Episode 5

Are Tech & IT Services Necessary In Real Estate and Business?

Speaker Bio:

Carlos Otero

Carlos Otero is a highly skilled IT Professional, Real Estate Investor, and Business Investor. He has been employed in the industry for over 6 years, where he specializes in network engineering, systems administration, and support. Carlos’s experience ranges from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies in various industries such as manufacturing, healthcare management services, and real estate development.

He also enjoys investing in Cash-Flowing Real Estate, Real Estate Notes, and Businesses.

Carlos loves to solve problems, whether they are technical or personal. He enjoys working with people who have new ideas because there is always something to be learned from those that think differently than others.

His favorite thing in life is being able to help others achieve their goals and dreams.


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All right, we are alive. Welcome to the remarketing podcast. My name is Jerome Lewis. I'm your host. This podcast is sponsored by powered by digital real estate strategy. Our content, the purpose of our content is to discuss marketing tech, business and leadership. And typically our content is structured for real estate agents, real estate investors and real estate entrepreneurs, but anybody can digest and enjoy the content.

Next we have two purposes for this podcast. Purpose. One is to spotlight you or your business. So I'm talking to the, to the guests today, we have Carlos ERO. Our purpose is spotlight you, your business, your service, or your product in a way that provides value to you, including market exposure and content creation.

Our second purpose is to educate and inform our audience and listeners. Next, what I'm gonna do is I'm going to introduce Carlos. So Carlos Otero is a highly skilled it professional real estate investor, and business investor. He has employed, he has been employed in the industry for over six years where he specializes in network engineering, since systems administration and support Carlos's experiences range from small businesses to fortune 500 companies in various industries, such as manufacturing, healthcare management services and real estate develop.

He also enjoys investing in cash, flowing real estate, real estate notes and businesses. Carlos loves to solve problems, whether they are technical or personal. He enjoys working with people who have new ideas, because there's always something to be learned from those that think differently than others.

His favorite thing in life is being able to help others achieve their goals and dreams. So Carlos, welcome to the podcast. Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for having me here. I really appreciate being, having the opportunity to be here. Uh, it's a little bit about myself.

Um, basically I have a. It support business, uh, right there jumpstarter one on one, all in one business solution. What we do is we provide it support as well as give business owners a all in one platform, um, solution for their systems. Okay. So sometimes if people are using MailChimp, sometimes people are using, uh, CallRail, they're using, uh, Zoho.

They're using all kinds of different software. What we did is we tried to bundle all that up together. Again, give them a better price point with support. Okay. So we will walk with you from a to Z on how to start your business remotely. If you don't have one, or if you already have a business remotely, we will be able to support you.

Okay. So that is what we do. Also with that money. What I like to do is I like to buy real estate. That's something, one of my favorite things to buy as well as businesses. Right. And that's how we met. We met in the real estate. At a real estate event. Right. So, yeah. Um, what I wanna do is, so I think that people don't always fully understand what support is.

So can you break that down? Can you explain support in a way where yes. Maybe a kid can understand it. Yes . So, um, It's a really good question, because a lot of times when people think support, they think of this person kind of, you know, just helping you with this one task and then it's gonna cost a lot of money.

Okay. That's not what it is, what this is. This is a dedicated support representative. Okay. You're gonna get a dedicated support representative, meaning you're gonna have somebody explain to you the process, what the product is that you're gonna. So let's just say we're doing a Google, um, ad campaign.

Essentially what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna explain to you how the process is gonna go. We're gonna walk you step by step through what we are gonna do, even though we're gonna do it for you, but we are gonna, we're gonna make sure that you are educated on the process. And then on top of that, you can ask any question you're looking for anytime.

Okay. So you don't have to know everything. You don't have to build a website yourself. You don't have to build the funnel yourself. You don't have to know about ads. You don't know, have to know about marketing. You don't have to know about how to build slides. You don't have to know anything. You are getting a dedicated support representative.

All you gotta do is call us for help, and then we're gonna be able to, uh, solve your problem. Okay. I appreciate that. And, and that's cause, cause one of the things I like to, uh, help people understand is that you don't need to do everything yourself or know everything yourself. However, there are saying some things that you do need, right.

