Episode 13

Scott Carson - Note Investor/Entrepreneur

In this episode Scott Slackter meets Scott Carson; 2 note investors who are passionate about creating passive income through real estate notes. Scott Carson is a wealth of knowledge in the note industry and he has helped thousands realize the dream of investing passively in real estate with performing and non-performing notes. We know you all will love this interview!

Scott Carson is a highly sought-after guest and host of the popular podcast, the Note Closers Show.  An active entrepreneur, he is an expert in real estate investing, marketing, and podcasting.  He speaks regularly at different events and industry conventions focused on real estate, marketing, and podcasting. He also helps thousands of investors and entrepreneurs each year create wealth through his debt buying classes, podcasts, and coaching.  A regular podcast guest, he was recently named the #4 Entrepreneur to Follow in 2002 by US News Reporter Magazine.  An avid sports fan, he spends his free time traveling, gardening, and making memories.  He calls Austin, Texas home.


All right. We are ready. All right. We're live. All right. Okay, everyone. Uh, welcome to the remarketing podcast where we talk about everything real estate, uh, business. And marketing or digital marketing for that, uh, for that matter. I'm your host for today? My name is Scott slacker. I'm a no investor based out of New Jersey.

I got served in the business about three years ago and I'm very, very excited to welcome on today. Our guest Scott Carson, who's been in this industry for a long time. Uh, he was actually one of the first names that came up when I actually heard about the note industry. So like I am super excited to have on and to I he's over well over a thousand deals.

Uh, it's invested 30 of the states in country and raised over million and capital's highly sought after and host for popular podcast. Uh, the note show is an active entrepreneur is an expert in real estate, investing, marketing, and podcasting. He speaks regularly at different events, industry conventions.

Uh, that's actually where I met him in at point. Um, re regarding real estate marketing and podcasting, it also helps thousands of investors and entrepreneurs each year create wealth with his, uh, debt buying classes, podcasts and coaching. Um, he's again, a regular podcast guest. He was recently named well not.

He was named in:

And origin is from Austin, Texas, which is it's. My first mentor in the space comes from Dallas Fort worth, which you and I both know him very well. Uh, another big name in the note industry. Um, so. Is there anything you wanna add to that? Scott is there? No, I think you got it pretty well. Uh, you know, we've, I've been an active, like I said, active real estate investor for over 20 years.

Don't investor for over 15, bought over billion dollars of distress to it. But, but the thing I think that separates me, I think from a lot of folks, kinda like you said, is that we really, uh, we, we embrace the marketing aspect, I think, than more than anybody else does in our niche. And it literally, when you reached out to me, I was like, oh, glad to jump on because no matter what you're in and for your listeners out there, um, and your audience, you know, no matter what.

If you're in fixing flips or, uh, sell, run a hardware store or sell tidly wink or buy or sell notes or real estate. I think people these days have to realize one very important thing is yes, you're in that. But before that, you're actually, we're all in the media space, these days in marketing and mm-hmm, , uh, in such a loud world where everybody's, you know, competing for your earballs and your eyeballs, you really gotta stand out.

So I'm really, really, uh, honored to be on here. I think it's great what you're doing, uh, with the show and your cohost stuff like that. So I think that's just one thing. If folks are listening here today, please listen through. I, I, I'm here to give, and I wanna give you guys as many great little nuggets you can use to implement in your business, um, digitally or marketing or whatever it might be.

Great. Yeah. Thank you. And that's one thing I've noticed about Scott throughout the years of watching his content. IA is all about giving and helping people. Achieve their goals through real estate and investing. And I think that's, that's one of the, that's what I aim to do as well with my own business is I build it up over time.

So, uh, let me get into some, uh, business, I guess, or industry type questions for a moment, and then we can move on to maybe something more personal. Um, so what is the most important lesson you've learned in the no industry over your entire career there? Like I started at wholesaling and moved to notes.

Yeah. That's what a lot of people do. They get into real estate as a wholesaler. And that's kinda what we started back in the day was, uh, I, I was fortunate enough to spend like four years traveling the country, uh, pitching mortgages. And I learned from Ron LA grand and all the, his expert, stuff like that.

And I had a four year apprenticeship with my mentor Boby and any Jamie Kayla, and then a very smart marketer by the name of Roland Frazier outta California. So I think the most important lesson I've learned is you've gotta be flexible. Um, especially as the market changes, you've got to learn. So I, I hate to use the word pivot, but you gotta learn to adjust or tweak your numbers.

Tweak what you're focused on. One of the biggest mistakes I made early on in my real note investing career is I approached it like a fixed and flipper in that I was in that I was didn't wanna modify loans. I was, if I was gonna buy a note, I was gonna foreclose. They're deadbeat, borrowers. They don't just they've had their opportunity.

And I wish I would've gone back and modified a lot of those loans. Now, looking back at the numbers, you know, hindsight's always 20, 20, not all of them would've been reperforming or modified, but a big chunk of 'em would've that I wouldn't have to lay out a lot of cash. So be flexible, learn what's going on.

Um, you know, sometimes, you know, wholesale's a great way to dive into a lot of things, but don't be afraid to change the dynamic of the conversation. Um, especially, you know, because a lot of people, when you start wholesale, you're selling potential investors that are buying us. Those potential investors could be.

You're funding partners. So I always tell folks like, look, wholesale's great, but if you're gonna wholesale a good, wholesale's gonna build a good list of investors. You might as well start marketing for private capital right off the back. Cuz a lot of those folks would gladly, still make six to 12% passively.

If the deal allows that without having to deal, it deal with toilets, tens and trash outs or having to do any of the heavy lifting up there. So if you embrace marketing and you've got a good deal and you know how to market, you can race capital for that deal. So that would be one of the biggest things I think early on in my career, I've had that kinda limiting mindset and uh, I'm glad I adjusted it.

That's interesting. Cause I find that and it's very, it's a very weird, we both have the same first name and when I first got into notes and I started doing, um, just going to, to events and, and networking, I was called the note guy, cause no one else had a network guy, but that, that was actually one of my biggest things to learn in that space as well.

Was that. You have to be able to be flexible and adapt to the changing circumstances of the markets. So for example, like we're going through a time right now where it seems like non-performance is like the thing, like people are, I keep seeing it marketed over and over and over again, buy non-performance because we're in the middle of COVID people have not been paying their mortgages.

We have forbearances um, yeah, it's, it's been interesting, but that the market, I think you're 100% like spot on. Like if you can't pivot or move and figure out what it's doing, you're, you're, you're dead in the water. Yeah. And here's the thing too. You gotta, everybody loves non-performing cuz it's usually bigger discounts.

There's still a bit of a gap between what we, as investors want to pay for the note versus what the banks and hedge funds wanna sell that stuff at a discount. There's still a gap. So, but there's still plenty of non-performing out there even before COVID mm-hmm out there. That's not going back. And so what we see a lot of people do and I hate, I'm not I'm I hate saying this, but a lot of people that get into the note business, they get very lazy when it comes to marketing, cuz they're prov, they get hooked up with a couple hedge funds or note sellers that provide lists on a regular basis.

And that's low hanging fruit that everybody's looking at. Mm-hmm and, and when those lists or companies go away, as if Victoria's gotten tighter people don't market all like there's no there's no deals or Scott Carson or Eddie speed. He's they're teaching too many note. Investors are getting a space and too much competition.

