling. And wrestling some wrestlers get into some big eating disorder issues here.

Oh yeah. Eating a ton of pizza or they've got the trash bag on and they're only drinking water and not enough electrolytes. And then girls in general, because there's a, a big in the media. There's a big pressure for women and girls to look a certain kind of way or a reach, a unrealistic ideal. And he said, he said, eat the rainbow, eat whole foods as close to one process as possible.

And he said, go by how you feel in your clothes fit you because otherwise that's the stuff you're seeing on the magazines are that's unrealistic for the average person. Um, the majority of those people are paid to look like that. They focus almost all day on just looking like day look, he said, just go by how you feel your energy level, your clothes fits you.

Good. Then you're all right. You're feeling sluggish. I was like, that's good. And he was really on top of him about it. He said, you don't wanna lose another thing. He said, that was really cool. He said, you don't wanna lose weight. You wanna lose fat and you wanna build or strengthen and muscle mm-hmm . And I was like, I like this guy.

I really like this guy. yes, he's totally correct. Um, it's always about body composition, not about the scale. Um, and I've seen. How crazy those wrestlers get, I used to be a trainer for, for wrestling. So I've seen the crazy things that they do, and I'm just like, wow, that is so unhealthy. yeah. It's definitely gonna affect you on the long term and your metabolism.

It's gonna definitely slow as you get older because of that. So the main focus around anything should be health, um, not the, the fat loss and the whole getting your body to the physique that you want it to be at will come naturally. If you focus. Yeah. Anything you enter around health and what makes my body feel good.

Um, you know, if what what's making you feel good is a, a Reese one day having a little Reese one day, then have the Reeses. If you know, having vegetables, you know, is gonna make your body feel good another day, then have vegetables just don't restrict yourself because do you think that, oh, if I want to look a certain way, I can't eat certain foods.

That's so not true. It's more about. Over overeating than it is about anything else. Because if you notice, when you restrict yourself from, from your favorite foods, I don't even like to call them good foods or bad foods. I don't like the labels on that, but your favorite foods, uh, when you restrict yourself, then you overeat because you don't know when you're gonna have it again, you treat it like a last separate kind of meal and you just go crazy.

But when you allow yourself, you know, the freedom of no longer having the guilt associated with bad foods, quote unquote, um, mm-hmm then, then it kind of, you, you just stop when you, when you feel that you've satisfied that craving, like, I have candy like every single day and I'm perfectly fine. I'll have a Reese every now and then, cause I keep saying Reese, cause it's my favorite candy, but uh, I'll have a Reese.

And then I'm like, okay, that craving's done. I'm good for the rest of the day. And then, you know, after that, I definitely want to have something that makes my body feel good. As in vegetables, I love brussel sprouts. I eat them all the time and I, I just like it. It makes my body feel good. So just focusing on that, cuz obviously if you're having cheeseburgers three days, three days or three meals a day, uh, you know that you feel bad after your energy's low mm-hmm and you just don't feel good, but you know that when you're eating.

Right. And you're eating good foods that you actually enjoy, then your, your body's feeling better and better, and you start wanting more of that, you know, focusing on, you know, just how your body's feeling versus, you know, how you should, how you think you should be eating, you know, like a diet. Like, I don't like diets because I feel like they're putting all, all these labels on things and all these rules on things, but there shouldn't really be any rules or labels.

It should just be about how you feel. Okay. Does that make sense? Yeah. Oh yeah, absolutely. I've I've not, I've not been a fan of diets for a long time cuz they seem to all, they seem to all do the same thing anyways and then people get on 'em and awful because they're not, they're not to that your lifestyle or how you like to eat where I naturally would intermittent fast.

Like mm-hmm so when I actually was doing it before it was called intermittent fasting and it came out and everyone's like, oh, you gotta do it. I just didn't eat breakfast. I had black coffee on the way in the work. Yeah. Like, so I, I didn't end up eating anything till about one, two o'clock in the afternoon.

That's that's kinda where fasting is. So you just prolong that fasting period after you wake up without, you know, eating anything that's heavy in carbohydrates or that would stimulate insulin and stuff like that. I just did it naturally. Same thing, like circuit training. I would do circuits, just kind of naturally cuz it fit through my day, but people will come out with a diet, like it's the, the next best thing.

And a lot of them do work because they make you. Consume fewer calories than you burn mm-hmm . So you're naturally going to have some weight lost on all of 'em and I, you can speak better to this, but I've always found consistency is the most important thing you're gonna stay with it. I prefer to call a nutrition or an eating plan.

Cause a plan, something, a diet, something you jump off of later on. Yes, exactly. Uh, whatever has a timeline on it. Like there's like, oh, I'm gonna do it for so many weeks. That's that's a diet, you know? And he is, I always call it your nutrition as well. I don't like the word diet, but yeah, no, really about it's all about sustainability.

What can you see yourself doing forever? If you start a diet, can you see yourself doing that for the rest of your life? If you can't, then that's definitely not something that you need to be to be doing. You just need to be eating based off of, you know, your body and your lifestyle and what works well.

Well, for it, I do intermittent fasting as well. It tends to work great for people like us that just don't have that time all. And I feel like it saves you time in the kitchen as well. It makes meal prep. Yeah, it definitely. And it makes meal prep so much easier. Um, it just fits well with our lifestyle. It, along with all the other benefits that come with, there's a whole mess of benefits that come with it about.

For our brain health and making us sharper and smarter. And that's things that we need, uh, you know, as entrepreneurs dealing with stress better because our brain is healthier. Um, so things that we need, like I said, as an entrepreneur, intermittent, fasting goes great with that, but it's not for everybody.

And that's totally fine if it's not for them, you know, just eating basically just centering your focus around whole foods, getting the process stuff out, you know, the closer it is to its natural state, the more nutritious it's gonna be. Just think about it this way. Each time something goes through a process it's getting stripped of its nutritional value.

So if it keeps getting processed over and over and over things like white sugar and white flour are heavily processed, there's almost no nutritional value to it. Mm-hmm so just remember that when you're looking at. You know, boxes of whatever that say organic on it, you know, yeah. The label, organic thinking, you immediately think it's gonna be healthy, but if it's a heavily processing, like organic potato chips, okay.

They're not gonna be healthy cuz they're potato chips and they've been processed so many times that there's no nutritional value. Maybe they use organic ingredients, but those organic ingredients don't have any nutritional value cuz there's just, okay, it's so processed, you know? Um, so just centering around whole foods is the best way to go.

And when you center your nutrition around whole foods, like I said, you're naturally, you're gonna feel that feeling that I keep talking about where I'm like, your body tells you, you know, what feels good and what doesn't. Um, like I said, center your nutrition around whole foods for like two weeks and you're going to feel exactly what I'm talking about.

Cause you're gonna have energy after you eat. Like I know some people, you know, they say they get really tired after they eat. Mm-hmm uh, you really shouldn't be getting super, super tired after you eat. I, I mean, if it's a huge, huge meal maybe, but if you have a very well balanced meal full of vegetables and clean protein and carbohydrates that are, are good for you not heavily processed carbohydrates, then you actually do quite the opposite and you have like a, a burst of energy cuz your body's like just got all these nutrients and it's like, oh I feel great now, you know?

So, uh, It's not until we have things that are high in sugars and high in fats. Do we start to get that sluggish feeling after we eat? Uh, you should, food should make you feel good. That's what it's meant to do. It's meant to nourish you. Yes, that's very, that's so powerful and that's something that we all need to be aware of when we go to the grocery store and we buy things.

If you're not getting, you know, an onion or garlic, you're getting something that's bagged or in a bag, chances are, it's had some kind of process to it. I did do, and I still do sort of a carnivore ish diet when I do eat for some, uh, gut health issues that I've had in the past that seem to cure it up. So I just I'm staying in the course, but I would try to find things that were friendly towards that way of eating.

