Episode 34

Perfection Is Robbing You of Success

We all know that making mistakes is a part of life, but it's hard to keep moving forward when we mess up.

It's easy to understand why we want to be perfect--after all, no one wants to feel like they're failing. But the truth is, you're never going to be perfect and you're never going to stop making mistakes.

- Perfectionism is the enemy of progress

- Don't let perfectionism stop you from achieving your goals

- The dangers of perfectionism

- Don't be afraid to make mistakes

- Perfectionism can hold you back

- Learn from your failures

It's okay to make mistakes. In fact, you should expect to make them as you progress towards your goals. The most important thing is to not let them stop you from progressing or producing. Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.

Instead of letting them hold you back, use them as a learning experience and keep moving forward.

The Perfectionist is a liar. Stuck in a lie. "I'm just a perfectionist."

No, you're not.

Perfection is a nice word for "no-production." You have figured out how to say something nice about yourself when the truth is you just don't do anything because you're selfish.

Perfectionists are selfish people. They're all worried about how they're going to look rather than serving those that could benefit from their product/service.


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All right. I wanna go live and talk about perfection and I gotta be honest. We all struggle with that perfectionist thing a little bit. I gotta be honest. I was like getting ready for the presentation. That was like, damn, I'm being a perfectionist. I'm about to tell people to stop being perfectionist, but I'm trying to be a perfectionist.

Well, I' telling them not to be perfectionist. So the reason why I'm bringing this up is because. This is like the number one, excuse. I'm gonna call it what it is. This is the number one excuse that people make when it's time for them to produce something, right? Like it's time for you to get out there and create something.

Let's do it. And it's like, oh, I don't know everything. I don't have all of the pieces in place. And it's like, guess what? Those things don't really matter. Right? The thing about. um, the thing about living right on this earth or whatever is nobody really expects you to be perfect. Anyway. So the cool thing is you're allowed to make mistakes and that perfection mentality that you're thinking that people have on you, it's made up.

That's what you are thinking that people expect of you, but most people don't expect you to be perfect. We're all humans and we're expected to make mistakes. It's just a natural part of life, right? Success and failure. Failure is a part of success is not the opposite. I just wanted to talk about it's okay.

To make mistakes. Right. And what made me think about this? I am publishing a book. You can see it here and I'm going through the book and I'm like, man, there's a lot of mistakes in here. I'm like, I'm never gonna get through correcting all of these mistakes and that's not the objective. Right? The objective is not for the book to be perfect because I can always adjust.

I can always adjust along the way. I can always correct these mistakes. Right? Like my first. We hit number one, seller with a bunch of mistakes in it. Right? How we hit number one, seller with a bunch of mistakes because people aren't paying attention that much attention to those mistakes. Right? Even further, the people that are paying attention to those mistakes, guess what they're likely not part of your crowd or they're likely they likely won't work with you or something like that.

If somebody's gonna find these little small mistake and that's gonna bother them about working with you or being your friend or something like that, they're not your tribe and that's okay. We're not here to serve. And please everyone we're here for who we are here for. Right. So bottom line and all of this is, is okay to make mistakes.

And this, this comes up a lot with. The students and clients that I'm encouraging to do video, right. To get on video marketing and showcase yourself and video. So people can get to learn to understand who you are. And we are so worried about being perfect. And getting the message, right. Like right away that we never get anything done.

We get that analysis paralysis. Right. So

we get that analysis paralysis and we never get like a product. Right. So one of the things I like to say is you need a checkpoint. Right. And it's not gonna be perfect. Like you don't come out there. There's like the, the baseball reference. You don't come out, swinging home runs. You gotta get some singles.

Right. First you gotta learn to walk. Then you gotta learn to run. You gotta do all this stuff in order for you to be hitting home runs. And then even still, you're not gonna hit it a hundred percent of the time, but that's not all that's required. I don't know baseball too well, but. You don't even need like a hundred percent of the time to be like in the hall of fame or something weird like that.

Who knows? I forgot. But bottom line is it doesn't have to be perfect, but what you wanna do is you wanna try your best, right. Try your best and get a checkpoint. And what does it mean? A checkpoint? A checkpoint is. Okay, so let's reference, let's go. We're talking about video. If you're trying to do video marketing in your business, you gotta get one video done, right.

This way you get a checkpoint. A checkpoint is let's. Let's just Google it.

All right. So definition of checkpoint, a point at which a check is performed vehicles where that's in regards to cars, but you get it right. Checkpoint, checkpoint. So when you are doing something right, especially when I'm talking about like creating video, Get you a checkpoint, get you a checkpoint so you can know where you can improve and what you need to do for next time.