And tech, right. Tech is a big one. Tech is a big one that you need marketing. Like you said, campaigns, all of that stuff are all of those things are things that you need in your business. However, you don't have to learn them yourself. So the service that you're talking about, I, I admire because uh, people need.

People need this in their businesses. So what I wanna do now is I wanna move over to the questions and the, the, the, the format typically works. Like I ask you a couple of personal questions, and then I ask you some questions around your business, and I'm gonna start with the personal questions. So, um, I got three personal questions for you.

The first question that I have is if you could go back and give yourself your 18 year old self, one piece of advice, what would it. If I go back in time and tell myself when I was 18, 18 year old, Carlos, maybe I would stay away from the food if I looked in the mirror. Right. That maybe . But, um, no, if I was to go back in time, um, and tell myself something, it would definitely be to love yourself.

Love yourself, love yourself, love yourself. That is, um, you know, especially if you're growing up in a tough background, uh, you know, like a lot of people, everybody has a story and, uh, one of those things is loving yourself and getting there and never putting anybody before yourself. You gotta take care of yourself before you take care of others.

That's what I would, uh, go back in time and, okay, next question. Next question. If you could be remember for one thing, what would it be? It's gonna sound corny, right? But it is being a good. Being a good man and a good leader that is so corny and cheesy, but you know, I'm a strong believer in character and, you know, I that's, the thing I value most in a person is good character.

Uh, whether or not you're gonna, you know, do the right thing, you know, I'm, I'm that guy, you know, I'm a strong believer in justice and doing the right thing and you know, I'm just that guy. So I don't think it's car being a good man. We need that these days. It's, it's not enough of that out there. Like be a man, you know, right.

To get, uh, right. Not society. Yeah, not society is feminizing some things. Right. Am I allowed to say that? So I think it's, this is your fine. I think it's okay. Right. I think it's okay to say that being a good man being a decent man having no bill. Yes, yes, yes. So next question we got, so we got three for you.

And so what has been your least favorite job or project, man, least favorite job. I gotta say Walmart. I used to work at Walmart. I had a lot of bad jobs. I was a car salesman. I was a, um, a door to door salesman. I was a. That was a lot of different things. Now I think about that was a . That was a lot of different things, but I can say Walmart was the worst because it's the mindset of the people, the mindset.

And there's nothing, not everybody at Walmart, not everybody, but at this Walmart, there were just. People there, like they, there wasn't a positive, um, environment for coaching. So, so you would think that you would want, you want to empower your staff to maybe able to them, for them to do their jobs and do it effectively.

But a lot of people, they felt like, uh, just because they're a supervisor manager, they felt like you're, they're better. Right. And you don't. Ever really wanna do that. You want to be able to coach your team. You wanna be able to say, Hey, look, here's where you gotta improve. Here's where you're messing up at.

This is what you gotta do. And here's, we're gonna set you on a path to improvement. You want to empower others. You really don't want to, you know, say, oh, you're, you're just, you're worthless. Get outta here. And I wasn't, I'm, I'm, I'm a smart guy now, but I wasn't always the smartest kid. Right. You so , you know, when somebody tells you, Hey, you need to go do this.

I'm like, well, I don't really understand. Can you, can you. Like how much can you show me? Oh, Aw man. Nevermind. You know, I'm like, come on. You know, there was just no leadership, just bad leadership. Um, essentially, and that is why, uh, you know, that job was tough. Not, not to mention I was a janitor as well. So, you know, I was a, you know, got the clean up the bathrooms, you know, was good, but that wasn't there.

That wasn't so good. But yet, yet it still, Walmart was still the worst. Well, dreaming the Janor at Walmart. Oh. Oh, okay. Yeah. yeah, that's the, that's the bottom of the bottom, you know, that's the bottom one. Yeah, I was down there. I was down there. Yeah. Yeah. oh man. I think I, I think I took the bus, uh, three hours to get there three hours.

Three hours. What was the commute? Which Walmart, like, where was it? Uh, the one, the one near in Norristown and I was living in Omni and I was working overnight. Okay. So I had to, if I didn't, if I missed that, like I would get on one bus and I had to go to sleep on there and then get off at, uh, uh, what is it?

Plant meeting mall, and then get on that bus. And then. Go to sleep, but I had to wake up at the exact right time, uh, to jump off that bus and get to that Walmart . Wow. That, that that's a good lead to the next section. So we're gonna talk about like business industry. Okay. Expertise. And the, the question that we have here is I, I want to know is what is the most important lesson that you've learned over your career or in business?