And I'm looking at beef jerky and there's sugar in it. I'm like, uh, there's sugar and everything stuff that has no business having sugar in it. The food industry seasoning. Yeah. Natural flavors. Mm-hmm, , they've found a way to sneak in sugar and I'm like, how would, I mean like beef jerky, like it's salt, it's pepper and seasoning, and then you dry age.

It, I mean, if you want sugar, like you're doing chicken teki is like the marinade or you're doing teki is the marinade. Okay. Then I see it, but like pepper, salt, and pepper. There's no business to have sugar in there. It's actually hard. I feel. It's harder nowadays to find jerky that doesn't have sugar in it.

Yeah, it really is. Cuz I've tried to find that too. And I have to like go to special health food stores to get jerky. That's like just jerky but yeah, there, I mean the less ingredients, when you look at nutrition, labels, less ingredients, the better, if you can't pronounce something that's in it, it probably shouldn't be in there.

yeah, that was, that was a big one. And you mentioned them like every time they process, there was something that was on a long time ago, they were talking about Kellogg cereal where they made Kellogg cereal. Then they realized there was no nutritional value. So they ended up having to artificially add nutrients into it.

Oh my goodness. I did not know that they, or it might have been, cereal's a hard one. Cause I know a lot of people like cereal, but y'all cereal is really process . Yeah. But I, I do get cereal every now and then, because like I said, I don't restrict myself. I, you know, life is meant to be enjoyed. We could have processed foods every now and then just don't sinner everything around the processed foods.

So I like that, that KHI cereal. Oh yeah. KHI Kashi. Yeah. KHI is good. They're high protein too. And I like that a lot about that. Um, cause I always feel like, you know, people who work out a lot, we're always like trying to get more protein in. Yeah. Cause it's always hard to get pro protein in really. But um, and I, I do say that I don't.

Like I said, I don't restrict myself, but I do limit certain things like sugars and dairy, for example, too, dairy's one that I definitely limit, um, things that are packaged. Like you said, they got preservatives in there and you want to limit preservatives, uh, just go to the deli and get your meat taste better anyways, when it's fresh.

yeah, definitely. I, I typically go to the, just the outside aisles. I'll go to the butcher section, get whatever cuts of meat or ground beef for chicken or whatever. Mm-hmm , you know, sometimes I'll throw in vegetables or if I'm cooking for other people, I'll cook something. That's more normal. I end up eating my own cooking.

yeah. And you know, another thing that a lot of people don't think about are the frozen foods actually, um, frozen food has come a long way and I'm talking about vegetables by the way. Okay. Not just like egos or anything like that. Um, frozen vegetables have actually come a long way and being able to preserve.

The food and keep the nutritional value. Cause that was always a big thing for a while. Yeah. So they, they typically, you know, freeze it right on spot. So it stops the, the process of the food. Um, let me say deteriorating from oxygen and losing nutritional value over time. So if you're someone who's just like, oh, I don't have time to chop all my vegetables and do all this and that, you know, just get some frozen vegetables or the pre chop stuff.

This is pre chop stuff, but I know that is a little bit more pricier. So then frozen vegetables are a great tool to use as well. Um, and you just throw that in focus on like one pot recipes, one pan recipes. So you don't have the dirty all these dishes and yeah. Feel like you're Betty cracker in the kitchen with all this food but, um, yeah, just frozen vegetables are great.

I wouldn't really necessarily go towards frozen meats, but frozen vegetables are great. Okay. That's good to know. So if anyone wants to get, make sure they're getting their vegetables in there, you don't have a lot of time before you, you can get home to cook those things. You can get your frozen vegetables.

They'll be good for a lot longer than if you

that's definitely good. I eat a lot of vegetables before going onto his diet and that's one of the things that I did and are relatively cheap for a pack of frozen vegetables. You're cut up broccoli like a dollar and change. You get a couple packs throw 'em up in your feet. Yeah. I don't know how you do carnival or carnival is expensive.

specific carnival. I find, I find cheaper cuts of meat. Like I'm not eating. Yeah. Like, you know, they do like ribeyes and T-bones, I'm not doing that. Like it's like chuckling. It's like, it's cheaper. It's ground beef that I do or eggs. I'm big on eggs, which are relatively inexpensive. Oh, I love, yes. I love eggs when I, uh, went plant based.

I, I did vegetarian just because I couldn't give up eggs. I'm not strict, like, like other people are, but it has helped my, my medical doctors didn't know what was wrong with my intestinal health. I said, let me try it. And it worked. So I said, okay. But like, I went out with my friend yesterday and we had Chinese food.

So I had rice and broccoli and Sesame chicken. Yeah. You know, I'll make a sense, everybody. Everybody's a little bit different, you know? Um, like you said, follow your doctor's orders first, but for the general population, um, getting your whole foods in is where you wanna go. Obviously there's gonna be people here and there that need a little bit different dietary, um, guidelines to follow, but for most people just centering it around whole foods.

And, uh, something you said taking care of your gut, your gut health is super, super important. That should also be a primary focus as well. Um, just as health in general because our gut is. Where we absorb all the nutrients. So if we don't have a healthy gut, we're, we're absorbing bad things as well, along with the good things.

So , we, uh, we wanna have a healthy, uh, gut. Yeah, definitely. I got a question. So you, and I really love that your, your whole approach to nutrition, which is you 85 to probably 95% of most of at least your fat loss in your body composition, the rest is supported by your training to definitely get your, your training on point.

But I love the fact that you're not about deprivation something I learned and psych, and that's my background was somebody called dietary restrain, where you were studying about, uh, eating disorders. So we studied, you know, bulimia and REIA all that stuff. And we studied this thing called set point, which is the body's natural tendency towards one weight.

The other thing was called dietary restraint. And that is exactly what you talked about before. So if you restrict yourself too much, you will go almost to an equal and extreme opposite once you do. And so it's been shown so many times in studies that that depriving yourself of something you enjoy eating will just almost guarantee you're gonna overindulge when you get the chance.

So how do you mitigate that? Like how do you set it? Cuz I know for me, I love carbs. Like I'll eat an entire pot of rice. If you give it to me with some soy sauce, I'll eat the entire thing and enjoy it, then I'll feel tired and sluggish afterwards. But how would you. Work that into your nutrition without feeling the urge to overdo it.

Does that make sense? Yeah. Um, so what I like to do is something that's called, if it fits your macros. So I go okay into macros. Um, everybody's, body's a little bit different. Everybody needs different macros and your macros are essentially how many calories cards, proteins fats that you should be eating.

And, you know, like I said, everybody is a little bit different. I wouldn't be eating the same thing as you I'm sure. Cause I'm like a five foot, three girl. Right. And so I'm little and I'm a female and I have maybe a different type of lifestyle than you. Maybe I'm more active, maybe I'm not, I don't know.

But, um, all that comes into play. So once you find out your numbers, then, you know, just, um, staying within that range, uh, it's really easy to do, uh, with my clients. I will find their numbers. I'm like, Hey, just, uh, let's hit and we'll work on different things at D. Periods of time as just their goal. I normally start them off with their goal, just, Hey, let's just, you know, hit your calorie goal.

Okay. And let's focus around having whole foods as the majority of our foods. If you wanna have a treat every now and then that's fine. But you notice once you have those numbers there, you can't really, uh, afford with your, with your calorie number to have these treats because they tend to be hundreds of calories.

So then you're like, well, if I'm getting my three healthy meals in a day, uh, that gives me so many calories left over. And if I wanna have a treat, it's gotta stay. It's gotta be like, you know, a hundred calories or 200 calories. And maybe that's just like a piece of candy or something like that. And then you're good for the day.