I'm like, look, there's plenty of deals. We still find deals. You just have to learn to market and, and go online and, and leverage LinkedIn, or, um, start targeting, you know, creating short videos, talking about what you're doing to attract potential investors or going to the county records, attract down people that bought a note two years ago or 12 months ago or three years ago because you and I both are buyers and sellers, right.

Scott were always buying, always selling. Yep. And so if you take that same philosophy and go to the counter records to find who's actually bought something, they're more likely to be a seller for you. So you also many note investors, many real estate investors. We don't mind paying 12% for funding. Well, in these days where it's gotten a little bit tighter on the return, you can't give 12% to your funding partners because it's gonna eat up a lot of your profit.

So you've got to. Reduce that number go back to offering, you know, six and 7% to investors who aren't doing anything. Cuz if they're not doing anything, they don't need to get something without doing any of the work. If they're gonna want 12%, they need to go to the, do the work. But if you're gonna do the work to find the deals and, and manage it, then giving somebody 6% passively to do nothing is really great.

Especially in a time like today where inflation is at six, 7% and their money's been sitting there dormant for a year or two, not making anything or I'm sorry, let me rephrase it. They're making 0.01% in a savings account or, oh yeah. I love that. I love bringing up to people. You know what I mean? Yeah. Or, or 1% maybe in a certificate of disappointment as we like to say CD.

So yeah, I mean, there, there are some out there right now, uh, aspirations, one that is offering a 1% on a savings account, but that's the highest I've ever seen ever. And that's ridiculous. Yeah. When you look at the fees or other things evolve with it, I mean, I mean, technically inflation's always been at three or 4%, so you're, if your money's not making it, at least that you're, you're losing buying power.

And now with, with things going on, you have to be, you gotta be active if you're not gonna be active, Hey, 6% is great. Cuz that's like 600% higher than what the banks are offering. It's definitely what, so the things, definitely some things that people have to start thinking about differently in pivoting.

t, uh, I left banking back in:

Okay. And our sponsoring broker was a, a guy by the name of Bob Lee, Eddie and his business partner, Jamie Kayla. So he, and she. For four years, I traveled the country doing mortgages and cash out refis for investors at all. These conferences that Ron was grant was teaching or these workshops. So I literally like at an MBA in real estate education over that four years.

So, but that while we were doing mortgages, Bob and Jamie taught me how to get creative with owner financing and terms and simultaneous closings and how to structure our finances, but then also the non-performing side of the business, because they had been in the previous term, they had been a mortgage banker and had to take some non-performing stuff back and structure that and get it all out.

and the mortgage industry in:

And then they would send me this list. We're talking, it might be one note or it might be like 33 page PDF with all these notes from these major banks. So if anybody ever out there tells you, you can't buy direct from banks and hedge funds, that's a falsehood. You can doesn't matter how much money you have in the bank.

hen, um, into that process of:

He's one of the principles at digital marketer. If you don't know who digital marketer is, their company here in Austin, Texas, but they put on the, the north America's largest marketing convention every year called the traffic and conversion summit. And we're talking 6,008,000 attendees in, in marketing.

uff. So I would say that that:

lipped it for scrap metal for:

I got a 16 unit apartment complex. The note by all, not the property, but actually the note I know student where yeah. And wholesale that note for a hundred grand profit and started just, that's why I started looking and started buying it. And. I started getting people coming, like, man, these are great deals.

And I said, well, I better start sharing this stuff. So I started sharing videos of me, you know, going through due diligence and talking about what the deal was and, and feeling my, me walking some properties when that all has blossomed into, you know, I started getting offers to come speak, uh, at different investment clubs and I'd walking like, Hey, people are like, Hey, you're that YouTube?

You're that note guy on YouTube you know, and that happened like four nights in row, one night in San Antonio. And one night in Austin, one, one in San Diego went in LA and I was like, okay, that's kind of, that's where it kind of sticks. Cuz it is a niche. I mean right. Scott, it's a small niche. Yeah. When it comes, comes to real estate investing.

So it's the riches are in the niches as they say. And uh, that's, that's, that's true. I was from my local area. I was on a panel of note investors and they all asked me cuz I hadn't met them before. They're like, so what tree do you come from? Like, are you at speed? Are you like, they're like, it's a very small like, because they didn't know who I was.

Um, And I'm like, yeah, I, I started with Eddie and now I I've moved on to other things, but, you know, still that was, that was my, my base education and everything. Um, that's, that's, that's interesting that your, your main thing was, it seems like you, um, really focus heavily on marketing. Yeah, I think that's, that's one of the biggest things and we still do it to this day.

You know, every morning I wake up and we say, okay, what are we marketing today? What aspect can we put in place? That's gonna work to get the word out. We're doing something that we can almost like the whole, um, set it and forget it. Aspect of things each day. You know, what podcast am I on? Or what podcast am I recording?

Or like, I, we've been doing a webinar called note night in America for 11 years now. Wow. And we do it at least 35 to 40 times a year. Take some time off for holidays or stuff like that, too. but you know, like that's Monday night note night in America, 7:00 PM central. I know what I'm doing. That's a great, you know, we're sending emails out for that in a Monday.

And then like, I just, you know, right before we logged on here, the replay video went out to our database and then we've got other videos there live streaming at the same time, because that's the thing is when I, when we do a marketing piece video podcast, that's usually something that's gonna be 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

It's gonna get out there and keep feeding you. And a lot of investors, they don't understand that aspect because they come from a J B where they've never had to market themselves. They got a job to show up. They had, they had to do one activity and, and the whole idea of, of marketing scares them like, oh my God, I got, what am I gonna say?

And I'm like, listen, just start sharing simple things. What, what, what are you working on today? You know, what are you, uh, you know, what's, what's your focus talk about you. Why do people wanna invest with you? What, what, why did you get into what you're doing? Simple. Like these questions you're asking me now are all great little videos that you could have in your profile.

One thing. I've been preaching to people for years to do it. Cause I wanted to give people a layup to do it's like, Hey, pull, go do short videos on frequently asked questions in the industry or terms. I'm like, you can go to my website or other note investors' website and see all these FAQs or, or term do a short video on those.

And I was always crack up. People would never do 'em. So I was like, screw it. We're doing it now. And so we have done that and we that's one thing we're doing okay. Every day we got a little term of the day coming out. We got a little term of the day just touch base cuz here's the thing for everybody out there.

Um, and then we mentioned this before everybody's a buyer, a seller of funding source is my big belief, but 80% of 80% of sales or conversions happens after the fifth contact. And most investors don't have the patience. To follow up with, you know, once an email, once a week to their database for five weeks or a posting regular on a regular basis, just sharing content before they actually ask for something.

So, um, I, I should, I probably should throw Gary Vanerchuk in there as a mentor as well out of New Jersey too. You might know. Oh yeah. Love Gary V man. Yeah. Love, you know, his book jab jab jab, right. Hook is, is, is I think is, is a marketing Bible for most people getting started too. You know, I've never read it.

I'm gonna have to go ahead and read it. Oh yes. You need to go read it. It's it's a couple years old, but so valuable. There's Scott. I mean, it's, uh, it's some of, you know, some of social media's changed a little bit, you know, Google plus is no longer around and things different. Yeah. But it's still the value where you give, give, give, and then ask for something.