The most important lesson I've learned. In business and over my career is to bring value to others. Okay. So essentially we go through life and thinking that it's all about us and it is right. It's your life, right? It's all about you. But if you are looking to get ahead in life and you want more outta life, you're gonna need help with that.

Okay. You you're going to need assistance if you wanna accomplish anything. So in order to accomplish something and you're gonna need assistance, you you're going to need to give somebody what they. In order to bring them to your cause. Okay. So, uh, there's plenty of times where, you know, I need to help on a, on a system or some kind of project, like right now, uh, we are building an ad campaign sometimes I'm limited to what I know.

So I need to bring somebody on board, right. And money is not always the best currency for somebody. Maybe they want training. Maybe they want, um, an opportunity to speak with you about something. Maybe they want food, right? Maybe they want anything, right. It could be anything but money. Cash is the thing that people will take.

So that way they can then go buy that thing that they actually want. So that's why most of the time people accept currency, but it's, it's just one of those things where you have to be able to tell what other people are looking for and it's okay to ask, what exactly are you looking for? Like, what do you want out of this?

Like, why are you doing this? And maybe don't say it that way, but may, maybe, maybe you say, okay, what, you know, This is what I'm looking for. Is there anything I can do for you? Like, you know, like what, what, what do you need? Is there something we can, you know, negotiate and, and speak about, you know, this doesn't always have to be cash.

So that is, that is, uh, yeah. Bring your value. Appreciate that. Uh, next question. What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone starting out in your career? So before we answer that, let's pick a cuz you do like a few things. What career would, which, which would you say is your most prominent career? Uh, it, it support it.

Okay. Yes. What, okay. So what, what advice would you give regarding that? Okay. So, and I would give the advice on real estate or anything else, but it would be to get a coach, anything you do, you want somebody to teach you think about it, you go to your job and you get training. How, how to do that job, right?

Your parents are the people who train you on how to. You go to school to learn how to read from a teacher, you know, all these things, you're getting experience and learning. So always get a coach, even if, even if it's financial, even if it's a financial matter, you're not really sure how to manage your money.

Go get a coach, always get a coach, always get a coach, always get somebody who's been there and done that. And then just, just keep going from there. Okay. Next is in your opinion, what is the most important personality trait slash strength someone would need to work in your industry? And be successful in your industry.

So similar questions. Okay. Yeah. That personality trait, I would say definitely being adaptable and being, um, relentless with learning. Uh, you have to know how to adapt and change because technology is always changing. Um, information is always changing. Uh, sometimes you can know something one day and the next day it change.

So, you know, this is, you know, the world we live in, things are accelerating so fast with the information. You really have to be able to be adaptable, um, and kind of not know everything, but be some people say, just focus on one thing, but you need to know a lot, but then specialize in one thing, you know, that that's what you need to do.

So I would definitely say, um, adapt adaptability. Okay. Next, did you always want to be a. It professional? No, , it's funny, man, that, you know, life will, uh, put you in situations, man, where you don't wanna do. I've been, I've been trying to avoid it my whole life. And every time I try to get out, they keep pulling me back in and it's beautiful.

Honestly, I really love it. It's just a gift that, um, that I know this stuff and you know, you try, it's like something you try to stay away from, but it's like, oh, you really don't have a choice. You know, you gotta do this. Right. And. You know, I want to do real estate, which is what I'm doing still. But I, I thought, you know, I was like, Hey, how can I get into this before I knew how to do terms deals and stuff like that.

Right. How to do deals with no money and all this other stuff. But now that I know these skills and I know they're so viable and it's like, I see people that need help with these skills. So I really don't, you know, it's like, I don't really have a choice get away from it. I'm like can like, damn. But, um, but, uh, during the, but I, you know, I like to think about it.

Like everything happens for a reason and how I learned all those skills at the job. Uh, when know, when I was working at the job, uh, You know, character development, knowing how to negotiate with people, to learning, how to talk with people, learning different cultures, getting educated, learning processes, learning systems, learning, standard, operating procedures, you learned all those things while going down this it journey because it's all about communication and it's all about, um, learning.