So you kind of weigh it out and you kind of learn over time. Obviously there's gonna be a learning curve. So having some sort of accountability there, um, is really great so that you just stick to it. Cause that could be with anything new, you know, there's that learning curve. And then you wanna give up when you feel like you're not doing perfect and it's not about being perfect from the get go.

It's about just with any kind of tool, anything, any new skill that you learn, the more you do it, the better you become at it. So after a period of time of eating in this kind of way, based around what your body needs, uh, you kind of subconsciously remember, cuz you know, it takes to like we would say. 21 days to create a habit 90 days to create a lifestyle for at least 90 days, do that eat in that kind of way.

And it's you kind of just remember and you know, how it feels to be properly nourished with protein, carbs, fats, calories, et cetera. Um, I, I don't, like you said, I don't throw like my clients or myself into a huge deficit. I do something small because you do need a deficit to lose weight. Um, that's just how it is, but you don't have to go to the extreme to where you're starving yourself.

You could do it in a very small amount to where you're losing weight. And that set point that you're talking about, uh, that can be moved a little bit in a healthy way. Mm-hmm so when you go and you put yourself in a deficit, a small deficit, you're able to reset that set point lower and lower versus being in too much of a deficit, you lose too much weight, you're eating too few calories and your set point, hasn't had time to slowly decline with, you know, your new body weight, that, okay, then your body starts releasing more hormones like grillin, which is your hunger hormone.

And it's just like, we need to eat . Yeah. Or it might slow your metabolism down and thinking that you're, if you do it for an extended period of time, like, I don't know. Um, Maybe like a couple months, like two, three months, and you're at this extreme deficit and you're just powering through, even though you feel like you're starving, then your metabolism will slow down because your body's like, well, the grillin isn't work.

The hormone isn't working to get you to eat more. So maybe we are really starving and maybe we need to start preserving, um, body fat because we don't know when the next meal is gonna be. So then it starts slowing down your metabolism and it's a totally normal, healthy thing that our body does. I mean, look at us back when we were hunters and gatherers, we didn't know when our next meal was, you know, when we were chasing game.

Sure. So we had to slow down our metabolism to preserve body fat. Um, but we're no longer like that. So we don't need to eat like that. yes. Oh absolutely. The same thing goes with, with mental health stuff. I talk with people about our brains are still trying to survive, you know, being chased after a, save our tooth tiger and not eating for dates.

We don't live in that world anymore. We have, we have a grocery store we can walk to or drive to, you know, we hopefully have a job that affords us the ability to buy the food we need. You know, we're relatively safe, you know, there's no wild animals coming after us.

Uh, yeah. Yes. Um, yeah, it's definitely. Definitely to do it little by little. I love that. Uh, one thing I think it's definitely important to, and I love how you put this out in your content too, is be realistic. And what your expectation is that that one pound a week is realistic. Mm-hmm, , don't expect to drop a lot of weight fast.

It's not healthy for you. There's an analogy that that was out there. I, that it's really cool for. It was that your body is like a ship on the ocean and a ship. Doesn't just make a hard turn right away. It gradually starts to turn and turn and turn until it's going and it's new direction. And that's what you gotta kind of do with your body.

Your body will start to drop the fat build muscle. Mm-hmm , you know, as you continue to, to eat the way that's good for your body. And then, and as you continue to, to engage in the activity, that's good for your body to help strengthen and, and condition it. Um, I have absolutely thinking. I was asking, cuz I was thinking of asking you as well, because I know you work with these entrepreneurs.

Do you see that a lot of your clients have mobility issues, especially like in their hips, their shoulders or posture? Mm. If anything, it's mostly, um, because a lot of them actually, when it comes to real estate agents, they're walking a lot. So they do get some posture problems there, but really it's just, uh, in their lower back.

and that goes more to the hamstrings because they're standing so much, their hamstrings are tight, so they need to stretch out their hamstrings, their calves. Um, I would say women who wear heels regularly, you definitely need to stretch out your calves because that muscle is shortened, just because of the heels.

Mm-hmm, that throws off the rest of your posture makes you not be able to get into a deep squat correctly. Um, because of that, I know some people who are at a desk a lot, they kinda get that, that hunchback the, the nerd back or whatever they have, or the nerd neck, nerd, neck. Yep. I think it's called whatever they call it nowadays.

I don't know. Um, that really, you just need to remember when you're sitting for extended periods of time being mindful every now and then like just standing up, get a couple stretches in, touch your toes, stretch your back out. It goes a long way. You think like, oh, that little thing, I'm not getting a deep, deep stretch.

It's not gonna do anything. It really does, uh, a lot and stretching first thing in the morning too, for anybody. Because just like, if you're sitting at a computer for hours, your body is getting used to being in that position, you know, you're sleeping. Uh, sleeping is like a workout too, cause you're just in that position for hours.

So you need to stretch your body out from. However you sleep. We all have our weird sleep positions. So just think about that. If you're standing or sitting in that position for a long time, like what, what does that do? I know for myself, like I sleep weird. Like I sleep in, like, my legs are like the figure four.

So like one leg is like, I'll point it. So my, whenever I stretch my legs, one leg is always looser than the other. Oh. And when it's really tight. Yeah. And it kind of throws off my, if I didn't stretch regularly, um, sometimes I have those periods of times that I don't, I could feel it like my hip are thrown off and I feel it in my lower back and you know, our whole bodies are connected.

So when one thing is not aligned, it affects the rest of our body. So let's say that your upper back is, um, you know, your it's hunched because you know, you're just outta computer all day. So that's throwing off the rest of your body. Therefore, you know, your abs might be really tight. Those need to be stretched out.

Your, your legs might end up being, um, you know, tight as well, like your hamstrings tight because you're sitting in that position. And this affects when you do any kind of regular movement throughout the day. You know, if you just go to pick up something the wrong way, that's when people like really end up hurting themselves.

Like you see. Crazy injuries from just picking up a kid or, or picking up something off the ground, just because their bodies are not, you know, aligned where they need to be. One muscle is tight, one muscle's loose. When you think about it, like this way, if the back of you is tight, the front of you is gonna be loose and, you know, vice versa, right.

Uh, it all needs to be aligned. So yoga is super important. It's something that a lot of us definitely don't focus on and it doesn't even have to be like some crazy yoga session where you're like upside down or anything like that. just some basic stretching, you know, five minutes in the morning, five minutes in the evening goes a long way, uh, for just your overall, you know, health getting up, not having those aches and pains, uh, when you're moving around and I, it becomes more and more important as we age as well, which kind of goes into just recovery in general.

Oops. Sorry. I'm getting all these notifications. Okay. Uh, just recovery in general, as we get older. We need to focus more and more on recovery and recovery. I just mean getting proper sleep so that our body can recover from the workouts, from our Workday, uh, stretching, breaking up, you know, all that stress, all the lactic acid that's in our muscles.

Um, some people they have access to a sauna. Those are amazing. Um, getting the blood flow going because when our muscles are tight, when we're having bad posture, you know, those tight muscles it's we have a bunch of what's called lactic acid built up in there. Mm-hmm and it actually, it forms in what we call knot.

Right? Little balls. That's actually little balls of lactic acid. And when there is there, is that like the attention you feel or you feel down like you're usually for me, it's like the back or neck. Yes, exactly. Okay. Uh, sometimes when people are working out, they're like, oh, I feel that knot or something like that.

And they try to break it up. It's a ball of lactic LACT. Oh, I can't talk lactic acid. OK. And, um, what will happen is one that's there for a very long time. Our, our body actually starts to form differently. Muscle grows around it and wow. That's when. We really start feeling the posture problems because our body just, you know, it's growing differently now, especially when you're working out.

