Episode 37

Business Credit Structure & Business Credit Fundamentals with Sherie Marie (Money Making Marie)

Business Credit Structure & Business Credit Fundamentals with Sherie Marie (Money Making Marie)

A lot of businesses are started without a clear plan or structure, which can lead to disaster further down the line.

Not having a solid business foundation can cause all sorts of problems for your company down the road. Cash flow issues, credit approval, funding, financing, missed opportunities, and even bankruptcy can be the result of poor planning.

Properly structuring your business is key to success. Our interview will discuss everything you need to know about creating a sound business plan, setting up your finances, properly structuring, and building good credit for your company.


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All right, everyone. Welcome to the remarketing podcast. My name is Jerome Lewis. The remarketing podcast is a podcast where we talk marketing tech, business and leadership. We talk about these things for real estate agents, investors, and business entrepreneurs.

All right. The remarketing podcast, we have two purposes, purpose, number one, Shere to spotlight you, your business, your service or product in a way that provides value to you, including market exposure and content creation. You know, Shere loves some content creation, purpose, number two, to educate and inform our audience and our listeners.

All right. Awesome. Today we have Shere. Marie, I'm gonna do an introduction for Shere Shere. Marie is a business credit expert, right. And correct me. Right. I'm saying your name incorrectly. We, you, you got Shere Marie, and we also call you what. Money make Marie. So we got Shari Marie AKA money make Marie let's start over.

Shamar Shere, Marie AKA money make. And Marie is a business credit expert and professional makeup artist who has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry. Shere is a self-taught. Makeup artist. She is known for her ability to create stunning looks that enhance natural beauty she's passion for helping others shine through her work.

As a business credit expert, she teaches, understands and demonstrates the importance of properly structuring your business credit profile because it will make or break your businesses. Fundability with lenders. Shere takes great pride in helping other business owners achieve their funding goals. Her passion and expertise has helped many businesses secure the funding and financing they need to stabilize.

Or take their business to the next level when she's not working. She enjoys spending time with her three children and her friends. She love vlogging and creating content for social media Shere. Welcome to the podcast. I'm excited to have you here. Thank you. Thank you. You are very welcome. So that was a lovely introduction.

That's a professional introduction. How about you? Give us an introduction yourself. Tell us who she. Yes. Oh, wow. Where do I start? So, yes, uh, I am Sheri Marie, and I recently transitioned over to becoming a business credit coach. But like you stated in, um, like you stated, I am a pro makeup artist. That's what I'm doing full time.

I've been doing makeup since:

And, um, Not being able to get the newer things that I needed to create the like trendy looks and not having the products that I needed kind of stressed me out. And I was like, it gotta be a better way. So I felt like I wanted to give up, um, I felt like. I wasn't achieving my goals financially because every time I was making money, I was spending money and I quit my job because I felt like, oh, I wanna do this full time.

And I love doing this. I'll have clients, but because I didn't have any money coming in outside of my clients, I was burning my funds. And so, um, I wound up investing in a mentor that taught me about business credit and it literally changed my life. Like I learned that I didn't have to use my own money. I didn't have good credit, so I couldn't apply for loans.

So I was living client, the client, like some people live, check the check I was living client, the client. And so when my mentor taught me about business credit and how you could build your business by using other people's money, it changed the game for me. Like I was able to purchase things that.

Couldn't before I was able to not burn my funds so fast. And when I learned that, I felt as though other people gotta know about this, other people, other business owner has to know like that you don't have to spend your own money. Like there's, if you have a LLC there's funding out there available for you.

So that's when I decided to become a mentor, um, or a business credit coach myself to help other business owners and let them know that there's funding out there available. Thank you, Sheri. So what we're gonna talk about today, we're gonna learn all about business credit. And more specifically within that, Shari's gonna teach us how we can structure our business to get appropriate funding, right?

So you can not have those struggles and those issues that she talked about, she experienced in her business before we go there, though, uh, this is the remarketing podcast. We, uh, a lot of the people that come through are real estate entrepreneurs. So Shari I'm put some pressure on you, right? A little bit of pressure.

So I met Jerome back in, uh,:

So I wind up going to. It was a, uh, a here in Philadelphia. It was the, uh, I think it was the real estate. What is the, uh, group? I forget what it's called. Oh, I can't remember the Philadelphia real estate, uh, group don't quote me, but I went to this meetup. They were having like deal night this night and he was at the front.