Right? So you always ask me, how can I do this? How can I do that? Well, first we need to know where you are, right? You wanna do more video, so let's get a checkpoint. Do a video, right? Get the video out and then we can talk about how we can approve and expound upon that particular video. Right. So get a checkpoint, right?

And the checkpoint is not gonna be perfect. Nothing you do will be perfect. It's unlikely. Most of the stuff that we do that we do is going to be perfect. Mistakes happen. Next. Right. What about all of the critics, which is really not like what, it's not a specific industry, but you hear people say, oh, the haters people always say they got all these haters.

We don't got that many haters, that many people don't care about us. Right. So what if you do have haters, right? Or people that criticize you, cuz it's mostly just people with criticism. It's not haters. If somebody got criticism. Uh, just be mindful of the criticism. You don't have to take personal, you don't have to take it personal or anything like that.

It's just criticism people aren't typically hating on you. It's not, it doesn't really work that way most times. So anyway, what do you do about the criticism and the haters? Uh, one of my favorite rebuttals for criticism in the haters, right, is show me. Right. So as an example, this guy, I did like a whiteboard video and was explaining one of my upcoming classes.

And yeah, I could have did much, much better. It's always easy to play. Monday morning, quarterback is what they call it. Right. I could have did it better. I could have came up with slideshow presentation, but I, I intentionally did not do that. And I, to be honest, I did not feel like doing that. They didn't want to do that.

So I just put together wiper presentation and I told them what they were coming to get in the class. And the guy said, you should. You should, what he said, you should do this. And I said, You know what? I appreciate that. Why don't you show me? Right. So the bottom line is if you got haters or criticisms, people wanna give you feedback, right?

And you, you just, you happen to need a rebuttal or you happen to need something to say something back, or you need the right mentality, right. You test their. Metal. Right? Why don't you tell 'em to show you? Oh, that was, it was a good video. Jerome, next time you should do this. Okay. Why don't you show me me by example, right?

And then not just show me, I don't want you to go show me somebody else's. I want you to me by example. Right? So that's a good way to retaliate to people that that's a good way to, to retaliate to criticisms. If someone had some feedback for you, tell 'em to show you right. And don't show me somebody else's stuff.

Show me you lead by. Right. So if you think somebody's hating on you or you don't appreciate the criticism, just tell 'em to show. that's great. Why don't you show me? And I'm a bit confrontational, so I'll say it straight up. Show me right lead by example versus, oh, why don't you show me, but same point somebody got some criticisms or, or some feedback for you.

Tell 'em to show you tell 'em to lead by example, people got the, again, people got so many ideas and theories and concepts. When it's time to when it's time for application, it's a different story. So have 'em show you next. I wanted to show this, uh, grant Cardone video and. You can say what you want about this guy.

Right. But, and I have my opinions about him as well. Never met the guy. I just got opinions, but this is a very valid video and I want you to watch it. So here we. Let's do a screen share,

right? Why can't everybody be? Why can't everybody be rich? Why can't everybody have, so why can't everybody have water? Why can't everybody have food? Why can't everybody be successful? You know why? Cuz you got a bunch of freaking lies sitting on you. Okay. And you can't get up from the lies. You can't do anything for the lies.

So I, I, this isn't even the main point of the video, but one thing immediately that I appreciate is the fact that he's telling the truth, right? People aren't doing things. So that's not the main point of the video. You're gonna see the main point, but this that's the point. People always talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.

What are you doing? What are you doing? So think you're gonna quit. Like the perfectionist, the perfectionist is a liar stuck in a lie. I'm just a perfectionist. No, you're not. You don't do anything. So that's the point that I wanted to make of the video, the perfectionist, EV you saying you are a perfectionist, you a liar.

Right. You're not doing anything. And I've been saying this for a long time. People always say that I'm a perfectionist. I've been a perfectionist myself. Right. You can go over, we can flash over to my website. We can visit my website. Right. And we can check out like, this stuff is like litter in my DNA.

Basically, every test, every assessment that I take the same results come up. Right. So basically my dis behavior assessment, like the, the D stands for dominance. And then I've got a high C, right? The C stands for. That means somebody that cares about details, those fine details. Very accurate. So my C is so, so high and it's like, okay, like, yes, I like, if you pay attention to my assessments, all of my stuff, even if you talk to me, I'm very exact, very specific.