Okay. Yeah, definitely. It's funny that you brought up too, like closing the sale, being like five interactions. That was one of the things that he taught me when I first got into it was like, you're not closing a, a note deal, the first conversation or the second conversation, it's gonna be broken up across five conversations or, or whatever.

And that's, what's actually going to lead the process down to you actually making a good investment, getting a yes. Getting an agreed upon price. Yeah. All that I was, it was very, I'm glad you came up that same conclusion. Cause that was like, I, I didn't even know. Cause I had no idea where to start. Well, so we, we approached things a little bit differently.

I'm I'm more of going after institutional debt from banks. Right. And Eddie talks a little about that. I know, but he's more about owner finance notes in a lot of cases. Yes. Yep. Me, me. I don't wanna deal with mom and pops. Don't me wrong. I love him. I'll take a look at him, but it's much easier for me. What I do is we actually reach out and target banks directly.

Um, and we target the, we target the internal departments at banks that handle the note sales. And when I'm talking about note, I'm not talking about the property sales, but I'm not talking about REO or buying the actual real estate. We're buying the first debt. But when we contact banks and, and, and reach out to one of four different department names, either special assets, uh, department, the secondary marketing department, the chief credit risk officer's desk, or the whole loan trading desk, or portfolio managers, another name it, some of the moves we use, we leverage LinkedIn to contact these asset managers.

And then we also leverage email, cuz there's some different ways you can download lists of asset managers from some different websites. And we, and, and the whole thing about drip marketing is we send an email out at least once a month or twice a month in a lot of cases to a lot of folks and just touch base.

And you gotta give people realize, Hey, these asset managers may have something, but when I get up bank to contact, reach out to me. It's not just one note. Usually it's usually a list of 10 or 50 or 900. Like we just got in that we can cherry pick from. Wow. And it it's a repeat business aspect of things.

So I don't, I'm not spending a lot of money on direct mail, but I it's, you're only gonna see a small return on it's all about digital. And as I say, digital marketing in the 21st century, and Scotty's here to beat me up and I'm giving her all, she's got to help you market, like, like it's a new generation.

Uh that's. I mean, that's what I'm starting to learn now is the digital aspect of marketing. Um, zero background in marketing whatsoever. My background's in psychology and then, um, cyber security. So like marketing was not my thing, analyzing things I'm right on there. So when it comes to analyzing a no deal, it was great.

But, uh, the marketing part is something that has, I needed education on thankfully the, the founder of this podcast, that's what he specializes in. So he's taught me so many things. Um, So one of the things I think you actually have an advantage, Scott is that psychology side of things. What are people thinking?

And being able, be able to touch that hot button cause people, if you, you get in a conversation with somebody and just ask questions, people will tell you what their motivation is. Or what's the, the, the pain, same thing with asset manager. Hey, what are you looking to sell? What's what's going on? Are you trying to raise capital?

Do you got some, you, some of these deals have some hair on 'em. Are they problem children you wanna get rid of? Have they made your, you made your naughty list for being naughty borrowers, not paying on time. Mm-hmm , you know, that's an important thing, but it's also too is I think when it comes to marketing is.

You kind of, kind of tell a story along the way, don't be afraid to tell your story and what attracts you into what you're doing, because there's other people, if you're going through something, asking questions or in same fears and same motivated factors, a lot of other people do too. And it's, and most people, unfortunately, they get really excited, like a new puppy dog and they vomit.

Or as I say, get diarrhea of the mouth and throw up on people on the first time, you've gotta share a little bit about what you're doing on. And one of the biggest mistakes we see a lot of new investors make is they don't, like I said, they don't realize it takes time, but just being consistent in what you're doing consistent with an email once a week out to your warm market list and sharing it to social media once a week is not too difficult.

And then just following up and, um, a lot of people are like, well, what do I share? Well, it's pretty easy. I mean, there's basically four weeks, four to five weeks a month. Mm-hmm and one of the things we always tell 'em like, look at the calendar and they're like, what do you mean by account? Like every month is a holiday.

We have president's day. We had Valentine's day in February. Yeah. We got St. Patrick's day. The one time everybody wants to be Irish. You know what I mean? And you look at that, well, that's one email out of the month. Just wishing everybody a happy holiday or whatever. It's okay. Or happy St. Patrick's day, you know?

Yeah. The second thing could be something that you're doing like, Hey, I'm going to a meet up group or I'm going to an investment club, or I'm going to a conference. Something shows that you're doing something different or educating or a book that you just read, something that's would add true value.

Third thing could be a past case study or a deal that you're working on now. And the fourth thing could be, Hey, I'm looking, uh, for funding on this or, Hey, I've got some opportunities or Hey, if you're, you know, there's a lot of great things. And if you really approach it like that, Once a week what's going on?

Well, you can eliminate 25% of your marketing right off the bat, make it easy. Cuz it's it's weak and stuff. You look at your past case studies deals you've offered on that. You didn't close. You could tell that story about why you didn't close or what happened during due diligence. You could, you know, talk about something personal trip, family, people love seeing that re that personal side of things.

I think so many people market all the time, like notes, notes, notes, real estate, and people don't wanna deal with a robot. They want to deal with, with people that have personalities and it's okay to be unique and goofy in your own self. And like we, we found in a lot of our students that a lot of them are actually, uh, musicians are also like homeschooling their kids.

I'm like, well, that's the great stuff to share. If there's a lot of people that are doing that, share that what you're doing this week or what your, what your difficulties are at worst case, worst case. If you can't think of anything, you pull two or three articles on real estate. And send an email out to your database with those interesting articles and, and you share a paragraph of why you thought this was important to everybody out there.

So that's kind of the, the simple format, because what Rome wasn't built overnight and, you know, right. You gotta build it. You know, that's kind of why we have my, if you're listening to this, you can't see it. But my green screen is, is a brick wall behind me. And it's, it's that way. Cuz each day you're putting, every time you send something out posting, you're building your wall, you're building your bridge one brick at a time and that's that whole aspect of this.

It doesn't always have to be about notes, notes, notes. It's, it's more about what you were doing. And uh, one of the things when we, that you'll find interesting Scott is when we launched, when we were starting to think about doing a podcast, the note closer show, we'd already been doing a lot of videos, but we were in Vegas at an event we saw, um, oh, um, well he's a shark, not we saw Robert Heric, but also, uh, The other guy that likes to sell everything, you know what I mean?

ing. And this is back in like:

We're gonna do it live mm-hmm and we're gonna do it for a period of time. It may be three minutes. It may be an hour. We're just gonna share what we got going on today. What's going on in life. If people wanna be a fly on the wall, what are we doing on a daily basis? So we did that 150 business based straight.

Okay. Okay. And that's, you know, almost six months of content every day and it helped build the following. We just shared goofy stuff. We shared fun. Something was going on and just, and built a lot of rapport. It built the following. So like, okay, now's the time to launch a podcast because we have this following engagement.

People want to hear and see what we do. And always the most interaction. Wasn't just always about notes. It was, if we were doing something fun or somethings stupid, or I was dressed up as uncle Sam's 4th of July, or just being my, be my goofy, big, old self. Therefore people love that. And that, that helps people identify that if I can make fun of myself and have a jovial time and not take myself too seriously, then people will relax a little bit and realize, oh, I can actually be myself and, and have success as well.

Yeah, that's true. We definitely, we, um, respond to people. We don't buy from robots. We buy from people, the more human you can make yourself. The better. Uh, it's funny, you brought up a lot of your students are musicians before even getting into any of that. I was actually a musician for a long time drummer I love it.