And if you work out regularly and you don't break up those balls, you're building new muscle around all this, all this old lactic acid that hasn't been broken up. So that will give you more posture problems in the future. So that's something definitely to, to focus on is recovery. And then also when we have all these walls of lactic acid, it kind of messes with our blood flow to that muscle.

So, okay. Yeah. That makes sense. We wanna have mm-hmm so we wanna have proper blood flow. So recovery is just about getting our body aligned, where it needs to be, um, having that proper blood flow because having proper blood flow is super important. That's how our body carries nutrients all throughout our body.

So to be healthy, we need to have good blood flow. Okay. There's something I saw. Maybe you can explain it to me, that roller trend where people are rolling their muscle. Is that similar to what they're trying to do too? Like break up that? Not with like, they use like a foam roller or yeah, those are amazing.

I love them. I've never tried it. I've always wanted to try. I see people do that with like their, you know, their legs and I don't know how to do it on the rest of your body. I've seen 'em with the lats and like rolling their laps on it. well, I've gotten the knots before. I didn't think about like your muscle growing around the knot and actually affecting the way you move.

Like that's kind of oh, yes. I mean, it makes sense when you actually think about it, but it's something you don't think about until it's like brought up. You're like, yeah, if it's just there and you're building more of them and more of them, of course the muscle fibers are gonna grow differently around them.

Cause they're just sitting there. But, um, yeah, the foam rollers, they're really great at targeting knots that are deep down. Usually they're used on, um, muscles that are big muscles, like your legs, just because it's hard to really get deep down in there. Um, the back tends to be an area that a lot of people do it just because we, we get a lot of tension there.

Tension also forms, um, these bottle of back to acid, by the way as well. Um, so the back is always an area where a lot of people hold a lot of tension. So yeah, absolutely. It's great at just breaking it down and when you do it, um, let's say you're foam rolling. Cuz there is a correct way to foam roll and a lot of people don't think about it.

They just roll like wherever. Uh, you're supposed to find one of those little areas of lactic acid, the, the tense areas that kind of hurt a little bit, but in a good way. And once you find that area. For about 30 seconds, you just wanna shimmy over it, go back and forth. And, um, you're pretty much, you know, breaking it up.

That's the goal. And you do that for about 30 seconds then, you know, you'll feel the difference. Like you'll feel a little bit looser, um, might be something that you have to continually work at if it's been there for a good amount of time and you haven't really focused on breaking up the lactic acid in your back.

Um, but I will say that if you do a good session, just breaking it up and you feel like you made some serious progress on, you know, all that, all the, the muscle fibers and breaking up the lactic acid, make sure that you drink a lot of water afterwards because okay. Um, it's excreted through our urine, so, oh, it will make you lactic acid.

It makes you feel sore. So we want to flush it outta the body as fast as possible so that you don't feel very sore. So drinking, lots of water, flushing, water, you drink lots of water after. Yeah, good. Good to know. Cause I would do it and not do that. I drink a lot of water anyway, so probably would end up okay.

Just because it's a habit. Yeah. But other people on the other hand, they might end up hurting afterwards, but you gotta drink a lot of water anyways, because you're on carnivore also. yes. And electrolytes too. Uh, that's the other thing. Yeah. Uh, so salt I'll do, um, EPSO salt bass cuz it's magnesium so that I get absorbed into the skin.

Same thing. There's a no salt, which is potassium chloride. So I get potassium that good. That's really good. Yeah. I try to make sure all of that's are, if not, sometimes I'll break it and drink. Uh, you ever see body armor? Uh, it's like a sport drink. There's supplement, right? It's a sport drink. It's it's kinda like in the Gatorade aisle, but I think it's better in Gatorade because it wanted lot better than Gatorade yeah.

Yeah, definitely. Oh yeah. Um, it's it base coconut water. Oh, that's nice. And there's no way of sugar. So coconut water is really great. Water is great. Cause I like coconut water and that, in my opinion, when I saw the nutrient profile on it, I was like, why aren't athletes drinking this instead of Gatorade, potassium, sodium, you know, sulfur magnesium, like is loaded with electrolytes.

Yeah. mag like, like this is way better than the, like the 2% of your daily value potassium. You get preserving of Gatorade and then all the sugar. Yes. And it's, uh, much more natural, uh, when things are natural versus added in there, you know, you might be like, oh, the Gatorade has all this like added nutrients.

Well, our body, our body just, uh, absorbs and processes, things that are natural, much more efficiently than things are added in that are not natural. Yeah, totally. Abso absolutely like, cuz it's you were talking about before the more processed it is, your body's not used to what that is. That doesn't know what it is.

So it tries to figure it out and sometimes it ends up just turning into waste and that you either end up peeing it out or whatever in the bathroom and that's it. Or you sweat it out later and it never actually goes into your body to be used. But some of the, the sources of magnesium we use are the, on our multivitamin, you go get an over counter multivitamin adult formula.

You look at the magnesium in it. It uses, uh, magnesium oxide generally. And I looked it up. The absorbability of magnesium oxide is less than 2%. And I said, OK, well, how much of, of our daily value is in there? And it's like 2%. I'm like, so you're getting less than 2% of your daily, magnesium from your multivitamin.

So you need, you know, fish would probably be a good source. You know, other vegetables that are leafy greens. Yeah. Net green, leafy green, spinach, kale. I haven't had kale, mushrooms, mushrooms. I love mushrooms. I love mushrooms. Uh, nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds. Yeah. That's another, that's another weak point for me.

I would eat a whole jar of it. I would go through like almonds, cash wouldn't even cash is you go through like walnuts, like it was nothing and they're super high fat. And then I'm you end up putting on the calories, but yeah, I love, I love nuts. They're always a good source. Uh, Brazil nuts too. I heard are really, uh, healthy for you.

Oh, yes. Their high in selenium, which is great for your thyroid. Yeah, definitely. Uh, so someone else I was thinking about too, um, in preparation for this was like performance of exercise. We talked about adding more activity. That's something that I think everyone should do. Uh, David Goggins had his thing where he was like, you know, put a pull up bar and the doorway, and every time you walk through it, do pull up and then go back.

Just finding ways of sneaking it in. But one thing I saw a trend. I don't know if you've noticed as well is where people aren't performing or showing the performance of the exercise correctly. And if you were to try to just do it on your own, you could end up in an injury later on, and I have a personal story, but I'll share with you after we get your opinion.

But I hurt my back essentially for doing the exercise wrong for over 30 years. oh, wow. but do you see that happening at all? Um, I mean, when I work out like myself at the gym, I see people performing things, a little funky mm-hmm and there's always like that hesitation, like, do I go up to them and tell 'em they're performing it wrong or not?

Because like some people, they don't like people who come off as a know it alls or anything like that. Um, obviously there's you could tell them in, in a kind way, but a lot of people, when they feel that you're just telling them, oh, you're doing something wrong. It goes in one ear and out the other mm-hmm , but.

It's always important to make sure that you're doing proper form with your workouts, especially the, the big lifts, but yes, just like you said, how you progress to bigger lifts like that, it's all progression. So don't go straight into the big, you know, dead lifts or even, you know, barbell squats. If that's intimidating for you, you want to get comfortable with something that is a similar movement.

Um, before you go to the bigger ones, because a lot of the times when people aren't performing things correctly, it's because they're not ready for it yet. Mm-hmm, , uh, they haven't built up the muscles for those big big movements, for example, um, let's say a, just a barbell squat. So when you have that big old barbell on your back and you're squatting down, um, if you haven't really squatted before, you know, there's gonna be certain things that are tight, like, for example, say the lady with the, the, the heels, um, she's got tight calves.

She can't get down to a full squat just because her calves are too tight. Now, if she were to work on squats, Starting off with body weight, squats, then dumbbells, kettlebells, whatever. And these calves end up loosening up and going to the proper form, proper range of motion before she got to the bigger lift.