I care about so many details. Right. But I don't use it dont hold me back. Right. So the point is you can make up and you can say I'm a perfectionist, all you want, but the bottom line. You are making excuses and you are a liar. You are scared to take the necessary action, right. To move forward and say that, instead of saying that you're a perfectionist, because you're just dressing up excuses in nice clothing, which is what he said here.

So let's go back and let's replay it. What he's saying. Perfectionist they're profess you know why? Because you got a bunch of freaking lies sitting on you. Okay. And you can't get up from the lies. You can't do anything for the lies. You think you're gonna quit? Like the perfectionist, the perfectionist is a liar stuck in a lie.

I'm just a perfectionist. No, you're not, dude. You don't do. Yeah, you ain't doing nothing right. You ain't doing nothing. Anything. Perfection is a nice word for no product. You have figured out how to say something nice about yourself when the truth is you just don't do anything because you're selfish. And, and, and that's another point that I like to drive.

People always think it's not about you. Like there, you have to, there has to be like a fine balance between what's for you. And what's for people, right. We have to balance it out. So at some point, yes, we wanna be selfish and build up ourselves, but not to the point where it is greed, like complete greed.

Right. so for my Christians, right? Cuz I identify with Christian theology, right? For the Christians. What is, what is the main message? The golden rule. It is treat others how you want to be treated. Right? That's like the, the whole Bible. If you want to take something from there, right on, on the commandments.

That's. He said, dude, treat others how you wanna be treated. Right. So imagine for a second, you, uh, you are looking for some kind of information or, or you need to be helped and it's not out there. Right? That's what you are doing for peop that's what you are doing to people worrying about being a perfectionist.

We gotta stop being so selfish, right? The, the more selfless you are, right? The more selfless you are intentionally selfless. The more wealth you accumulate, right? The more you do for people, the more will be returned to you. And, and, and I try to make this all about material items, right? Because you get some people when you start talking material, I'm not here for them.

I'm here for God, whatever. If you're here for God, then you still, still the same idea. Right? Make sure you are not being selfish. Make sure you're not being selfish. So let's, let's listen, let's play the rest of this video. Perfectionists are selfish people. They're worried about how they're gonna look rather than let me get my product out to the marketplace.

I can change it later. I can fix it later. I can do it again later.

All right. And that's the bottom line like the bottom line is you can, you can fix it later. You can change it later. It's not gonna be perfect. Right? People are, oh, my video. You can make another video. You can edit the video. It's so much that you can do. So using perfection as an excuse these days is some is very selfish and, uh, I'm gonna call you on it.

If I hear you say that we're all perfectionist and I just show my dis assessment, right? I am high on trying to be perfectionist, but I, I I'm selfless enough to know that that does not matter what matters more than me being selfish and being a perfectionist is the message that I have to deliver to.

Right. The mission that I'm here to serve their purpose, that I'm here to serve. So that's that? Let me see. So it's okay. It's okay. To make mistakes. If someone has criticisms about you, right. That you don't appreciate retaliate, tell 'em to show you with an example, lead by example, right. And watch how much that criticism dies down.

Watch how many excuses they come up with. Uh, and stop using the word perfectionist perfectionist means just like the video we just saw, you're making excuses. Right. And you're finding a way to say something nice about yourself for not doing what you're supposed to be doing. All right. So that's enough for my rant.

Perfectionism perfectionism right. Is robbing you and those you love. So don't let it happen. Make a difference. I will talk to you soon. Bye.

About the Podcast

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Real Estate Marketing Implementation Podcast (The REmarketing Podcast)
Real Estate, Marketing, and Implementation Perspectives For Real Estate Entrepreneurs, Real Estate Coaches, and Real Estate Investors by Jerome Lewis

About your host

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Jerome Lewis

Jerome Lewis is the author of the book REmarketing - Insider’s Secrets of Successful Advertising, Lead Generation, & Marketing Implementation For Real Estate Entrepreneurs.
He is also the founder and CMO of Digital Real Estate Strategy, a tech, and marketing agency that helps busy but serious real estate entrepreneurs implement, structure, and systematize their tech, lead generation, marketing, and business systems. Jerome has helped over 5000 real estate entrepreneurs from more than 40 states and 4 countries. Jerome has shared stages with some of the real estate industry’s best national experts including names ranging from Vena Jones-Cox, Krista Mashore, Marc Halpern, and many more.
Jerome is a bold introvert, father, and former IT professional. In 2021, Jerome won eXp University’s Instructor of The Year Award. He is also the host of the Real Estate Marketing & Social Media Mastermind, where he teaches real estate investors and agents tech and marketing implementation.