And, um, you know, so I did not always wanna do this, but I'm happy to be here. And I've learned to leverage what I'm good at with it because I'm not actually. I'm very technical, but I am not, you know, as technical as some people would be like, you know, I'm very, so, you know, even at, you know, at some of my jobs, they're like, you're pretty, uh, you know, you're pretty sociable, man.

I'm like this guy, you know me. And he is like, yeah, yeah. I'm like, okay, you know, you know, right. They say it, people have social, you know, we got social issues. They say, so, you know, a good space for me is like project management, stuff like that. Like that's where I'm really good at project management working with people.

Hey, here's, we're gonna set this up here. We're gonna set this up here. Blah, blah, blah. So just. People say it doesn't always mean you're, you know, you're doing this right. We're wearing, uh, wearing your glasses and you're typing something. Doesn't always mean that , you know, right. There's so many sectors. Yes.

There's different areas of, uh, doing this and um, so yeah. Yeah. okay. Next. So what's one lesson. Your profession has taught you that you think everyone should learn at some point in their life.

One, one lesson that everybody should learn, um, that your profession taught you. Okay. Uh, let's see, what is it? What is, that's a, that's a tough one. That's a tough one. Yeah. That's a tough, that's tough. Uh, if I could say, do you have one that your profession didn't teach you and then maybe yes. Is that okay?

Be careful of your words and listen before you speak, because. What you wanna do is you, cuz everybody's gonna have a different opinion on something. Right? Everybody's got a, everybody's got an opinion, right? So you have to be able to understand what the people are saying. You have to be able to be able to communicate with them effectively and understand like, what is this person actually trying to say to me?

Because you know, you go from one background and you, you know, you do this, like you do the head nod, right? Like, Hey, what. And you do other one that's down and somebody might like, oh, that's as disrespectful if you do down. And some, you do this, if you do up and you know, like, or, you know, if you shake somebody's hand, like, like I remember there was like some, um, you know, there's some, some white guys at the job and they're like, what is that?

Like, what are you wearing? I'm like, well, it's just this, you know? And it was just, you know what I'm saying? It's very culture and they're trying to understand, and it's not really, you know, sometimes people can misinterpret what people are saying. It's very important to understand that where people are coming from, why they're saying what they're.

Like, I literally just got off the phone, speaking with his seller today and they were like, you know, they were like, the Chinese just moved in over here and I'm like, oh, okay, cool. Right. But I'm like, well, what does that, what does it mean anything? But he's like, are they all living like one place? But what he's trying to say is that's his experience.

You know what I'm saying? That's his experience. Yes. I don't wanna take away from people's experience. You have to understand what people are trying to say to you. They don't, you have to try and understand people and not just try to battle them. That's that's what I can say. Okay. So, uh, you're so you're in, you're in the it space as well as the real estate investing space.

And yes, one of the things that I realized in my experience, like I came from the it space too, is that the real estate in my experience is the real estate space is a little behind on the, it is. Do you have a similar experience or what's your, what's your perspective on. Okay. So my perspective is that a lot of people that do real estate, and this is strictly from my perspective.

Now, remember you gotta be able to understand what I'm saying. It's not, and not Badger me. Okay. Guys, a lot of people that do real estate, there's no need for them to learn the corporate tools that a person that would get a typical job would learn. They already have a solid system. You go into this system, then you use this system.

Then you use this system. Do you use this system? It's a simple process. There's really not many that many moving parts. For the most part, when you're going to a job, they're gonna teach you everything you need to know, especially if you're at a big corporation. And I think it's not just, um, real estate. I think it's other industries too, but definitely real estate because there's no need.

For automation, there's no need for systematic setup. And you know, for a lot of this stuff, and if people don't need it, they won't use it. That doesn't mean they actually don't need it. But that just means that they just won't use it if they think they won't need it, if that makes sense. So that does make sense.

So that does, you know, so people, whatever people think they don't need, they're not gonna use it. And a lot of times you'll see people not using market. Because they don't, they think they don't need it. You think they think, but you absolutely need it, but you think they don't need it. They think they don't need systems.

They think they don't need, um, you know, just all kinds of different things training, right? You need training, you need systems, you need processes. It's a business, just like any other business. And, um, you know, it is just one of those things where yes, it is definitely their technology is not there for people, but I'm not sure if it's really a problem because they should be hiring.