Hey, you know, I played the trombone in, in junior high and, and love music. I may not be much of a musician these days, but I think we love the, the, the beautiful sounds of a performing note. oh, all we all do. Oh my God. Performing is the best you can't beat a performing note. Uh that's what she said. So lemme ask question.

So what's one thing in the note industry that almost everyone disagrees with you about, a thing you have. We do. We, so one thing that a lot of people there's always the, this is the thing that I just infuriates me. And I'm I'm is when people tell you that they can't find deals, this just bugs the shit out of me.

Aggravates the crap, because I usually there's two things. I'll ask somebody when somebody says, well, you can't find any deals. I'm like a, are you marketing to asset managers? Are you actually going after deals? And the answer to that usually is no. Okay. Are you sending an email out to your database on a weekly basis?

No. Well, yeah, if you're not marketing to direct to banks, you're not gonna find anything. It's like Lilly sitting there, I'm waiting for the love of my life to show up. And she's just gonna come to me because I'm thinking about her and that's the, that's the biggest aggravating. There's a lot of, uh, I could say you could say trolls or people out there.

Oh, I can't find any deals. There's too many educators, but if you know how to market and, and, and understand and can go up to the sources versus being lazy, Yes, banks will sell to you. You just gotta know what to say. What not to say. That's the biggest thing I would tell you. There's plenty of deals out there, whether you're going after institutional debt or you're going after owner finance, does you just gotta get off your ass and market and you still don't have to do put 40 hours a into it.

If you many, an investor start off 10 hours a week and, or work a little bit, you know, that side hustle from 7:00 PM to 2:00 AM with marketing and LinkedIn and emails, there's still plenty of opportunity there for you. Even if you wanna drop letters out, you just gotta market and market on a regular basis.

That's actually how I started. I was working a full-time job in behavioral, uh, psychology and started part-time, you know, five, 10 hours a week and all that. And you're, you're absolutely right. Like you have to get on the phone, you have to get on the phone or you have to get in the email or you have to get on the social media or whatever platform and start doing things.

If you don't, you get no response. You can't just, um, you can't just sit there and wait for something to come to you. That's not how things work. No, but how goals work either? You don't, you don't achieve your goals in general by just sitting down and waiting. You have to do something. Yeah. That's the whole thing.

Let me sit down and wish in one hand and sit the other one and see which one's gonna fill up first. You know what I mean? OHS hilarious. I love that. I love that. Uh, so let's move on to some personal questions. Okay. Uh, what's the best compliment you've ever gotten? Ooh, the best compliment I've ever gotten.

, the educator of the year in:

The guy, the seller wanted 15 grand for it. We got him down to 13. Nice. Um, we had a market. He actually sent out some, we, we showed him how to find local IRA investors in his neighborhood. So he, we helped him design a letter and he sent this letter out to 77 investors. Well, he had said 15 respond to him.

And a matter of 30 days he's raised a million dollars in private capital. Wow. Closed on this deal. It's worth the, the property's worth 80. The borrower owes like 40 hadn't paid in over a year. We said, okay, you, you closed on it. He put, it was, it's not even with servicing and, and notes. You have a servicing company that collects payments most of the time.

Well, the service hasn't even transferred yet. And we said, listen, contact the bar with a letter and tell 'em here's what you're offering. Here's an option. Well, the borrower called yesterday or the day before, and is already ready to modify already to break $2,500 to the table and start paying a hundred dollars extra a month to stay in the property or keep the property.

Cuz is a duplex that he's right now at 500 to. And the previous seller, the seller just had not really worked the deal. He was busy doing other things. And now, now it's a phenomenal return on investment, not only for Larry, but he got cheap money. The investor that he borrowed the 20 grand to buy the deal.

Uh, he's only paying 6%. So he is only paying a hundred dollars a month, his investor hundred a month to his investor, but he's gonna be bring bringing in 450 $460 like that on a monthly basis. Wow. Plus plus 2,500 on the front end. So those are the things that just get me excited about more than anything else.

It's it is a compliments when people go out and take action and end success. So that's the biggest compliment I get out of that is, is, you know, there's not enough people doing enough things. I think you really see, look at things only about 10% of people take action. And, uh, yeah. You know what I mean? And so those that take action, I get really excited about that's the biggest compliment is, is seeing people, uh, grow success and, and accomplish dreams.

And that light bulb go off when they realize, oh, I can't actually do this. Make things happen. Yeah. That's, that's wonderful. I, I love, I mean the same thing when I talk with people as well. Like when I, I, when I was working in the behavioral psychology field like that, I worked with mostly autistic children.

Oh yeah. So, I mean, I, on a daily basis was getting 'em to do things that they weren't doing for their parents or their teachers and seeing people succeed. And the same thing, when I talk to people about the, you know, real estate investing notes, I've done a, a number of studies in, in finance and, and all that sort of thing.

And when I can break down for people, these concepts, so they understand investing and the life bulb goes off, like that's the best moment you could ever have is when they understand like, wait, money doesn't work the way I thought it did. Right. And notes, I, for me was the perfect way, cuz it's, it's passive.

Like you were saying, he made, he's making well, 400 a month passively. He made money on the front end. And if he wants to, he could sell it at some point in the future and make some cash. Uh it's it's really your chalkboard at that point. And when I first got it started in into wholesaling, like it was a second job.

It was not passive at all. Yeah. And you needed a lot of like legwork to really make it work for you, whereas notes. You still needed to put it in the work, but it wasn't nearly as time intensive. And once it was set up, it was ready to go. So like my first note I bought three years ago and it was putting 200 into my business account every month.

I didn't have to worry about it. I'm like, this is fantastic. He paid it off. So I've gotta buy more, but definitely it was great. So here go, no, I was just gonna say, that's, that's the beat about, I agree, wholesale. You gotta basically go to work every day, every month to make it, if you can buy notes or someone who's reperforming that builds cashflow.

That's really how you build long term wealth is in that cashflow aspect of it. So, yeah. Kudos you man. That's awesome. Yeah, that's a great feeling. Yeah. I, I love it. I, I wholeheartedly agree. So here's another personal question. If you can go, um, if you can go back and give your 18 year old self, a piece of advice, what would it be?

Ooh, 18 year olds. I was straight outta high school getting ready to go play college football. And I had an academic and athletic scholarship. And I think the biggest thing is, uh, you hate realize that you don't know any everything. I think a lot of us kids when we're young, we think we know everything we're invincible and, uh, I, well, I was coachable a lot of times.

I always say people, Hey, be more coachable. Listen. To people you don't know everything yourself. And I think it's a lot, that's a hard thing for a lot of folks. Uh, especially when I came into real estate in the first time I grew up a small town, Ingleside, Texas, like when I was li living, there was like 5,000 people maxed down by Corpus Christi, Texas.

Okay. And my dad owned the local hardware store. So I grew up in the hardware store, fixing everything, being the weekend, uh, labor with electricians and plumbers. And so I've done anything from digging septic tanks, building houses, all the way to, you know, fixing stuff as well, putting roof on. So when I got into real estate investing, I thought I knew everything.

I was like, oh yeah, I can fix it. I'm gonna be your next, next, uh, landlord lean Lord. You know, landlords, I say, and I screwed up. I totally screwed up. And I, I took that all I know everything mentality when I should have been seeking out more coaches in the real estate spaces. So that would be the biggest thing.