Um, I met him briefly. Um, but after meeting him that night, I started to go to other events that I found on the meetup at was cash and coffee was one of them. And I started to notice that a lot of these meetups, I went to icing Jerome. So he was con he was a person that connected with everybody in my field.

So once I started to go to cash and coffee, it was every Saturday at seven in the morning, right. And early, um, um, , that's what I actually got a chance to really talk to him and engage with him. And we kind of connected there and he's been someone that has always hold me accountable to be the best that I can be.

And he's always been about results and he gets on me all the time about like just being the, my best self. And I really appreciate the room for that, but that's how I met him through networking. Awesome. Thank you, Sheri. I appreciate that. And the way I I'm gonna tell, share my quick story on what I remember kind of meeting you.

So you were. Uh, I think, I remember seeing you, like on social media, like doing videos and we were like part of like this wholesale group and you were like doing videos at the time and like, like video I, all I talk about now was like video, but at the time you were like doing video and nobody else was doing videos.

So you kind of. Getting like this popularity. And then I remember seeing you, like, like you said, at some real estate networking event, but it was like, um, I think that group is no longer around. And I was like, uh, I know you, you look familiar. And then we started having a conversation. And then I remember meeting at some of the other stuff.

And the reason why I asked you to kind of do the introduction is because like our, our audience is generally real estate professionals. And what we're gonna learn about today is like, yes, we're real estate agents and we're real estate investors, but we too are business owners. And that's a huge mistake that we make.

We think about ourselves as this one individual thing and not as business owners. And that's one of the messages and the missions that I'm on as well is like, Hey, you're, you're. Uh, the business, you have to run what you're running as a business and having credit. That's one of those things, having marketing, having a budget, tho those are the things that you need to establish a successful business.

You don't wanna just be an agent or just an investor. You want to have a business. Right? So with that said, I have. A list of questions that I wanna ask Shae, and she's gonna tell us everything that she can with within our brief time that we have here. So the first question that I have for you, Sheri, and we, we start off with the business questions.

Then we ask you some personal stuff. Then we go to the closing table. The first question that I have for you, Sheri, I want you to tell us a common myth about your expertise, right? So tell us a common myth about business. Um, a common myth about business credit. Um, I would say people think it well, entrepreneurs feeling that it's not available to them.

Me included when I found out about business credit, I. Was under the impression that business credit was for big companies. I didn't know. It was for small business owners. I thought that it was something that I had to be in business for many, many years to obtain. Um, and that's not true. So that's why I feel that that's the biggest myth in this, this field is that people thinking that it's not available to them.

Okay. So since that's not a myth. From your perspective, what's like start telling us, like, what are some things that we can do? So we start to establish business credit.

This is what I preach all the time. The reason why a lot of businesses don't feel that it's not for them is because they don't have structure. Like they didn't take the time to properly build that structure and that credit profile to be able to get approved for funding. A lot of business owners, they get their LLC and they go straight to the bank for a loan and get denied, or they go straight to, uh, credit card, a business credit card and get denied.

And they automatically feel like I can't get business credit because I keep getting denied. But that's not true. It's because you're not structured correctly. So the more credible you are, the more funds you'll be able to achieve. Like my mentor always says credibility equals fundability. So if a lender is coming to you and you're asking them for money and they look at your business profile and you're not credible, they're not gonna give you their money.

Now, what I mean by credible is when a lender looks you up, you have to have your prop, your, your, your, your things in order, you have to have your LL. you have to have your business address, not your home address, the actual business address you can get up. You can get virtual addresses for this there's shared offices that you can use.

You have to have a business, email, not a Gmail, a professional business email. Um, you have to have a professional phone number, not your cell phone number, like a toll free 800 number. You have to have a website, even if it's just a landing. Something that lenders can go and see, okay, this person, they shouldn't know that you're a small business.

When they look you up, they should see that this person is a big business. You have to register yourself with different, um, like, uh, SEOs, like Google four 11, Bing, Yelp, uh, have social media, um, Platforms for your business. Basically the more things that you could become credible, when, when someone looks up your business, the more they'll give you funding and that's having that structure.