Um, she won't hurt herself. So it's always good to start off small and making sure that you master proper form of that exercise before you move up to like the next level. Um, it's always important. There should be a little bit of whenever you try any kind of new workout or new, um, PR you know, weights or whatever, some little bit of hesitation there, like a little bit of nervousness, but nothing to where it's like, oh, I'm scared that I'm gonna hurt myself.

Um, right. Just to show that, you know, we are pushing ourself, we're still challenging ourself. So there's like that flight nervousness, but nothing to where it's like so nervous that you don't know if you're gonna make it or not do that workout. Um, yeah. Yeah, definitely. We don't want anyone getting injured here, please play it safe.

Yes, exactly. Uh, so always make sure that you've, you feel completely confident and you mastered it before you move on to the next thing. Like if you're just doing a Golet squat with a kettle bell, and it almost feels boring because it's just, you're so easy for you. Um, you know, one, you could either increase the weight.

Or you could change the reps or there's different ways to get these variations in, or maybe, you know, you're ready to do something a little bit more challenging. Um, don't be afraid to ask for help when you're at the gym from any of the personal trainers. Don't think that just because you're not, you haven't hired them, that they won't help you, they definitely will help you.

I'm sure. Okay. Uh, at any gym they wanna make sure that no one's getting hurt first and foremost. Yeah. You know, so don't ever be afraid to ask for help. I feel like in this society, it's almost like ingrained into us that if we ask for help, we're considered weak or something of that nature, but it's quite the opposite.

You know, those who ask for help, uh, you know, people who reach out and hire mentors, coaches, et cetera, those are the ones that really exceed in life. So asking for help is not a bad thing. Um, obviously there's YouTube videos and everything like that. I would still just, just ask, um, anyone at your gym who knows what they're doing a professional, if you're really nervous about something and you're not sure.

I mean, I even sometimes ask for other trainers to, to critique my form. If I feel like I'm not doing something correctly, if I'm going a little heavy on a lift, I'm like, Hey, like, I feel like I'm doing this right. But sometimes, uh, another person's point of view is, is great to have. So yeah. That's so powers something I learned and I'm still learning about, uh, entrepreneurship, cuz it doesn't just extend to athletics and, and fitness.

It's it's a lifelong principle that you just brought up to ask for help when you need it. Or you don't know something, even if you do know it it's like you were saying, you know how to do the lifts properly. But if you don't feel like it's quite, you know, you're doing a heavier weight, you go, Hey, watch me, make sure I'm doing everything okay.

Because we can't see ourselves from the outside to see that. And one of the, the fitness things that blew my mind, I didn't even think about when I started lifting heavy again, was that, uh, the bar path for squat should be straight up and down. And I'm like, I had no idea cuz I figured you just squat down, you stand up.

I've been doing it like that for years. no one ever told me or the one where I injured my back. I used to do light list for your lower abdominals. Um, okay. I would do it with weight and I would not hollow my back out. Oh, wow. And so when I became too weak to do the leg lift, of course your body loves to compensate by shifting to other muscles sometimes when you're not aware of it.

Mm-hmm . And so I started using more of my hip flexors, which ties to your lower back. And then the lever arm of doing the exercise was putting more straight on my lower back. So when I hit 32, 1 day, I'm at work and I'm sitting up against the wall and I crossed my leg and I could not cross it. And there was pain shut right up my spine.

Oh wow. All because I was doing it incorrectly for your, and then all of this, because that's what I thought you did. You lay on the ground, you lift your legs up, you put 'em down, but learning to do the exercise properly. If I had learned to flatten my back out, so that, that small is not arched, that would've, that would've prevented me from getting injured completely.

I would've had no back issues at all. And until I ended up seeing a chiropractor who cured that and fixed it, but now I'm much more, I'm much more aware of that. I'm doing the exercise. Even like with pushups, I would shift sometimes the weights on my shoulders and triceps when my PS got too weak. Mm-hmm but you can't do that.

You're cheating the exercise and you can cause yourself some, especially if I were to go into a bench breath and do it under a heavy load, and I try to shift the weight. That way you can end up hurting your shoulder, you know, end up with elbow issues. There's a, yes, it's always important to ask for help, especially, uh, those who have been working out for a while.

They, you know, Have that ego, like I've been doing this for a minute. I don't need help. Or maybe they're like, even to some degree, like afraid that people will look at them differently if they ask for help, if they're like already looked at as the fitness person. Um, but that's just you getting in your own way.

Really? Yes. So it's never a bad thing to ask for help and just make sure you're doing things properly, because like you said, you could injure yourself really badly. And uh, the back is never a fun place to injure yourself. no put me out for two or three weeks. Wow. And so that's something for our listeners to keep in mind when you do any type of workout routine, like if you get injured, it can put you out of training for a while.

And ultimately at the end of the day, what's going to lead you to your goals is consistency over time. So if you get injured and you have to take weeks off, you're gonna start back a couple steps, maybe even more. And we were talking about how I took, uh, six months off of working out. I was doing weighted pullups.

I was doing 18 with 35 pounds on me. I could barely crank out four. Now that's how much strength I lost by not being physically active. So I've started my routine and just like you should, and anyone starting a new routine start small, I started with five pound weights. I'm not even doing pullups, I'm just doing rows, like, uh, Australian rows.

so it's not as much weight and I'm gonna work back into getting that back back strength, and then I'll eventually crank it up. So I'm just adding a little bit, every session I do it by myself, but I recommend everybody to get a coach. So if they can hire you to get on there, do you do online coaching as well as like in person, but what does the majority of their coaching look like?

I do. I do online. Um, okay. And it just works much more efficiently this way because of the people that I work with, you know, you, can't, your schedule's different every single day. It's hard to meet the same, you know, time exactly every single day. Uh, and usually what you really need is to have that support, that accountability.

A lot of people, they know how to work out. Obviously you want proper form. I have instructional videos, all of that is taken care of there's there's N no hiccup there ever, um, is just really. The consistency cuz that's, what's gonna get you those results and having a program that's structured for you and based around you and your lifestyle versus the other way around.

Um, too often, do we try to like fit our, like our life around like the new diet or the new whatever, but it should be the other way around. It should fit naturally into your lifestyle as it is. Uh, obviously there's gonna be a little bit, you know, learning curves that need to be made, but it shouldn't be something so drastic to where it just is unrealistic.

Right? So, um, yes, everything I do is a hundred percent online. The only live portion of what I do is when it comes to the coaching calls. So I do coaching and I make sure that everybody gets, you know, that one-on-one attention that they need to grow, uh, as an individual, you know, mentally, physically. So you know what you're doing, um, that there's any attention that needs to be looked at in your program.

We could do that things of that nature. Okay. All right. So yeah, everyone who's listening right now. Like if you need a coach, low hanging fruit, Jocelyn is here. Reach out to her. I'd like to you ask you a couple personal questions before we wrap things up, we've gone on covered a lot of different topics, stuff that I love.

I watch this stuff in my spare time. If you wa if people see some of the things I look at, it's like neurology and psychology, then it's like health, fitness, and then cooking stuff. It's just the weird mix of things. And then business, obviously we always do business stuff. So it sounds like what I, what I listen to too.

that's great. I love psychology though. I love psychology. Yeah. I it's, it's such a big part of our everyday life for health and fitness and for entrepreneurship and they kind of, they really do go hand in hand. They really do go hand in hand cuz both in, in, uh, fitness or even athletics too. But one of the reasons I love martial arts is cuz if I got punched in the face, it's only one person to blame cause I didn't put my hands up.

So yeah. The same thing with your working out. Like if I'm not as strong today, it's something I was doing either. I didn't, I wasn't fueled the right way. I didn't eat the right things. I didn't rest or recover enough. You know, there's always something to look at that you're doing so you can get better in the same entrepreneurship.