I'd tell myself, Hey, you're not gonna know everything. Uh, seek, seek guidance. Don't seek, don't seek advice, seek counsel. And there's a big thing. That's difference out there. Everybody in. Everybody in the world can give you advice. Everybody's got advice. Like they've got an asshole. Okay. Yes. They can give you advice, but doesn't mean they know what the hell they're talking about.

I mean, your, your mom could give you advice about being a note best, but she's never bought a note. She can't give you good advice. What you wanna do is seek, seek counsel, seek from people who are, where you're at or, or where you want to be, or doing the things you wanna do. And that's the most, one of the most important things they seek counsel don't seek advice, cuz we all have people in our ears.

And if they're giving advice, it's, it's coming from their limited learning experience. A lot of times it's protect us. You know what I mean? All you can't do that, which is really say, Hey, we want, we don't want you to get hurt, you know, versus you can do it, you know, or, or go talk to this person. That's why coaches are so important these days.

You gotta find somebody who's doing what you wanna do and, and listen to what they say. You know, that's, that's the, that's the golden rule. Yeah. I wholeheartedly agree. I have a mentor from way back. Um, he used to call advice, add a D D like as an adding hyphen advice. If, if people have enough vices, they don't need you to add more.

I like that. And I love that. I was like, that's actually good. I, yeah, I try not to give advice to people. I try to show them what to do or where to go or where to get resources. And I, I mean, I've been guilty of this myself. Um, some of my colleagues, I try to research and do things on my own. And so in recent years, I've really worked hard on being able to like, go seek out the experts like, uh, Ron McGrane mentioned, uh, I was at an event, uh, two weeks ago where he was speaking and, uh, my colleague, he, uh, he just authored a book that Ron Le grand wrote the forward for.

So that's one of the reasons why we were there. It was really a great event, but like, if you don't go out to those people, you don't reach out and be first off, you gotta be willing to give to them first. You also gotta make sure it's worth their time. um, but if you don't, you're, you're just kind of left, you know, with your hands in your pockets, trying to figure it out on your own.

And I mean, I know you have a strong marketing background, that's your thing. But like marketing is a college subject. You can spend six years learning about marketing. Like, do you really wanna spend that time to think you could do it on your own? Or do you wanna find someone who's a successful marketer or a copywriter like Dan Kennedy is a huge one, like, and, and learn from someone's already doing it.

Well, mm-hmm, like, yeah. That you have to, yeah. That's that's honestly, I would, I would probably tell that to myself as well. Like. Don't try to do everything by yourself. Well, that's the thing and we could, we could, we could throw back to Ronin and Ron disappeared off the circuit for, uh, a couple years. Yeah.

prostate cancer. But back in:

Got it. And he was trying to do things creatively and like, ah, it's a commercial space you're gonna have, if you wanna do this, you're gonna have to sign on that dotted line. Right. And, and make some mistakes. And he had a lot of these commercial deals that just blew up in, in bad things. And he literally had to go learn, okay, what do I have to do?

What, how did I make mistakes from here and learn from it and go from there. So even. Even the best in the industry run into issues and you've gotta learn to pivot and, uh, you'll seek out those that are doing, I mean, I love what you and my ex-wife, uh, worked with autistic children. She was a board certified be behavior analyst and yeah, you've and parents going through that, that's a stressful situation, cuz all your dreams, all your dreams of your kids have gone away.

And now you're just trying to have quality of life and you've, it's a major, it's a, it's a, it's almost like a death it's just survival at that point. Yeah, exactly. And then true each day. Yeah. And that's unfortunately we have a lot of that happening in the United States right now. People are struggling.

They don't want they've. It's been laid off or not working and they're struggling to figure it. And so they have that fight or flight mindset going on that lizard brain versus being able to sit here. Okay. I need to go find somebody and realize I need to start putting the stuff in now. Right. And, and doing it, you know, versus trying to just do stupid stuff.

And, you know, I say, always say the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. And then the next, next time is the day. So yes. You know what I mean? With the marketing aspect of things, just start planting those seeds today and it'll pay off in the long run for you. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. That's that's crazy.

So let me ask you to, uh, so what does your morning routine look like? you four Amers? No, no, I'm not a four Amer no Navy seal style. Uh, yeah, no, no. I mean, I I'm usually a night owl I'll be up till one, two o'clock or something like that, you know, but I usually am up by nine. O'clock usually the fact that you work for yourself makes it, but I get up alarm goes off eight 30.

I get up, make sure the cats in our animals don't eat, eat my leg, cuz they're hungry. You know what I mean? Uh, make some coffee. And then one of my favorite things when the weather is nice is I'll go set up my back patio here in my backyard and just kind of, kind of relax, take a deep breath before I dress the day.

Um, a lot of times I'll listen to Tony Robbins and, and do some of his priming in my head and approach that the approach that day before I ever check him, I don't check emails until usually noon, you know, 11 o'clock sometimes Earlie least, uh, if it's an emergency, I look at my cell phone and, and for text messages, but most of the time it's like, okay, what do I have going on today?

Who do I, what am I doing? Uh, I don't take meeting. I don't take means before 10 o'clock. And then it's just then it's rock and roll. So it's that morning then I usually will take a little break in the afternoon for about an hour. Um, and same, same thing. Walk outside, get some fresh air, relax a little bit, and then come back.

And I'll usually work till six, seven o'clock at night in a lot of cases. So I work a little bit later than is the earlier, but the whole point is unwind mind, relax. And, and you, it takes a lot of stress away when you know what the heck you're gonna do then, you know, at nights before I log off for the day at seven o'clock or so I'll look okay, what do I have going on tomorrow?

What are the big rocks I gotta get taken care of? And then I sleep really good, really sleep really comfortably. A lot of people when they don't know what to do, they sleep ly, cuz they're worried about what's going on when they need to get accomplished. Yes, totally. And I, from that a lot. Well, and here's the thing, get rid of your to-do list, you know, I'm I, I'm not a big fan of the to-do list.

Yes. There's things that need to get done. But I'm a bigger advocate of big rocks. And every day we try to figure on one, two or three, as we saw at bigger rocks, these are gonna be either income generating activities or, or capital raising activities. And marketing is falls on both that side. So it's either us reaching out to, to bankers doing up podcast, reaching out to investors, to fund our deals and, and going that route or closing on a trade or close selling, selling an asset.

And so that's the thing, is everything else like balancing your checkbook or, you know, yo, uh, taking the trash out that can be done minimal. You don't need to put that on your list. Cuz a lot of people, we, we hypnotize ourself in thing we got a lot done when we do it to dude lists and you know, mentally we see this list of these three big things we need to get done.

And you got all these things that we got done. So we, this false sense of accomplishment. Oh we got 20 things done today. Well really did you. You really did. Did you, are you any further long, did you make a sale? Did you close on a deal? Did you make some offers if you didn't do that? Yeah. If you, you're not accomplishing things towards your goals, you're not really moving forward.

You're, you're, you're lying to yourself and you don't wanna lie to yourself. So that's why we always try to focus on the most difficult things, get those out of the way. And then we can fill the rest of the day with, with things that aren't the most important things that get done. It's like being a hamster on the wheel.