So. When they look you up, you have to make sure that the address that's on your LLC is the same address. That's with the secretary of state. That's the same address. That's on Google. When they look you up, all those things have to be seamless because some creditors will deny you if they see mixed match addresses, something that small.

So structure is so, so, so important when it comes to building business credit way before you can start to apply for these trade lines structure is so, so important. All right. So I, I appreciate that Sheri. And one, one of the things I'm going to try to do, right. You know, I like to put pressure on people, but you've share your, uh, your business credit checklist.

So I'm thinking a little bit towards the end. Uh, we can go, we can like view that checklist and you can take us through some of those steps, like really briefly, and then tell 'em how they can get that checklist. Uh, you okay with that? Yeah, that's fine. All right. So we'll do that a little bit later. Now, the question that I kind of had for you is you talked about like structuring and if, if you were to, if I were to say Shere, I need to structure my business.

Is there a certain amount of steps? Would you be able to quantify that for me? Is it one step two, step three steps, 4, 7 21. Is there some kind of number of steps that you need to have successful? Um, the steps is pretty much just auditing your. Okay. So, you know, and that's what kind of covers, um, with that's what covers in this, in the checklist.

It's okay. Auditing your business. So the checklist gives you a step by step guide or how you can audit your business to kind of see where you, uh, kind of had made errors. So like I said, again, making sure that all your documents are filed correctly. That can be step one, you know, but even backtrack it before you get your LLC, you wanna make sure that you have your business.

Not your home address. You wanna make sure that you have your business phone number, your email, all these things have to be done prior because when you go ahead and file for your LLC, if you used your address to, uh, create that LLC, then when you go for getting. Funding, you're gonna have to audit and you're gonna have to go out and you're gonna have to submit correction letters to the IRS and the secretary of state.

And no one wants to do that because I had to do it and it's not fun. And it's very time consuming and it'll slow down your process. So I wouldn't say that it's many, many steps, like 1, 2, 3, 4, It's pretty much just auditing your business, making sure you have all your ducks in a row. And the checklist does go by that step by step to make sure that you have the correct information for your business.

Okay. Awesome. So is it safe to say the biggest thing? The biggest takeaway I have is audit your business? Yes. Okay. Now, if I were to audit my business, right, what do I, what do I need to audit myself? Or like, can you help me audit it? You can talk about that. So you can audit your business. Um, I can, and so I, I wanna stop you a little bit because like, this is a, like, I like to be professional.

Right? Mm-hmm so I can go try to do it myself, or I can hire a professional, uh, the bottom line question that I'm asking you is, do you run audits on people's businesses? Can you help with that? No. So I don't provide their service. Um, I don't provide an audit service, but I can instruct people where they can get that done when they do.

Uh, consultations with me. Um, I will be providing done for you services, whereas though I can help people build their credit up, but the auditing process, um, will be a part of that service, but I don't have the service right now, but it's definitely coming very soon. and, you know, I'm gonna put pressure on you, you know, I'm gonna keep coming, you know it, so you said it and, and we had it recorded.

So be ready. Yeah. All right. I'm, I'm gonna move on to the next question. I appreciate you. Um, and you kind of talked about this a little bit earlier when you shared your story and your introduction, but I'm gonna exit anyway, have you always wanted to be a business credit expert? I never, in a million years thought that I would be a business credit.

it's not even something I knew about. I didn't even know what I heard of business credit, but I didn't even know it was really a thing for me. So I never seen that in my future. No. Okay, awesome. So, uh, you got business credit and then you got personal credit and, um, some people like, I, I just used my personal credit.

Like, could you talk about some distinct differences between business credit and personal. Okay. That is a great question. Cuz I get this question all the time. Like why can't I just use my personal credit? Mm-hmm the reason why I, I, I talk about using your E in place of your social security number, which is your personal credit is because tell us what E is, what that is.

So your EIN is pretty much your social for your business. So when you use that number, it builds your credit for your business. It's your identity for your unique business? It's it? It's it, it is. It's unique entity. So that's what separates your business from your personal. So if you have good credit, some people feel like I'll just use my, my personal credit.

But the thing about that is having a LLC gives you liability. When using your personal credit to build business, if something happens within that business, your personal credit will receive the. and with your business, it's its own entity. So it won't affect your personal credit. And if you have bad credit, when you go ahead and try to apply for lines of business credit, you'll get denied if you're using your social.