Somebody to do that for them. Right? That's what, that's what this is. That's what this is. If you need help, you supposed to reach out for assistance. You're not supposed to do everything yourself. And if they had jobs, they would understand that you see what I'm saying. If they ever had jobs, if they had jobs, you would say, oh, I'm just gonna get an it guy.

I don't need to do this. Like you hire a plumber to do plumbing. You hire an electrician to do electrician. Oh, you're supposed to hire a marketer to do marketing. You're supposed to hire a, um, a tech person to handle my tech stuff. That's how it's, that's how it's done. So once you understand that way of thinking, then the person can, uh, can basically get out of the, um, mindset of, I don't need this because in order to run your business, you're definitely gonna need it.

Right. So you said you had stopped for a little bit. You were like, this is, this is, you need this, you need this and you're pointing to your logo. So yes. Can you tell people how they can get access to this and what you're, what you're talking about when you say. Yes. So jumpstarter, if you can see that right there.

I got a big head. Um, if you can go to jumpstarter one on one.com, you will see, uh, you will see our services listed. Um, that is just some of the services that we have. We have. A lot more services that we can provide for you. Um, anything you kind of need, we can essentially build it for you, or we will contract that services out and handle it for you, right.

We'll be your liaison. Um, and be your support representative to handle these projects. Okay. So, uh, jumpstarter one oh one.com. That is how you can just. Phil. If you're requesting a demo, we can, we, there's a green, you know, really big green button that says request, demo, just click that. And, you know, it'll send me an alert and I'll make sure I set up a call with my team and we'll, uh, begin helping you on your project immediately.

Okay. And so we, we work on stuff together too. And just recently you have a, you have a ebook coming out, right? Put some pressure. Yes. Right? Yes. And how, how, how can we get that? How can we get access to that book? And can you tell us what is, what that book will tell. Yes. Uh, that book will tell you some information on how to start a business.

Okay. So, oh, essentially just information that. In information that kind of stops people from running a business. Like one of those things is people think you need to, to have credit and already started a business. You don't, you don't need to have good credit people. You don't need to have a lot of money in the bank to have a business.

Okay. You don't need, um, a perfect credit score. You don't need. To know everything you don't need, you just need, you just need some information. And we do have a course. Um, I do have a financial, um, education course. I got a personal finance course, a credit course and a how to start your business from a to Z course, I have this.

So that way people can then take that and then be able to essentially. Start their business from scratch. And then understand that, Hey, when you're ready for an it support representative, you can always give us a call. We'll be able to build your system for you. If you, you know, we work with, um, some clients right now where we can, we build their courses and you know, their ad campaigns and stuff like that.

So, you know, you don't really have to do a lot yourself. You just have to have the idea and then say, Hey, I need you to go do this for me. And lease out that, lease out that project to someone else. And then that way you can focus on running your business and not all the other parts of a business. Okay.

All right. So now we're gonna get into the, uh, you know, some podcasts, they say fire round, closing session, whatever that's what we're gonna do. Right. You know, so basically what we wanna do here is we wanna provide the audience with some resources on how they can grow their business, learn more, or even get in touch with you.

So I'm gonna start off with the first question. I know you like to listen and watch content more than you read. So the first question I have for you is what are three podcasts that you recommend to the audience and why? Okay. Um, and there is a reason why I do like to listen more than read it's because I retain that information.

Now, other people retain information via reading, so, you know, but this is, you know, he asked me, so I'm gonna answer this question. Okay. So, uh, Valuetainment Valuetainment is very good for a mid-level, uh, mid-level business owner. If you're looking for information, uh, you know, it's very good. Um, you know, I mean, they have, they have some personalities there and some bickering, you know, they got one guy he's like ultra on the left a little bit kind of, and he is like slowly moving his way towards the middle and understanding that, you know, the mainstream narrative is like, ah, you know, you gotta be careful that mainstream narrative because they will have you, uh, Essentially living a life that you don't wanna live.

That's that's the nice way I could say it. So, um, value Taven is very good. Uh, pat, pat, be, I think it's Patrick bet. David he's he's pretty good. I like, I like his stuff. Um, that'll get you in the right mindset of listening to, um, just listening, listening to another business owner that is gonna say its gonna say you, it's gonna tell you the truth.