Like you're doing things, but you're really not getting anywhere. You're getting your, your, your chores done short. All right, fine. You're getting your chores done. That's good. Yeah, but I mean, we, but you can. I mean, here's the thing. If you look at your, your daily schedule and this was something that was instilled in us, Um, look at your daily schedule.

There's everybody has 24 hours a day, seven days a week to get things done. Look at your schedule and look what you're really doing. And I guarantee you can squeeze an hour a day to do something. Typical people say I'm too busy, many things. Well, I guarantee you probably sloughed off and didn't, didn't get what you needed, done focused on getting the most important things done.

And then you can slough off after. But you also, if you more, it's kinda like the whole thing with the, the military, they start off with making your bed, right? Yeah. Make your bed first. It starts the day off of an accomplishment, which sets you up for success. If you don't know what you're doing or have no direction or start off with a failure, your whole, and that's why a lot of people, when you run into a failure, it seems like bad things happen after again, cuz they, their mind is in that.

Oh, I screwed up. Oh, something bails bad happened. Oh well was me. And it's like a domino effect. Whereas if you start with something good or something positive, it can have a whole different outlook on your day for you. Yeah, definitely. Definitely. I started doing that a while back, um, making my bed in the morning when I get up.

Um, when I first heard about it was at Navy seal doing on a speech. Yep. Um, I can't remember the guy's name though, but he was, uh, very, very powerful speech, a very inspirational and is got a best selling book. I think it's titled make your bed. I think it's one of the, it's the, yeah, I think, yeah, I don't remember his name though.

Offhand. It's it's driving me nuts right now. What I did, I've made my bed and when I came home from work, cuz I was working at the time, like when I came home and it was time for me to go to bed, like seeing a maid bed before I got in it. And I don't know what it is about it, but it was a psychological like, oh this is nice.

I don't know what it is. It's just like, even though I went through the rest of the day, doing what I had to do, it just felt good to see a made bed when I was ready to go turn in for the night. Exactly. Well it's, uh, it's uh, William McRaven is the author of make your bed. Yeah, he was a new, I believe. Yeah.

Or you Admiral, uh, Admiral I think is what he was. Yeah. Admiral. Yeah. McRaven. That's it? Yeah. That's him. Yeah. He was, his speech was very inspirational to me. I, I loved it. He went through a bunch of things that people should do. I recommend everyone go ahead and look it up. It's on YouTube. You can find it and listen to his whole speech.

Like listen to it. This is coming from a man. Who's done some pretty incredible things. Yeah. Um, so I got a couple questions as well. Like, so we got some of the personal questions done and some, some bonus ones more related to, to marketing. And then one we, you and I talked about before, but I I'm gonna tag that on the end.

here. Here's so yeah, back in:

Like a lot of people. And I did know I'd just gone through divorce, had just stopped at a partnership that ended and then was dealing with these assets. And I was like, I just gotta get out of these. These are like albatross they're literally like anchors pulling me down. So we were able to get rid of those two investment properties.

And then I literally just sold. I said, I gotta get out of stuff here in Austin. And so I sold everything that I own basically, even I had a garage sale and it was gonna move in my brother. I said, I had just taken a little bit of time to re regroup. You know, what's my goals, what I wanna accomplish and make things happen.

And I said, okay, let me just, let me just start sharing what I'm doing on a daily basis. Maybe that will help. And so I started a blog, uh, I said, I need to make, I need to make some money. I need to make a hundred K this year. I said, well, let me do a hundred me start a challenge of a hundred K and a hundred days.

And I was like, I'm just gonna share what I'm doing to try and make a hundred K and a hundred days. So every day I would write a little blog and a little video about what I was doing. And by day 55, I was inundated with so many deals and I had to stop doing the blog. Cause I was so busy that I ended up making a hundred K in 75 days versus a hundred hundred days.

That's incredible. Yeah. But that's the thing. I think a lot of people come to the point where like, I, I, I got money. I need, I, I need money. I need to close. And I was like that. I was like, I, I couldn't pay my bills, but let me just start sharing where I'm going. And people would like send me deals or they say, I.

25 or 50 grand to invest. This looks like a good deal. You're sharing. Let me jump on and, and, and partner with you. And so that was one of the, the things is if you're going through hell, start reaching out to people, start sharing what you're going through. Cuz a lot of people are often like, oh, you need help.

And, and let's, let's stop, you know, you gotta deal. Let me help you. Um, and then it was kind of funny is I started sh sharing what I was doing and I said, okay, let me get out of Austin for a little me get a little, a fresh start. I said, I've got the time now I'm divorced. Okay. Uh, I started making a little money from this.

I said, let me think about what, what do I like to do? I said, well, I'd love to go to all the major league baseball parks. And you know, one of my, one of my biggest goals was always to go to all 30 major league baseball parks. And so my mentor, our mentors, I said, write your goals down, write it down somewhere.

said, okay, the start of the:

I even put it my calendar, who the team was playing and the days for it, well over the next couple weeks, uh, it was funny. I was putting, you know, videos up and blogs. I was like, man, I'm not seeing a lot of traction. You know, one viewer is kind of just disappointing. Well, all you need is one view in some cases.

So I started getting phone calls from people said, Hey, we saw your blog about what you're doing. We saw your video. Would you, can we use it in our blog for our R club? I'm like, yeah, sure. Go right ahead. Like, well, would you like, and they're like, would you like to come speak? I'm like speak? Uh, yeah, sure.

When, when, when do you want me to come speak? And they're like, well, we, we got these openings and I looked at my calendar and it lined up perfectly with when I would've been in that city to watch a baseball game. And so literally, so as I always say, it's like, divine, you never know who's watching is when you share stuff.

That's so marking. Like people get dis you know, I don't see a lot of feedback. I'm not getting opt-in, we're not getting people to respond and we all go through that, but I was like, okay, done. So I literally, like I said, I'd already sold the most stuff I said, okay, let's do this. So we planned, we went out on the road.

And what we thought would be 30 weeks of traveling turned into three and a half years, almost four years of nonstop travel. And it led to us kind of building this grassroots effort where I'd be speaking in a meetup group, or I would be meeting with bankers in, in, in Florida or kick curl or North Carolina and looking for portfolios.

And so like that time back in:

And I think it comes back to. I had a good chance to meet mark Victor Hanson back then. Um, and you know, uh, he's the author of chicken soup soup for the soul. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And, and he had, uh, I had some tapes, you know, cassette tapes, you know, so I was like, okay, let me listen to him. And he had the series that was, I would listen to when I got really the bad, bad mindset, I would listen to it, you know, when I was driving or I'd just go sit in my, my truck and listen to it and I'd be in a better spot.

year, two year, actually, uh,:

He goes, it's, it's funny. You think about that. But if this is the tape series that you're talking about, I was in the worst spot myself when I shared that. Wow. And it, me being able, trying to coach myself and help others get through bad spots, helped me get through a bad spot. and that was one of the most powerful things I was like, okay, I just gotta share what's going on.

And even no matter what kind of crappy mood I'm in, I gotta smile and, and share something, add value out there. Cuz like I said, you know the idea of things going viral these days, it can happen. But most of the time you just need your core of sharing and, and listening to your warm tribe of people you're connected with and you never know who's gonna share it or see it and, and just be a complete difference maker, not only in your life, but also in their lives as well.

Yes, that, that's very powerful. Like I've noticed that myself, when I, when I got started into this space, um, I didn't do very much marketing cuz I don't have experience with it, but I started talking about what I'm doing. Um, there was a real estate meetup that I would attend every Saturday at seven before COVID and it just so happens.