So the. If you have good credit yet you could, in some instances become a personal guarantor, which is when you do put your social on these business trade line applications and get approved. Only thing is if you default on that loan, it affects your personal business. I mean your personal credit score.

All right. And when you say personal guarantor, what does that. . Yeah, so basically like, like I said, if you use your social on any business loan application, you're becoming a personal guarantor, which means if you default, or if anything goes south within this loan, you as yourself, not the separate entity, which is the LLC will become liable for those loan payments.

Okay. And let's, let's just let me be a negative Nancy. Like what's wrong with that? What's wrong with me being liable. Could you talk about. It'll cause it'll affect you to get homes. It'll affect you to get any other type of personal credit cards. It will affect you to get any other personal type of, uh, car loans.

Um, it'll affect you personally it'll affect your personal assets. All right. So one of the, one of the things in my experience between business credit and personal credit is, is, is. The amounts that you can get. Could you help us understand, like the difference in the, like the business credit versus the personal credit, like the amounts that you can get approved of and how much money can you, you can use.

Right. So with, with business credit, there's separate tiers, like there's levels to this. So you wanna start off with tier one. So tier one is, uh, like you can get like net 30 accounts, net 30 are trade lines where you can purchase things for your business and you have 30 days to pay it. Right. So, um, by paying these net 30 accounts off, you can wait, wait, so let me backtrack a little bit.

These net 30 accounts, they give you tr uh, credit lines. So they'll give you say for instance, like Uline, they'll give you, um, A credit line of $5,000. You can use that $5,000 to, uh, order things for your business and you have, you know, you can pay those off. Once you have about four, three to four net 30 accounts reporting to your credit bureaus, the business credit bureaus.

Then you can go ahead and go to tier two. Tier two are store cards like Sam's club Costco, Walmart, home Depot. Lowe's you can get gas cards like shell. You can get. Uh, gas cards and it is a bunch of companies under we. Those companies will give you. Credit lines, like according to your business structure, again, it goes all back to your business structure.

When you're structured really seamlessly, you get higher approvals. Now the beauty about these retail cards is when you're paying these cards off for about two to three months. You can now go to tier three, which is the cash cards, your visa, your MasterCard, and the beauty of that is they mimic what the retail cards gave you.

So here we are, we almost at. 90 days you're already about to get credit cards. Whereas though, with personal credit, it takes about six months for you to get a credit card to build your personal credit. But with business credit, that tier one takes about 30 days to get a 80 paid X score, um, or to get, be able to go to tier two, to get the retail cards.

Now you're at here too. That's like 60 days now, here you are. 90 days. You're getting credit cards, you're getting cash cards and they're mimick. With the store cards gave you. And you mentioned, okay, go ahead. No, go ahead. You mentioned PAIDX what's PAIDX yeah, I was going to, I was going when I said that I was like, maybe I need to break that down, but, um, I'm going to go back to that, but let me just, um, point out one fact about the retail cards.

So think about any type of line of credit. Every 30 days you can ask for increase. So if you got approved for let's just say. $10,000 with Sam's club. You're paying that off. You can go ahead and ask for an increase and you wanna go ahead and ask for that increase about two to three times before you go for a cash card.

Now that cash card is gonna see, wow. This person has 50,000, $60,000 with Sam's club. I'm gonna match that or give her higher. Okay. Awesome. Now you want me, you want me to cover what the paid X score is? Yeah. Tell us what paid X is. What that is. Is it a company? Is it some kind of score? What does that. So in the business credit world, you have your payback score, which is given to you by dun and Bradstreet, dun and Bradstreet is the main, um, credit reporting agency that all the trade lines report to.

So having that pay PAIDX score, when you open up your business, you wanna get a done. so not just having your LLC, you wanna have that DUNS number, because again, your Dunn's number is your identity in the business credit world. So without a DUNS number, you can't even build business credit without that number.

So, um, yeah, so. Uh, a pay act, score anything that's 80 and above is considered low risk. So having those net 30 accounts that we talked about before in your tier one, having those net 30 accounts and paying them off 10 days before they're due will boost and kick off your paid score, it could get you a 80 or above paid score.

You can't move the tier two without that paid score in most cases, and which is the retail cards. So that paid score is very, very, very critical and very important when establishing business credit. Awesome. So I'm gonna move on to the next question and the next question, uh, in your, your expertise, right?