Okay. Gonna tell you the truth about business and give you real feedback because there's a lot of stuff out there where you're hearing it and it's not really. It's not real, you know? And, uh, essentially they just tell you that you're gonna be sitting on the beach for every right, which you can, right. If you, if you, if you reach out to us, we can set you up with a remote business and you can really work from the beach, but you still gotta be working.

Okay. you're not gonna be sipping a margarita the whole time. You're gonna have to it's work involved. It's not free. It's not passive. It's residual. You gotta do some. Do something work, gotta do something. All right. Two more podcasts. Yes. The, uh, rich dad podcast now, uh, you know, there was, there was an epic battle between who's right.

Dave Ramsey and Robert Kiyosaki. Right. And I like Robert Kiyosaki because I'm going down the business route now, you know, some people they're not going down the business route, they're gonna be an employee and they are just gonna have a family. Then you wanna go down a Dave Ramsey, route, pay, pay off all your debt.

Right. But I like the Robert Kiosaki podcast. He always has. You know, the rich dad podcast and that's our rich dad, right? That is our rich that's. Everybody's rich dad, you know, that's our rich dad and essentially, um, he tells you just all kinds of macroeconomic information. And I mean, like, you gotta be careful, you know what he's saying?

Sometimes because he's over here laughing at stuff. He's like a snarky guy, right though. I don't work at all. I left. Yeah, you can't , you know, he's a snarky guy, but that's like his, just his part of his personality. But you, like I said earlier, you have to be able what people, you have to be able to try and understand what people are saying.

And he's saying that the rich don't work for money. What they do is they work for assets and all, any, like I said, in my business, I just earn money in my business and I go buy real estate and the real estate works for me. Right. And that's, that's all he's saying. So, you know, you can't, you know, don't worry about, oh, you know, I don't want to have a job or get a degree because, oh, you know, you just gotta.

Be able to understand what he's saying and say, is this for me, or is this not for me? And what is he trying to say? But besides that all the, all the guess he has on our good, the lot of the information that he says is very. Remarkable. It's honestly just phenomenal information, but you have to be able to, to, I like to say, fix your interpreter to understand what he's actually saying.

So I love that podcast. This is one of my favorite podcasts. Um, one more the Joco podcast Joco is a military veteran. Um, you know, he has a topics like, you know, stoic, you know, like, uh, you know, Marcus really is those kind of guys, you know, military guys. Right. And essentially what they do is. That podcast will build your mindset to be firm and understand how to think about things as a leader and as a, um, as a business owner.

So it's gonna get you the mindset to understand that, Hey, this is a business. I still have to think about others. I gotta think about my soldiers. I gotta think about how people are gonna be able to, uh, rally around the same cause. And, uh, you know, but that all that requires work in your mind. There's a lot of stuff on running a business, including self development.

That's what you wanna listen. Okay. And next next, let's go with three books that you recommend and why. Okay. So, you know, I'm big on mindset. So, uh, as a man think it, it's a very small book. It's a very, very, very, very small, oh, you read that. Yeah. That's the book that changed me. You know that book. Yeah. I know.

I know a lot about that book. It helped change me too. That's the book that changed me. That's the book that changed me. And I was like, wait. So you're telling me if I think like a loser, I'm a lose. You know, and, um, you know, I just remember watching that, uh, I'm sorry, reading that book and then just trying to understand the world, especially when you're growing up in the ghetto, man, it's tough.

It's tough because you don't know what to believe. Especially with all the, like I said, the mainstream narrative, you know, people are trying to hold you back. People are trying to hold you down. That's not true. Nobody's trying to hold you down except for the mainstream narrative. Right. So, um, so that book essentially tells you.

You are who you think you are and you can be whoever you wanna be, but you have to change how you think about things in order for things to, in order for your brain to really start understanding, you know, what's happening, right? So like, if you think that you're never gonna be successful and I have this in my course, this is one, like one of the first, one of the first classes.

If you think that you're never gonna be successful, how can your brain make any kind of sense of. Except try to not be successful. You gotta think it's like this. It sounds crazy. Especially if you, if you're not there, you know what I'm saying? If you're not, if you actually don't understand how things work, it sounds like I'm saying gibberish, but you have to really know that your brain operates in a way where first you have to believe it, and then you will see an opportunity.