One of the guys that would come to that meetup was on the board of directors from my local area. And they have no note people that he knew of. So he was asking me questions about notes. And so I would, you know, I would share it with them. And then I can't remember how many months. I think it was three months ago that he said, Hey, I want you to be, it was November.

Yep. It was November. He said, I want you to be on a panel. We got some note investors coming up and we want you to be on a note investor's panel for our main meeting. They just asked me to start speaking. Um, very similarly the same meetup. Uh, there was another guy who was on the board of directors for based outta Philadelphia.

And he said, Hey, I'm doing some stuff remotely with some Marias in and Ohio, what you do a no presentation. And I'm like, okay. So now I'm being asked to, to do things and all, just because I'm talking to people about what I'm working on and, and what my current goals are. And. People will pitch in and, and the same thing happens if you're going through a bad spot, if you're going through a bad spot and you share what you're going through, people will rally behind you, uh, especially today with, uh, things being so digitally connected.

Yeah. Like there's really no reason why you can't just share it. It might be a stranger, but it'll be someone for sure. Yeah, exactly. Let me ask you, what is, what do you think in terms of marketing and your experience in real estate is a, like the biggest mistake that people get into with marketing, like just into it.

So, so they think it can happen overnight. That's the thing is that I can just start doing this right now. I I've got a, a Stu, a friend and a client of mine that she spent all this money on a show that's coming out online, stuff like that. And I'm like, well, what do you have? Do you, where where's your, where are you sending people to?

Okay. You know, do you have a website? I'm like, no, she goes like, no, not really. So you film this whole show without giving a place for people to connect with you. You know, and these days you gotta have a website really more than everything else. And people just don't bother a lot of times like, oh, or, or they'll create a website, but they won't go out and create any content.

That'll send people back to 'em and that's, I think it's one of the biggest mistakes people make. They go get, they go pay some company and put a website together and then they just leave it at that. They don't go out and post on LinkedIn. They're not appearing on podcasts. I think podcast is such a great way to, to get your message out or just wor and there's so many real estate investing podcasts, looking for content or marketing.

Uh, you know, I'm on, on one after this as well, too. So just, you have to realize, embrace the suck. Okay. You should put that hashtag embrace the suck. You're gonna suck at it. Your first couple episodes are gonna suck. Your first couple posts are gonna suck. I have to give a big shout out to my, my second another Stephanie Goodman.

Stephanie is actually working on a, uh, I've been a big pet advocate. She's been my VP of operations for years, but she's got a passion for helping, uh, animal parents, you know, cat lovers and dog lovers. And she's put, she's wanted to put, she's been, had a goal for three years. Just put this summit on. She's finally doing it.

Oh wow. Excellent. And she's like been scared of video, but now she's realized, wait, this isn't as difficult as I thought it was, oh, there's this cool tool I can use to do a selfie that can read off what I'm saying, a teleprompter app. And so she's totally embraced it. And it's just, it's a beautiful thing.

I'm like, listen, just embrace. It's gonna suck the first few times. You can always go back and delete those, but let's just get the word out. Um, people want everything to be perfect before they send an email or post a video or something like that. Screw perfection. Perfection equals broke, delivered equals success.

Here's the thing. We all have smartphones. Right? We've got like, I got my iPhone here. Version 13 or whatever it is. Version 13. If apple or Steve jobs had waited to send the perfect phone out, they never would've delivered the first iPhone. And there's always, so that's so true. They gotta get it delivered.

And so I always say, if you're writing an email, get to send the damn email. If you're doing a video, just shoot it and upload it. You always can get better and hone your, your craft. And that's, that's the most, that's another one thing people like, oh, I'm gonna start a website, but I'm gonna, or I'm gonna, it's gotta be perfect.

Well, nobody gives her rats ass about perfect. If you come out of the gate looking so perfect and honed people, you're actually gonna turn people off. Cause like, oh wow. They been spend, I can't do what Scott's doing or what she's doing because she just looks too Polish. And just, just get the, get, send the email hit upload.

That's one of the most important things you can do. it's so funny. It's we were literally one of the guys of my, so I have a accountability group that I'm part of. We meet twice a week, sometimes even more over zoom. You know, we, we share goals. We hold each other accountable. If you haven't met your objective for the week, like, Hey, what's going on?

Do you need help? Or are you just being lazy? Like, what's up? Well, see if I find it, he said a similar thing that you said, he said, perfection is like, will make you broke, but is so funny that I'm hearing it twice in the same day. yeah. That's but it's true though. Like, action is more important. You can always adjust as you go.

Uh, a colleague of mine helped me with writing a, like a small primer book on note investing and what notes are. And he said here, he gave me a bunch of things to do. He said, just do it and we can fix it. We can modify it. We can make it better later, but get it up, get it out there. Start sharing it with people.

Excuse me. I'm need a drink of water, but, um, Yeah, it's it. Nobody sees what's the what's not posted. I mean, you can have all this great knowledge in your head and experience, but if you're not sharing it in some important fashion, it's, you know, people aren't gonna learn from that. And that's, that's always been the thing.

We are such a wealth of information, but unfortunately, Vulcan mind Mels don't work in this world society, you know what I mean? Yeah. Not nothing, not a thing. So, I mean, I think we've, we've really covered a lot today. I wanna ask a couple more questions before we close out. Um, I wanna hold you up too much longer for your, your next podcast.

We're good. We're good. What are three books that you would recommend to our audience? So the first one I would recommend is tribes by Seth Goden. It's an easy book. I'm actually looking at a copy here in my bookshelf right now. It's it books about how that we are all a part of different tribes, whether it's our work tribe or PTA tribe or neighborhood tribe, or family to tribe and tribes out there or looking for leadership.

And in the absence of good leadership, they'll go the loudest voice that could be completely wrong, but they go, you know, look at our political system. A lot of our politicians are great. Are not, are not good. Yeah, exactly. But it's, it's an easy rate talking about, Hey, you are, you should be the tribal leader.

If you are doing something it's, it's okay to step up. People are really looking for leadership and if it's not gonna be you, who should it be? And, and that's the first book I would recommend. Easy to read. Second book is a little bit more in depth. Um, it's, outwiting the devil written by Napoleon hill.

hill wrote this book back in:

They would've locked him up. You know what I mean? Had, yeah. Psychologists like you come to interview him, you know what I mean? But what it is, it's basically him sitting down and having a conversation with the devil asking how is the devil successful from keeping people from, uh, reaching their full potential?

And he says, you know, the devil says, well, we just caused people to drift. We put shiny objects, you know, shiny object syndromes are squirrel where they're distracted. And the people that are the most successful are the ones that are more, more focused. They say no to these things until they reach their full potential and accomplish some things.

And so I was actually Sharon, like there's a friend of mine. She's the co-author of rich dad, poor dad too. So she, you don't know. Um, she was saying that when the Napoleon hill foundation brought it to her, I don't know, 10, 12 years ago, she didn't wanna really tweak it too much. So she went back and added just, you know, a little paragraph at the end of each chapter, a little bit thinking and, and communicating what she thought Napoleon hill would think of today's world.

Okay. And so it's a great book. I think it's a must read for every entrepreneur. Cause we all draft, we all get that, you know, multiple shiny. Right? Sure. You know, so that's number two. Sure. I, in the show notes, um, I know I heard it. I didn't read it. I, I listened to it on YouTube. There's actually somebody who narrated it in two different voices.