So we're talking business credit. What's one thing. All right. So let me rephrase it. What's one thing about business credit that almost no one agrees with you about what's one thing about business credit. No one agrees with me about, yeah. Is that it takes 90 days or less to build a lot of people don't believe that that's true because a lot of us are conditioned to personal credit, which takes a long time, a lot of process.

So when you hear someone say you can get business. You know, within 90 days or less people are like, no, that's not true. So that would be the, the, the main thing that people don't agree with me because they haven't tried it. They probably didn't see it done. So they don't think that it is possible, but it's in fact very possible.

I know it's possible. That's why I always encourage people to consult with professionals. Uh, some stuff we can do ourselves, but other things we should consult with professionals. You can't have a business without working with other people. And that includes other professionals. Next question. These are more entrepreneurial.

So we want to know how you work and how you operate your business Shari. So tell me, give me a productivity hat. What's your favorite productivity hat for entrepreneurs, or maybe you have a business credit hat. Give us some. Okay. So wait, you want me to do both or you want me to do one? Cause you kind of gave you two options.

So let me, yeah, let me let's do you have one for business credit? You kinda hat? Um, I do have some hacks for business credit me. Give me, give me. Give me one, like, give me what you think is like the most important hack for business. Okay. That's I'm glad you said that. Cuz I do got one really good one. Okay.

So when you're first, first building your business credit, the goal is to get that 80 paid X score. Like that's like the goal, right? So in order to get that you wanna have about three to four trade lines reporting. So a lot of people don't know is like nav.com is like the credit karma. Business credit. So nav.com is where you go to track your business credit scores.

It kind of looks just like credit karma, too. It's so crazy, but when you, um, it's a free service, but if you update your, um, service to the nav boost, which is $39 a month, it will also report as a trade line. You can have two. Of those nav accounts. So basically you can set up one account and then you can open up a second account using a different email with the same business information.

And now you will have two trade lines reporting to the credit bureau. And then all you would have to do is just add maybe one or two net 30 vendors, and that will boost your score to 80 in like 30 days. Awesome. I appreciate that. So give us all right now, give us a productivity. so a productivity hack.

This is something that I'm still struggling with myself. So I'm talking to myself when I say this, um, a productivity hack is there's never enough time in the day. Never. So you have to. It's never enough time in the day. Never. So instead of time management it's priority management, so you kind of have to put things in perspective, the what's the most priority to the least priority to even that everything is a priority, but you have to be able to determine what is really up here and what I can, maybe if I don't get to it today, I can carry it on to the next day and it could be the top for the next day.

So there's never enough time in the day priority management. And, um, that that's like the best thing that I could say is priority management. So, so I, um, I couldn't agree more and you kind of already know how I am. I always, no, no excuses. We all got problems. You know what I'm saying? Tell people all the time I got four kids.

So I wanna hear it. Four kids, you know, three businesses. I got a woman, like all that stuff that it's priorities. So with that, like, could you give us. A tell us what's a priority when it comes to business, like give us the top priority for business credit for you. One of the, like, if I was like, oh, I need to get my business credit like right now.

And it doesn't have to be right. But your perspective, what's a top priority that we should be doing to establish business credit. The top priority to establish your business credit is to do that. To make sure that your foundation is strong. If your foundation is not strong, if that credit profile is not built correctly, you're going to have anxiety.

You're going to have stress. You're going to have doubt because you're going to keep getting denials. So that's the top thing, making sure that all your ducks are in the line. All your addresses match. Everything is seamless before you can even do that first initial application for that, any trade. Thank you.

Ma'am so let's get personal. Uh, I got some personal questions for you. First personal question. What do people misunderstand about you? Most

people don't understand that I am a serial, a serial mom, entrepreneur. Like people don't understand that. Like they always see me and they go, you're doing something else again, like wasn't you just doing makeup? Wasn't you just the wholesaler. And they don't understand. This is what I do. One, one stream of income is not gonna cut it anymore.