If your business is not running the way you want it to run. If the answer's in the mirror and it does, you're not always gonna like doing that, but that's the only way we get better. And I love yes, but that there's some big parallels there. I think everyone can take away from that. I was listening to someone, uh, yesterday speak and it sounds harsh, but he was saying, you know, it's all on you.

It is wherever you're at in life. It's all on you. It's your fault or it's not, but. The good thing about that. And it sounds really harsh when you think about it at first, but the good thing about that is it is all on you. You have the power to change your life. There's no outside force. It is all on you, wherever you're at.

If you know, you're not where you wanna be with your fitness, with your business, with relationships, with whatever in life, it's all on you. Like you have the power to change that. That's so funny, cuz it's very similar to it saying that I came up with probably like for myself and then I, I shared it to people like maybe about two years or so ago, which if I tell you something's your fault and that doesn't excite you, you've got a problem.

because exactly, because if it's your fault, it means you can change it. And that should make you excited. It means you can do something different. Yeah. You have the power to change that. Yep. And it reminds me too, a mentor I had many years ago, he told me, he said, look around you. He goes, look at like, wherever you are, just stop, look around.

You says everything, you have everything that's surrounding you is the direct result. The person you've become mm-hmm I was like, dang, when you told me that, like I was like, they hit me like a wall. I was like, okay, let me start really taking inventory of what's going on. It's true. Where I want things to go.

Yeah, it is so true because uh, whatever role model that you look up to, you know, they're human too. The only difference is they, they make different choices when they wake up in the morning. Yeah, no, that's totally true. So true. Let's get into a couple personal questions then we'll wrap it up already. Uh, so you selected a couple out here.

We didn't really hit the business ones. We touched on a lot of health, fitness stuff, I think is very important. Yeah. For all of us to know, and then to have our, our real estate crowd, figure out how to work that in. Uh, I always suggest that they reach out to you personally, everyone, you are spotlighted in our newsletter for April, so there'll be contact information.

You are subscribed to our newsletter and get that. So, uh, first question is what is your favorite child memory? Okay. So I don't know. I was just like, whatever, first pops up in my head, I will answer this. So the first thing that popped up in my head and I ha I love, love, love dogs. For some reason, I just have such a fascination with them.

And I guess one of my favorite childhood memories is going to I'm a military child. So we traveled a lot. Uh, but we always found a way to go see my grandmother in Georgia. And I remember she, so she's a dog trainer and she was like really big in her field of trading dogs. And it's, it's funny cause I'm like, I'm a people trainer now, but anyway, so yeah.

Um, but yeah, so I'm like maybe there's something that runs in the family there, but I just remember as a kid, I would just. I just loved all the dogs. I would like even go on like all fours and walk around with them and everything. Oh my God. But I remember I would just like sleep with all the, and like looking back now, I'm like, Ew.

But, but you know, as a kid, you don't think about germs and all that, but I just, that's the first thing that popped up in my head. So I'm like, I'm just gonna roll with it. I love animals. And it was always great seeing family. And, um, I never guess I never realized that like, like the connection there, the whole training thing, I'm like, she was really great at what she did in training.

And like now I'm training as well, so, oh, that's maybe there, there there's a knack there. So we just, but there, well, there has to be, you're having success with it. You're building up your, your business. You're building up your following. Um, mm-hmm military, is there a particular branch? Yes, my father was in the, the army.

So we, uh, spent time in four dicks. No, I haven't. Uh, before I grew up like literally down the shooting ranges from Fort D. Oh really? Yeah, no, we actually didn't go anywhere too far north. Um, okay. Missouri, uh, North Carolina. We're mostly in Europe a lot actually.

Oh, that had to be awesome. I'm sure it was, but I was a kid, so I didn't get to have all the fun. I know. I know. I'm like, ah, I gotta go back now, but my, my youth or teens was. In Missouri when there was literally nothing out there, but woods I'm like, oh man, I didn't get the fun places when I was growing up.

But you know, as a kid, I played soccer there and, uh, had a big passion for soccer and sports and everything all started there. So that was, that was really cool. I will say that, but yes, um, being a military child does make you really close to family. So I will say that that's a benefit there. Yeah. I don't have the experience of the moving around because we weren't military.

We were locals, but I have the experience of multiple friends coming in and out classes, meeting new friends all the time because they ended up going to our, our local township schools. It's tough. Yeah. It was tough. I lost a lot of, I have like, I have a best friend. I'm like, Hey, we're moving to Indiana. My, my dad got transferred.

My God, man. You see another friend go? Yeah, that it can be rough, but it was definitely interesting cuz Fort dicks was never gated before nine 11. So Fordis and McGuire are kind of in the same area. There's an air force base there mm-hmm we were able to drive right on the base. I could drive to the end of the landing strip of McGuire and sit there on our car and watch the plane plane.

Not, not anymore. You definitely. No, not anymore in jail for that. Well, as soon as, as soon as nine 11 occurred, they locked up the base pretty fast. Yeah. So, and it's, and it's continued to be locked up, but I, I didn't know that other bases weren't like that. My friend, who was, he was in the Marines. He said, yeah, a lot of our bases in the us are gated.

He's like McGuire for dicks were one of the only ones that really wasn't. You could just drive on. It was cool. Seeing the tanks that they retired and kind of set out there with like Memorial sites. Oh, that's cool though. Unfortunately, they still have the shooting ranges and they train down where my dad lives and I definitely don't miss hearing them shooting at 5:00 AM.

Oh my goodness. Throwing your names. and throwing gr knees. Oh yeah. I don't miss boom and the whole house shakes and don't miss that. Oh, wow. But I definitely share your love. Luckily we never lived on base, so, oh, thank God. Okay, good. Good for you. He was, uh, he was on the medical side. So it was also that.

Yeah. So got grandmother was trainer. Father was like medical put him together. Yeah. You, you wore the mix. Yeah, I guess so. Right. You the, so let's move on to the, the next one here. How would your parents, this is almost sounds like a loaded question, but how would your parents describe you? Hope your parents aren't listening.

I know they pro I don't know. They might be cuz I'm in the middle of moving. So I'm actually in their house. Um, oh yeah, I know. um, I think usually they describe me and well describe they're very proud of me and I I'm very grateful and thankful of. Having all that attention from them, but it does make things a little, uh, challenging being the child.

That's the golden child pretty much, but okay. Um, you know, they're very proud of me and I'm happy about that, but sometimes I feel as if they don't exactly know what I do. Um, okay. And it's hard to explain just being any kind of entrepreneur, right? Like yes. To explain what you do. It takes a lot of time.

Uh, so normally I, I often hear them. They're like, oh, she's a personal trainer. I'm like, I'm not a personal trainer. right. I'm like, I'm a coach. There's a difference. But, um, not a lot of people understand that. Cause a personal trainer just works you out, right? Yeah. Uh, they're at the gym with you doing the workouts, but a coach does much more like obviously I do not, I obviously do the workouts, but you know, the nutrition as well.

Um, the accountability. Mindset work, you know, building, helping you build a healthy relationship with food. Obviously we talked a lot about the psychology behind that. So I do a lot of stuff in that realm. Yeah, absolutely. As well as the teaching too, because that teaching you why you're doing what you're doing so that you don't inevitably repeat old behaviors is important as well.

And you know, I've also built a pretty solid community within my members. So running community events on top of that. So there's a whole range of things that go into what I do other than just being, you know, a personal trainer. So a lot of times people, um, and I feel like that's very common for any kind of entrepreneur that's doing something that's not, uh, so well known.

I would say mm-hmm, like, obviously like a real estate entrepreneur. Most people have a, a grass ish on what you do. Maybe not fully are things that you do. Yeah. Sort of, I would say, I would say agents, people understand what investors and like it's a little messy. People are like, especially for me, I do notes.