So it's, it literally sounds like a conversation between a guy and the devil and it's great. And I sometimes while I'm driving or whatever, I'll put that on my, my audio and just listen to it. Yeah. Everybody should listen to that one. And then, um, the third book, man, there's so many good ones out there, but I would probably go back to, uh, the emo by Michael Guber.

Okay. Talking AB uh, especially the emo revisited is I would say, you know, thinking grow rich is also a great one, but I think the em, myth revisited by Michael Guber talks about how we as entrepreneurs, we wear three different hats and it's that ju that juggle aspect of things. And if you can delegate two out of the three hats, you'll find a lot of success.

Oftentimes we as entrepreneurs, we end up becoming the, the person in charge of R and D or we're also in charge of customer service. When our true blood is on, you know, going forward and, and creating innovating. And a lot of entrepreneurs, we dropped the ball. We're, you know, I'm guilty of this. We're all guilty of dropping something.

If we're trying to do it all ourselves. And unfortunately, most of us as the real estate investors were control freaks. It's hard for us to Del delegate, but the more you can delegate to, to, to staff or virtual assistance or partner with people, or align yourself with people that are good at your weaknesses, you'll find success a whole lot faster.

So that would be, you know, the ETH is definitely something I read on a regular basis and, uh, I would throw jab, jab, jab, right. Hook in there as well. If we need a fourth one like Gary. Yeah. IM have to read both of those. I haven't read the E myth or the E myths revisit yet. Um, I've heard of it multiple times.

I just got sidetracked in other, other books and things like that. So I'm definitely, and jab, jab, Wright, where's a jab jab, right? Hook jab, jab, jab, right. Hook jab, jab, jab, right? Yeah. Cause I I'm a big fan of Gary V I like his, I like that the energy brings to things. I like his philosophy on a lot of things as well.

Um, the funny thing is like watching videos of him. He still goes like, um, to garage sales, like on the weekend, he, he and his son, the garage sales, even though he's worth so much. And he has all this, this internet fame, like he's, he's going off the garage. She making deals and bargaining with people. Well, because he likes to side hustle.

a repeat of what happened in:

When the good again, it was good. But now that they've been laid off or other things, they need to sell their stuff to pay their mortgage. It can be an opportunity for finding, finding subject two deals or potentially distress debt as well that you take over. So that's a really, I didn't even think about that as I, that's a really good point.

It's crazy and, and it would take your, your spouse. They think you're just having fun out, looking at stuff and spending that time together, which is good, but it's also a prospecting thing. So now you can write off the mileage as you're driving around, looking at these things, , it's your talent in order everyone and get your account order.

Cause make sure that you're writing it the right way. Uncle Sam we'll take everything you got so, uh, what are three podcasts you recommend, obviously yours. You have a podcast, right? Yeah. We've got three podcasts. We've got the note closer show podcast, which is, uh, okay. I think our seven, we to just record our 700 episode, 1.2 million downloads, um, right note night in America, which is our weekly Monday night webinar.

That's a replay out there for you, so you can listen to 'em anywhere. And then we have note camp, uh, podcast, which is basically, it's a replay of our midyear convention with our speakers. And we've got a, a weekly episode coming out from last year's conference that lead up to when we have it in June, but, uh, business lunch by Roland.

Fraser is one that I listen to is a really great one out there for targeting entrepreneurs and business owners. It'd be great for your audience. Um, and then, um, the hustle and float start podcast. With, uh, my buddies, Matt Wolf, and Joe fi they're big on digital marketing and tools and software to help you with your, your marketing business.

So, uh, yeah, I mean, uh, podcasts are great. I love them. It, uh, I think it's becoming the calling card of like having a book to give away these days. You have a podcast, but just stick with it. And, and I wanna throw something to your listeners right now. Hey, you guys, you're listening to this, do Scott and the cohost of favor go over, hit that subscribe button.

And then where you see leave a five star review, leave a five star review. These guys, we as podcasters, we love hearing from our audience and anytime we get any type of, you know, audience feedback or what you liked or hear from. It, it gives us a nice little warm feeling in our hearts that you're listing out there.

Cause sometimes it feels like we're talking out into the void. We get those reviews and subscribe back right now while you're listen on your podcast. And thank you for that, Scott. So, uh, last question. Where can our listeners find you online? Yeah, easy one. It's just going to, we close notes.com. That's our main website.

You'll find our podcasts, our classes. Um, I mean, if you Google Scott Carson, the note guy you'll find a lot of stuff too, but if you go to we close notes.com, that's the main mothership of a channel that we have up there. And then if you're interested guys in gals, um, and learning more about note investing, I've got a one day class that I'd love to give away to your audience.

We teach a class every third, Saturday of the month called note weekend. It's normally 99 note weekend, normally, uh, 99 bucks. If you type in the code, Scott. When you type it, go into, sign up for it. We'll give it to you for free and you don't have to wait until the third Saturday. We'll send you the replays, the most recent one.

And you start learning more about notes and non-performing and marketing, uh, all out there. So note weekend.com. Special code is slack, not slack Scott, Scott. . Excellent. Excellent. Thank you so much for coming on. I hope everyone out there. You'll go ahead and, and take 'em up on that offer and learn about notes.

This is one of my favorite subjects in real estate. Um, it's, it's where I put the majority of my money in my investing. And like I said, Scott, Carson has been a big name for a long time now and has a lot of really good quality information out there about notes. So please check 'em out. If you don't type, we close notes, go into Google and literally just type Scott Carson notes and it'll come up.

It's that simple, right there. A rank right on top of the charts and get right into his information and start learning more about. Yeah. So, uh, thank you again for coming. I really, really honored that you would come on to talk with us today. I'm it was very, very, uh, touched and grateful for that. Hey Scott, thank you for having me on always glad to help out and, uh, look forward.

Anything I can do for your audience or anything out there, please don't hesitate to reach out everybody. You're. Absolutely. And, and we'll send you a recording as well. So you can go ahead and use this recording yourself and say, Hey, I was on the podcast and you can do allow to do that. Make sure yeah. It out.

Perfect. All right. Got good. Talking with you. Thank you again.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Real Estate Marketing Implementation Podcast (The REmarketing Podcast)
Real Estate Marketing Implementation Podcast (The REmarketing Podcast)
Real Estate, Marketing, and Implementation Perspectives For Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Coaches, and Real Estate Investors by Jerome Lewis

About your host

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Jerome Lewis

Jerome Lewis is the author of the book REmarketing - Insider’s Secrets of Successful Advertising, Lead Generation, & Marketing Implementation For Real Estate Entrepreneurs.
He is also the founder and CMO of Digital Real Estate Strategy, a tech, and marketing agency that helps busy but serious real estate entrepreneurs implement, structure, and systematize their tech, lead generation, marketing, and business systems. Jerome has helped over 5000 real estate entrepreneurs from more than 40 states and 4 countries. Jerome has shared stages with some of the real estate industry’s best national experts including names ranging from Vena Jones-Cox, Krista Mashore, Marc Halpern, and many more.
Jerome is a bold introvert, father, and former IT professional. In 2021, Jerome won eXp University’s Instructor of The Year Award. He is also the host of the Real Estate Marketing & Social Media Mastermind, where he teaches real estate investors and agents tech and marketing implementation.