It's just not. So people have to understand that people like to put you in a box that's comfortable for them. So if they are comfortable with you being a makeup artist, they wanna keep you there. So they don't wanna see you doing something else. So I like to let people know that it's okay to do multiple.

as long as they're all succeeding, like don't just be juggling emotional things and you ain't doing it correctly, but yes, I'm a serial mom, entrepreneur, and I don't think people understand that about me and they, they don't, they don't understand that. And that's why I wanted to put that out there.

awesome. So tell me what that mom entrepreneur is. It's a mom entrepreneur, someone who is a mom full time. Cause that's a job being a mom is a job that's and I'm gonna say that's the most important. Uh, that's one of the most important jobs. I always, I, I like to go off the rail and talk about family and, but people don't being a mother is highly, highly important.

That is important. And our kids need, they need both parents, but that mom job is super important. Yes. Like I'm I always tell people like, I'm a mom before anything. I'm a mom before an entrepreneur. I'm a mom first, but a entrepreneur is someone that is well, a mother that is a mom that juggles that mom lifestyle, but also runs a business or multiple businesses.

Okay. Awesome. Thank you. Ma'am so, uh, that's enough for the personal questions. Let's get to.

Bonus questions. Right. So I got some bonus questions and I'm putting some extra ones in here. So what is the biggest challenge you are currently facing in your business?

What am I facing right now in business?

Well, let me just, can I, can I give you something that I was facing that, that I had to kind of fix a little. uh, okay. No, yeah. What is it right now? Like, like, as an example, me right now, the biggest struggle I'm facing is like, I got this newsletter that got off track and I'm working on getting it back on track.

And like, if you are in business, like you said, like as an entrepreneur, you always like, it never stops. It's never gonna be enough time. So there's always something. And just because you're, you have some obstacle, it doesn't mean, you know, so what's, what's like the biggest thing you're facing right now.

Like what's the priority. Like I need to get this knocked. Okay. So I would say that that is stop overthinking. Don't smile. don't you smile. Okay. He's smiling like that guys, because he knows me. He knows that I'm always in my head and, and feeling so. Even though that's a personal issue. It, it, it drips down into my business and I personally overthink and overanalyze, literally everything.

And so when it comes to the business, it's, it's affecting that as well. So instead of ex execution execution, I'll be stuck on overthinking something that should have been executed and I could have got ahead. So that's something that I'm like struggling with right now is to get outta my own way, get outta my head and stop overthinking things and execute and stop being afraid of failure because you have to fail forward.

And so I'm learning. that I'm not always gonna be motivated, but I have to be disciplined. Okay. And the more I force myself to be disciplined, it's been helping me with the overthinking. Thank you. And so the, the reason why we, uh, add that question in is because I generally try to figure out a way that anybody that comes on, I can help.

And, but I kind of already think I'm like helping you with that. Like you are, don't overthink it, just do it, get it done. So, uh, I can't, you know, but. But it's like, no. yes, I get, get out. It . So, uh, the next question I added these in, so they, they kind of, they're kind of to stop you, but it it's to help you too.

So how can someone add immediate value to your business? How can someone add value to my business? Immediate value, like short term, like right now, like what's one thing that would really like, oh, that's great. As an example, if you wanna add immediate value to me, uh, a couple examples. So one is be like, come on our show, be it podcast, guest.

Another is buy a book or, you know, that's like short term value. So mm-hmm um, can I do two ? Um, maybe, maybe. Okay, so I'll do one mm-hmm um, what a person can add value by immediate value, immediate value. Yeah. Which would be downloading that, that credit building checklist. Okay. Um, you know, downloading that checklist will it, it helps the person.

And it also helps me because the information in the free checklist is a lot of information and. Once somebody get that information, I'm sure that they probably will refer someone to me. So by me giving that to someone else, I feel like it'll help me because they're going to refer me to someone else that I can help.

And I feel like that will help me a lot. Okay. So I, I talked about, we were going to try to go over this checklist. Let's see what we can do. Mm-hmm so, um, I want you to, so we got like eight pages. This is your checklist. And we're doing, we're bringing it right. We just, we build the plane on the way down, whatever they say.

So it is what it is. If we mess up who cares, uh, take us through really quickly, these eight, like I, do you want me to show them this checklist? Tell me what to do. Yeah. Okay. Lead me from OK. You can show that you can. OK. All right. So page one, build your business credit checklist. I don't even know what we're doing.