So I buy private mortgages. My dad has no clue what that means. Exactly. Like people, they, they just don't get it. It's not like, uh, it's not like I'm a plumber. Okay. Obviously, you know what a plumber does. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, cause being an entrepreneur, it means you have to wear so many different hats, you know?

Absolutely. Oh yeah. people just. They don't understand all that goes into it. I, I was about to say aside from doing the coaching, where you have mindset involved, nutrition, you have the, the workout routine, the accountability. You also are a business woman. So you have profit, you have expenses, you have marketing promotion.

Yes. Marketing the big hat there. yeah. Oh, that's, that's why I hire out. Cause yeah, I would not understand that whatsoever. I, I hire out for mine. Um, that's that's the only way to do it. The shortcut I have, you know, my colleague Jerome, tell me here's what you gotta do, Scott. Here's here's what you gotta post here's what you gotta have done.

And I just go, okay. Yeah. Okay. and I make sure I, I get it done otherwise, I wouldn't know. I would be very similar to people trying to jump into health and fitness on their own. So much information on there. You don't know where, where to start. You need a coach like you or someone with experience to say, okay, here's where we're gonna start and then work them through.

That's what he does for me with marketing. Exactly. I don't make the mistakes. exactly. So that you don't make the mistakes. That's why you hire people to teach you what, what to do. I mean, I even hired my own coach to teach me what I'm doing so well on the business front, but it's always important to invest in yourself.

Cause that's all it is. It's an investment into yourself. Mm. It's going to benefit you in the long term and inevitably make you more money as well. Wow. Taking care of your health will make you more money because you'll have more energy. You'll have more confidence. You'll be able to just go longer periods of time.

Uh, you'll be able to focus better. Mm-hmm complete bigger task in a short amount of time productivity, all of that. Yes, that's so true. And, um, that's something I'm sure you come across a lot with your clients is that there's a sympathetic relationship or a harmonious relationship between your mind and your body.

And if your body is not, you know, in, in good shape, your mind's gonna be a mess. Mm-hmm your productivity is gonna suffer because you can't focus. You're you're not, you're not nourished. You're, you know, you haven't been doing what you need say like for your heart health, you're not breathing. Mm-hmm as efficiently as you could.

So what is like your VO two max sort of thing, like your oxygen efficiency like that, that all plays into how your brain works. It all, you know, especially when you eat, when you talked about the gut issue too, like most of your serotonin is produced in the gut. So then goes to your brain and serotonin elevates mood.

It stabilizes your wakefulness and your sleeping cycle. You know, it it's responsible for impulse control as well. Uh, so there's, there's a lot of things are that get pushed into our brains from what we eat and how we treat our bodies. Absolutely. We, we, we function a whole lot differently that way. So that's, I'm big on that one trying to, to maximize both if I can.

Uh, so mm-hmm, we, you did answer this question on our last one, but I think you have a different, uh, example or answer for this time around. If you could go back to your 18 year old self what's one piece of advice that you would give yourself. Ooh. Okay. So I would say, I think last time I focused more on weight loss and cause I had a, that was around the time that I had my struggle with weight loss or my, my story.

Um, but I would also tell myself to not doubt myself and to really just how do I put this at the time I cared so much about what people thought about me. okay. Um, and I think it's important to just love yourself. And when you do that, everything just falls into place. Um, really just focusing on,

and I'm not trying to sound cheesy. Like you could accomplish anything you, you set your mind to, but it's so true. You really can't accomplish anything. Like I put so many limitations on myself, like. For example, I never thought that I could get into nonprofit work and, and I am now, and it was something I've always wanted to do, but I'm like, oh, I can never do that.

But really like any limitation that we set on ourself, like who told us that? Who told us we can't do what, what we wanna do. You could accomplish anything you wanna do. And that's probably one of the great things about living in this country is that we literally could do whatever we wanna do. There's no limitation there.

Obviously there's gonna be, you know, different roadblocks for different people, different things you gotta get over. But generally speaking, you can accomplish and become whoever you want to become. There's nothing, no, nothing holding you back. Like who told you, you have to be unhealthy and fat and wherever you're at with your life.

Right? Who told you, you can't become super fit. Who, who told you, you can't become the CEO of this company who told you, you can't make this much money. Like, they're all things that we set on ourself. And I think I set so many limitations on myself. I always thought that I couldn't do this or that or that, but I really had to change that language in my head.

Okay. And reverse it to where I'm like, I can do that. Like, why couldn't I, why couldn't. I don't know, just speaking, why couldn't I run a marathon? Like who told me I can't do that. like, right. So often do we limit ourselves? And I think that it really, it was just a big thing for me. Mindset was such a huge thing for me around that time.

I just cared too much about what people thought about me. And I, I would just go back and tell, tell myself to like wake up, honestly, like, like there's nothing holding me back from accomplishing what I wanna do. And I created my company two years ago and I've, it's crazy the amount of growth that I've experienced just as an individual, as a human being in the past two years, since I stopped limiting myself and just went for it, you know, even though it was scary and you know, I'm like, oh, what if like I fail?

You know, just go for it, go. Cause if it's something that you're passionate about, you're gonna be, you're gonna put the time in. You're gonna be good at it. Obviously just don't jump into something without a plan, because if you don't go into anything without a plan, um, how are you gonna be successful? But if you're very strategic, very structured about what you're gonna do, it's not gonna feel like work and you're gonna wanna do it.

And. It would just be to, to not limit myself based upon, you know, what I think people will look at me or what I feel my limitations are. Cause you have no limitations. Yeah. I, I totally agree with that. 100%, I struggled with it myself, what people think or, or limitations that I thought that I had. And I know a lot of people listening to this will have gone either gone through the same thing or if they're just starting to get it now, they probably are starting to go through that.

Uh, a lot of it will come from your friends and family too. Some of the mm-hmm the nay saying or the doubts, and I've learned that or imposter syndrome, like you think you're not like, who am I kidding? Like, I'm not this person. I had that before, when I first started as well. But I'm like, really? I'm like, I'm becoming that person though.

Like, it's just a matter of time until I become that person. Like, uh, you have it in you, you know, maybe you're not where you wanna be, but you're not where you were anymore. And you're on the right path. You have to believe that you are on the right path for yourself and you're going to get there in time.

It all takes time. No one, you know, became a millionaire or wherever they're at with their business overnight. It all took a lot of time, a lot of hard work to develop into that person, you know? Yeah. Yeah, definitely. It's it's almost like you have to wait for your brain to catch. You're doing the actions, but your brain is still lightweight.

What are you doing? This is not, this is not who we you're. This you're not this guy. Uh, my best friend. I've known him since I was nine mm-hmm he just got his ed doctor of education. So now he's doctor boom, boom, boom. And he, oh, wow. He's got imposter syndrome. He was telling me over lunch yesterday. He's like, he's not gonna call himself by that title.

He's he doesn't see himself that way, but mm-hmm, like, you are, you did the work. You did. You, you, you know, presented it. You've got approved. Like this is you now. Like, so you gotta, you gotta kind of, you gotta learn to live it. And then one of the, something that you brought up, uh, I hope people will go look it up later.

There's a, a guy I follow. He is a neuroscientist ophthalmologist. His name's Andrew Huberman ever heard of him. Uh, I'm not too familiar. He's he for university. And he does a, he's a long podcast. They go two hours, three hours plus. And, but he goes under the neuroscience of things like motivation or getting over trauma fear or pursuing things, even though you're, uh, you're afraid.

He goes over things like strength and conditioning, fat loss. And like the hormonal he gets, he can get pretty technical, but then he tries to always have some like practical things people can do. And I was listening to the one on motivation. And drive and focus. And he said that one of the keys to doing that is to, to reward yourself for those goals, not with an outside reward, but by telling yourself I'm on the right path, kind of like you were just saying, like, I'm doing this, this is where I need to go.