But if you don't really believe. Something can happen. Nothing's gonna happen. You're not gonna be able to see the opportunity when it presents itself to you. You have to keep an open mind and say, Hmm, is this possible? Let me hear information. So it's very important to hear different ideas. So that, that is definitely a must read, especially for a young man, especially for a young man.

I would definitely recommend that book. Um, and a business owner. Yeah. If a young lady, yes. As well. Yes. Book two, uh, book two traction, traction. Traction is a book that, uh, we went to, oh my God, here we go. Here we go. Uh, he's mad. I didn't mention his book, right? No but, um, but definitely traction. Uh, me and me and Jerome, we read that together and it helped me understand a lot more.

That I am not really an integrator. I'm not a person that goes out there and does, um, you know, I'm not really a attacker. I'm more of a strategic person and I try to find processes and that's why I'm in it. Right. That's why I'm in it. Even when I'm in it, I'm actually coaching the guys on site to do the job.

I say, Hey, here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna do this. You're gonna do that. I'm coaching those guys. I'm not actually doing the labor. Okay. So I'm the brains, not the bronze. And it's important to understand what part you are, uh, when running a business. Kind of really sets you up, uh, that book will set you up for that and help.

Nice. Number three. Number three Trump style negotiations, a book, you know, recommended to me by Jerome. Oh my, here we go. Here we go. Um, it's a really good book. I know people may not like Trump, but the person who had him, you know, the person who wrote that book, uh, you know, definitely made him look good.

And, uh, they talk about win-win relationships and how it doesn't always have to be a win, lose think, right. Just because you're having a negotiation doesn't mean it's like, oh, I'm gonna get the best most for this and you're gonna get nothing. It doesn't really mean that all it means is essentially is.

Let's come together and let's figure this out. Let's figure this out together. And let's just work together essentially. And let's make sure that we both walk away happy. That is what that book is about. One of the best books. And it's not like some hostage negotiation thing, you know, where it's like, I'm gonna get the most and you're gonna get nothing.

It's like what it kind of monster does that. Right. It's about me keeping it a win-win so, okay. And final question. This was great. Uh, where can we find out more about you and your services? Oh. Okay. So, um, Carlos oterro.com, uh, that's C a R L O S OT E R o.com. That has everything on there. Um, including my jumpstarter, um, all in one business solution, as well as my real estate business.

And essentially you can feel free to go there, or you can go to Oterro home buyers.com if you wanna sell a home on terms, right. I like love to buy on terms and essentially jumpstarter one on one for the. All in one business solution, but Carlos ter.com will take you to all those links. Okay. This was great, Carlos.

I appreciate you. I don't have any other questions. You have any closing thoughts? I don't know. You got any more questions for me, man? No more questions, man. That was great. Ah, okay. Okay. That was great. Pretty good. Uh, we, it would be great to have you back. We can go maybe more specific and micro into different topics, so, okay.

I'm looking forward to it in the. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe, maybe we can do some kind of macro thing. You know, I like the macro. Maybe I can make some macro videos for you. Okay. Yeah. I appreciate that. I like that. Yeah. Maybe that'd be fun. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks for coming on. I appreciate you, man. I'll see you on the next round.

The next podcast. We're gonna do this again. Absolutely. Look forward to all right. See ya. Bye.

About the Podcast

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Real Estate Marketing Implementation Podcast (The REmarketing Podcast)
Real Estate, Marketing, and Implementation Perspectives For Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Coaches, and Real Estate Investors by Jerome Lewis

About your host

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Jerome Lewis

Jerome Lewis is the author of the book REmarketing - Insider’s Secrets of Successful Advertising, Lead Generation, & Marketing Implementation For Real Estate Entrepreneurs.
He is also the founder and CMO of Digital Real Estate Strategy, a tech, and marketing agency that helps busy but serious real estate entrepreneurs implement, structure, and systematize their tech, lead generation, marketing, and business systems. Jerome has helped over 5000 real estate entrepreneurs from more than 40 states and 4 countries. Jerome has shared stages with some of the real estate industry’s best national experts including names ranging from Vena Jones-Cox, Krista Mashore, Marc Halpern, and many more.
Jerome is a bold introvert, father, and former IT professional. In 2021, Jerome won eXp University’s Instructor of The Year Award. He is also the host of the Real Estate Marketing & Social Media Mastermind, where he teaches real estate investors and agents tech and marketing implementation.