Are we showing them in the checklist or are we going through the steps? How do you wanna handle. You can just, um, whatever you feel is free to do you just scroll, so I'll scroll through business credit checklist, business credit. Um, I I'll just do a quick demo, right? I'll I'll show 'em some of it and if they wanna get the checklist, how do they get the checklist?

Sheri? So, um, They can click the link in my bio, on my Instagram, my Facebook and my LinkedIn. And it will, uh, be the first option on the link in my bio for them to be able to go ahead and download their free checklist. And which what's your, uh, Instagram, give us the te the title, the tag. Yeah. So it's money Macon, Marie.

With two E at the end and that's across the board for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. All right. So can you see my screen? Yes, I can see your screen. All right. So you see my profile. If I, I know we're on the desktop, but you can, you can see it. So if I visit money making Marie, I come to right. What here?

This link. Yes. I gonna click on that link and there it goes right there. Biggest day, get the free money, free business building checklist. This is how I get that C. Yes. Okay. Awesome. Awesome. So I think that's good enough if they want the full scope of the demo, they can go and of the checklist they can go and download.

There's a lot of information in there. Yes. Okay. So let's get back to the questions. So the reason why I was like, ah, maybe on the, the value add question, like short term value, cuz the next question is how can someone. Long term value to your business. So long term value value for me, as an example would be, Hey, refer me a client.

That's gonna be on for, uh, you know, a year or a couple of months. So what's a way that someone can bring you long term value to your business. That's a question. I don't think I've ever thought about. Yeah. That's that's me cuz I'm like, mm, I was killing it and now I'm like, mm, yeah, you gotta think I don't.

What can, what can someone bring me long-term value?

I mean, I would definitely say it would be referrals for me too. I feel like in any business referrals, like I'm all about like, what can I do for you? What can you do for. So it's like, if someone can refer people to me, I feel like that keeps my business growing. And, um, and I will hope it's something that I can in return give to that person.

So I would definitely feel that, Hey, like if you know a business owner or if you know any entrepreneurs that is struggling in their business, you know, financially send them my way. And that will help me long term, cuz it keeps my business running as. okay. And, um, so I'll talk to you about this in more detail, but, uh, I need, I need some content from you for our newsletter.

So we'll talk about that in the future next. Okay. We are going to go to the closing table. These are the final questions that I like to ask our guests. And I say closing table because we're in real estate and we all knew what that is as real estate entrepreneurs. So PO table questions. What are three books you recommend to the audience and.

Three books that I would recommend. Mm-hmm the first book first and foremost, hands down. This is the book that changed my mindset. This is the book that got me to wholesale to getting into the real estate field was rich dad poured. by Robert Kiyosaki. That is the book that did it for me. Um, I had a closed mindset before reading that book.

And after reading that book, it just opened up a whole new world for me that I didn't even know existed. And it made me look at life differently and, and I seen how many options there were out there just with real estate. Um, so that would be the first book that I would, I would definitely. Um, did, did you see, did you see my pictures with, with him?

I did. And I was so hyped. I felt like a fan when I seen it I was like, oh, snap. . Yeah, it was, it was pretty fun. I got like, he just released this book. and he signed it and everything like that. So it was, it was, it was a good time. And like, I always same, same way. I always jump on you about accountability. I have accountability partners and stuff like that too.

And mm-hmm , I wasn't really going to go, but thank God for other people, like holding me accountable. So I did go and it was worth it. Um, I'm putting it in the newsletter. I'm like, basically I spent like $3,000 just to go take pictures and hang out with, but that's the investment though. It was right, exactly.

It was an investment and it was well worth it. So he said, rich dad, poor. Kiyosaki. Yes. Awesome. Um, in the second book, I forget the name of the author. I'm so mad right now that I forgot, but it's called atomic habits. Okay. And that book helped me because. us as entrepreneurs. We focus so much on the goal and the progress and the results, but we don't spend time on the habits, the little things mm-hmm that we need to put in place to get to those goals.

Just small little habits that we can change in our every day that can push us closer to our goals. And that book really like. went into detail of the importance of habits. And after reading that book, I didn't even realize that I had so many habits that was keeping me away from my goals, because I was so focused on the goal mm-hmm and not the habits.

So that book right there is definitely another type of mindset shift, cuz it's, if you don't, you have to change this first. Like if you don't change your mindset and how you look at things and how you understand things, and you're never going to make it anything that you put your, you know, that you wanna.