Because that intrinsic reward is what actually keeps you going. He found that there's like the study done where they took kids that genuinely liked to draw. And then they started giving them a gold star every time they drew. And then S nowhere, they stopped giving the gold star. The kids stopped drawing and they started not liking it anymore.

So when they transferred, that's interesting reward from inside of them to outside of them, they were actually actually able to stop them from enjoying an activity, which could be a useful tactic. If you hate someone and you want them don't anymore, like, oh, just they do it and then stop. But have you heard of Sean anchor?

No. Oh, he, he, uh, uses positive psychology and he graduated from, um, top of his class from, from Harvard. Uh, oh, I love his books, but I think you would really like him. He, um, he's all about using positive psychology to, you know, make more money to do better in the workplace to just be successful at any facet of your life.

You know, something that stuck out for, to me was. We have this mindset that if we work really hard, you know, then we'll be happy, but it's actually the other way around. It's if we focus on happiness, success is a byproduct of that. And I think that just resonate with me so much. So, so that whenever I do my weekly or monthly, um, calendar, you know, setting in the things that need to be done, I always, I even have a tab for it labeled fun, and I center everything around that.

So, or even at like yearly, if I have any events that I wanna go to, you know, travel plans, whatever, that's the first thing I put in my calendar before work. Okay. Um, centering around fun because when you do it this way, you know, you're not burning yourself out because, you know, as an entrepreneur, you bust out those exactly.

Yeah. And they don't last too long and they just they're like, oh, I'm just gonna grind really, really hard. And you know, then I'll make all this money and then I'll have time to do this. But, uh, actually it's the other way around when you focus more on happiness and relationships and things that promote happiness, you are more productive with your work.

You produce better work. You become a better leader, a better CEO. And that is where the focus should go into happiness. That's probably, I, I totally agree with that. The, uh, you know, the whole I'll be happy when ends up being a never ending moving goal post and you never get there. So you end up just being, I'll always wait, when do this, those that make the process or the journey, the reward, or what makes them happier are the ones that just keep going.

Exactly. Yeah, absolutely. Taking care of yourself. Now, your health now your happiness now. Cause really your happiness is just like your mental health, right? Yeah. Taking care of that. Now, taking care of your, your fitness now will make you more successful. Will make you reach that level of success much faster as well.

Yeah. I mean, just like with a lot of our, our health and, and nutritional habits are mental hygiene happens to be atrocious, especially entrepreneurs that are burning a candle at both ends, you know, they're, they're trashing themselves. Something that I found useful is to think about is that if I'm treating myself like this, how good am I to the people I care about?

Exactly. Like if I'm worn out to the point where I can't function or I'm, I, I don't even to be around anybody. How helpful am I being to those around me? My colleagues as well. I'm very similar to you. I love helping people. So I always try to find ways. To add value or to do something for them that they, they need done for.

And they just don't have time, which I'll take it. No problem. Mm-hmm , you know, if I'm, if I'm so tired and so worn out and out of energy, like I'm not gonna be able to do any of that. And so I might as well just stay inside all day and be miserable and it's not cool. exactly. We need, we need the outside.

Yes. Yes. We need human contact as well. I'm looking actually that guy up right now, so I'm gonna have to look at his books. Are his books the big, big potential, the happiness advantage? Yes. Before having okay. I'm big or sorry. Uh, the happiness advantage is my favorite one, but all right, I'm gonna have to check this out.

So I got his website up right now. All right, Jocelyn, we're gonna wrap it up then. I think, thank you so much for coming on the podcast. And there was so much. So much useful information. I think our listeners will be able to, to take with them and hopefully be able to work that into their, their daily routines.

Um, you know, we'll ask you to talk about it. I know you did this again, but where can people connect with you online? And I highly suggest all of you do who are listening, uh, a Booker for coaching. She has, I was looking at a free, like 15 minute call that you offer. Is that right? Oh, yes. Um, and I even have, uh, a resource that I can give out to y'all as well, if y'all are interested in intermittent fast.

Cause I do a lot of teaching on that. I go really heavy into the science behind that. So, um, a great resource and it it's just, um, fitley I think slash twice, uh, dot com then, uh, fast formula guide. I gotta double check on that. I'm gonna have to give you the resource. We're gonna put that in the show notes.

So our listeners can go right way and just click the link and that'll be, but other than that, I'm on Instagram and Facebook as well. And I will once again, give you the links, because my last name y'all heard him to pronounce that, uh,

very close to Hoak the Hoja. Sorry. I forgot. There was no kid. Yep. But, and he's good at pronouncing names. So I don't expect y'all to. Get my name right off the back. So I will definitely give you the links for my social media, but I will be on Facebook, Instagram, and I will give you the fasting formula guide as well, just as a free resource for me to you, just because.

Awesome. Thank you so much. Um, it's, it's really interesting stuff, you know, getting intermitent fasting, it saves you time and that's what we need, right time. Yes. Yes. And just so you guys know when we talked about fasting, we typically know that means that you're not eating for a certain period, but you are getting your daily calorie goal in, you're not starving yourself on intermittent fasting.

So please don't think that's what it is. We'll have her guide up in the show notes. So you can read through it in more detail. You understand it better. Um, so I just wanna say thank you for coming on again. It's been a pleasure, hopefully have again, in the future catch to what you're working with. The nonprofit that, oh yes.

It's growing hopefully out like nationwide that yes, exactly. There's nothing that you know is stopping me. Just like there's nothing stopping y'all. Exactly. Yeah. You know, I was kind of afraid about the nonprofit I'm like, who am I like creating a nonprofit? Can I really do this? I'm just like, of course I can't.

Why couldn't I, why couldn't I do it? So now I have a group of over a hundred women wanting to join and I'm just like, wow, this is really growing really fast. it started with three only like only three months ago. wow. So that's great. Nothing could stop. Y'all. All right. Well, thank you. We're gonna wrap it up for today, guys.

I hope you all enjoyed. Please check Jocelyn out on social media and please keep a lookout and the show notes for that intermittent fast and fasting starting guys. So that way you get an idea of what it is as always anything we talked about, check it over with your doctor as well, highly recommend reaching out to work for coaching or our coaching calls, uh, on top of it, especially if you're just getting started.

And even if you're seasoned, sometimes having someone to really analyze things from the outside and get you on the right path is exactly what you need. Don't think you have all the answers, go to the experts, please. And with that we'll sign off guys. Have a good one. Thank you. Bye bye.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Real Estate Marketing Implementation Podcast (The REmarketing Podcast)
Real Estate Marketing Implementation Podcast (The REmarketing Podcast)
Real Estate, Marketing, and Implementation Perspectives For Real Estate Entrepreneurs, Real Estate Coaches, and Real Estate Investors by Jerome Lewis

About your host

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Jerome Lewis

Jerome Lewis is the author of the book REmarketing - Insider’s Secrets of Successful Advertising, Lead Generation, & Marketing Implementation For Real Estate Entrepreneurs.
He is also the founder and CMO of Digital Real Estate Strategy, a tech, and marketing agency that helps busy but serious real estate entrepreneurs implement, structure, and systematize their tech, lead generation, marketing, and business systems. Jerome has helped over 5000 real estate entrepreneurs from more than 40 states and 4 countries. Jerome has shared stages with some of the real estate industry’s best national experts including names ranging from Vena Jones-Cox, Krista Mashore, Marc Halpern, and many more.
Jerome is a bold introvert, father, and former IT professional. In 2021, Jerome won eXp University’s Instructor of The Year Award. He is also the host of the Real Estate Marketing & Social Media Mastermind, where he teaches real estate investors and agents tech and marketing implementation.