So that Robert Kiyosaki books helped my mindset. The atomic habit helped my mindset. Um, and it was one more book also. It was called the big leap. Um, and again, I did, you know, the offer for that one. Don't remember. I don't remember. OK. I don't remember the author cause I listen to audibles. So like nine times outta 10.

I probably, I, I, I don't really see the, the author, so I'm listening to the book, but yeah, so I suck at that you guys, but if you guys can go ahead and Google it or look it up, it's called the big leap and it basically talks about like taking risks. like, you know, a lot of wealthy stay wealthy because they take risk and scared money don't make money.

And a lot of times we are so comfortable in our comfort zone and there's no growth there. Like you can't grow when you're comfortable. So it's like that book talks about, like, when you feel that fear that you don't, that you are afraid of that unknown, are you afraid of that failure? You take that leap and a lot of things that we want in life, or even as entrepreneurs is on the other side of.

And that book really goes in about that. And it will really help a lot of people with their procrastination. Um, What is that? What is that term called? Uh, analysis paralysis. There we go. Analysis under you knew analysis paralysis. Like that book really will help you with that because a lot of us do all this studying and we do all this reading and watch all these YouTubes and never jump.

So we got all this information. No action. So those are the three books that I, and, and I'm big on action in even, uh, action results there. That's right. You know, I put pressure. I'm like, come on, girl, let's go. Gotta do this podcast. Let's go. Let's do it. Yes. You're here. You took the leap. It, it took, it took a little bit of me beating you up, but you took the leap and I, I got y'all.

I wanna let you know that. I appreciate you. And I admire you for taking it, even though you can be resistant sometime you do move. So, uh, those were three books. The next question, uh, where can listeners find out more about you? Yeah. So again, right now I have my social platforms, um, money making Marie on Instagram money, making Marie on LinkedIn money, making Marie on, uh, Facebook and also on YouTube.

I don't, it's not live, but you can go there and subscribe. There will be content coming there soon. So money making Marie with two E at the end on all. Awesome. And, uh, could you leave us with a final statement about business credit, final statement for business credit, stop using your own funds to, to grow and run your business and start using other people's money.

And not just using other people's money, but using that to leverage like business credit is not just for your actual business that you're running right now. You can take the business credit that you're getting from this business, and you can start a new business, something that may create passive income.

So don't just think business credit is for the business you have right now. You can leverage it to make more money, make more money passively. You wanna invest in businesses that you can make money in your sleep. So yes. Stop using your own money and use other people's money. Thank you. Ma'am so, um, I'm gonna do this live was, was it scary?

It wasn't scary, but I was nervous cause I'm always nervous. I'm always nervous. I'm always I'm sweat. Yeah. See, there she go. Y'all in her head. She did. Excellent. She's still talking about she nervous. I'm always nervous. Oh my gosh. Biggest extrovert. I know. Always nervous. Always. I appreciate you so much.

Thank you for being a guest on our podcast and you will be coming back cause I'm for you to come back. Yes. And talk about some other subjects and more stuff. So thank you so much, Shari. Thank you. You're welcome. Let me, let me end this. Stay on. I need to talk to you.

About the Podcast

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Real Estate Marketing Implementation Podcast (The REmarketing Podcast)
Real Estate, Marketing, and Implementation Perspectives For Real Estate Entrepreneurs, Real Estate Coaches, and Real Estate Investors by Jerome Lewis

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Jerome Lewis

Jerome Lewis is the author of the book REmarketing - Insider’s Secrets of Successful Advertising, Lead Generation, & Marketing Implementation For Real Estate Entrepreneurs.
He is also the founder and CMO of Digital Real Estate Strategy, a tech, and marketing agency that helps busy but serious real estate entrepreneurs implement, structure, and systematize their tech, lead generation, marketing, and business systems. Jerome has helped over 5000 real estate entrepreneurs from more than 40 states and 4 countries. Jerome has shared stages with some of the real estate industry’s best national experts including names ranging from Vena Jones-Cox, Krista Mashore, Marc Halpern, and many more.
Jerome is a bold introvert, father, and former IT professional. In 2021, Jerome won eXp University’s Instructor of The Year Award. He is also the host of the Real Estate Marketing & Social Media Mastermind, where he teaches real estate investors and agents tech and marketing implementation.