Episode 10

Social Media Growth Strategies With Lillian Chukwueze

Social Media Growth Strategies With Lillian Chukwueze

Social media can be a great way to connect with customers and grow your business, but it's hard to know where to start.

It can feel like you need a degree in social media just to get started. And once you do start, it's hard to know what's working and what's not.

Are you looking to expand your business online, but not sure where to start? This interview is for you! Learn how to use social media to grow your brand and connect with new customers. Lillian Chukwueze will tell you everything you need to know about social media marketing, from creating a social media plan to maximizing your results. Don't miss out - learn today how to take your business online!


Okay. All right. Welcome to the remarketing podcast. My name is Jerome Lewis. I am your host. And I wanna tell you a little bit about our structure, right? So our content, our content is about marketing tech and business leadership. And we are for real estate agents, real estate investors and real estate entrepreneurs.

Our two purposes, one Lillian, our purpose is to spotlight you, your business, your service, or your product in a way that provides value to you, including market exposure and content creation, purpose, number two, to educate and inform our audience and our listeners. All right. So, uh, Lillian, I'm excited to have you here.

Could you please tell us a little bit about yourself? Absolutely. So. Yes. So thank you for having me. My name is Lillian Chuck Wey. Um, so I'm a real estate agent here in Pennsylvania, specialize in really in Philadelphia. But you know, I work all over, uh, Pennsylvania and I have been an agent for a year and a couple months, but I actually started out wholesaling for my first two years.

Um, and now I have, now that I've been an agent for quite some time, things have definitely picked up on the agent side and I'm really excited. Thankful to have to be on here with you, Jerome. And, uh, my business is pretty simple right now, you know, just being an agent, dealing with buyers and sellers, helping people get investment properties.

And it's just a great time. Right. All right. So living, you have like a, we have like, kind of like similar niches or similar backgrounds and you come from the investing space and you have a lot of experience with wholesale, but you're also an agent. So could you tell us what, like typically not a lot of people understand what wholesaling is.

So could you break that down and tell us about wholesale? Weeks. So a lot of people confuse, um, flipping houses with wholesaling. So flip, uh, wholesaling's basically flipping contracts instead. So you are getting a property under contract as if you are the buyer purchasing a house and you are simply assigning your rights to that contract, to an investor who will actually do the work and flip that house.

So it's pretty simple. Um, you're acting as an investor and you are an investor because the point of doing that is to gain enough capital. And to flip your own houses and you are partnering with the investors when you, when you do that. So in a sense, it's on, on the investment side because you're providing value to the, um, investors and you are partnering with them.

Um, either having them fund your deals or whatever the case may be, there's a couple different ways to work it, but it basically is flipping contracts. That's the easiest way to kind of put it. Okay. So I'm gonna ask you a, let me ask you this question, right? So, because you're an agent because you're a.

Also a wholesaler. Right. You just mentioned something that's most people confuse and that's like one of the questions that I typically ask people. So I'm gonna ask you that question. Right. And what is a common myth about what it is that you do in your business as an agent and a wholesaler? Okay. So me I've changed my business a little bit.

So previously when I was just wholesaling, before I became an agent, I. Um, marketing to distress homeowners. So I would market to the, these distressed homeowners looking, looking to possibly sell, get that contract then, and then flip it now as an agent, I've kind of shifted my model to where wholesalers bring me deals as if I'm the investment, because there are deals that I am looking to invest in myself, but they bring me the deals and I have retail buyers and my cash buyers looking at these deals.

And I basically just bring a buyer. So I'm kind of. A disposition, uh, partner to these wholesalers. So that's kind of what I do now. I don't necessarily, the difference is I don't get the contract directly. I don't go directly under contract with the seller anymore. Typically there, there are some cases where I still do, but for the most part, instead of me trying to wholesale these wholesalers bring me the deals and I bring the buyers.

So I'm kind of like the middle man to the middle man. and then of course I still work. I still work my regular, you know, helping buyers and seller on the retail. that that makes a lot of sense. So I wanna ask you, what's the biggest challenge you're facing in your business, in your career right now and what are you doing to tackle that challenge?

So, um, one of the biggest challenges is that, um, I came from such a heavy, um, place of working with sellers as a wholesaler. You work with sellers strictly now as an. Like, like my, when, when you're a wholesaler, your buyers get what they get, right? Like, it's not like you really go shopping for your buyers.

I mean, some people do, but like they get what they get, whatever comes on a deal you get, they get, whereas though, now I'm on the retail side and I'm dealing with a ton of buyers, you know, it's a super high sellers market. So, you know, there's least, or less sellers than there are buyers. So I'm dealing with a lot of buyers in my resale business and I'm trying to figure out how to manage, helping them.

and still not driving myself crazy because dealing with buyers on the retail side is very different. You have to actually go shopping with them. So now, instead of me just pushing out deals, when I get them, and then my buyer's picking and choosing what deals they want now I have to like physically go out and show, um, go shopping with my buyers.

And it's a very different dynamic. Um, again, cuz a retail buyer is very different from an investor. An investor is very, um, how do I say a retail buyer is very emotional because they're probably going to. Live in the property or maybe it's their first property where an investor is very like number focused, like, okay, do the numbers work, let's move.

You know, this might be their 10th property or their 15th property. So it's very different. And so the biggest struggle that I'm having right now is really just managing my time, cuz I've never dealt with retail buyers on, on, you know, on this side of the business. And it's just, it's very different. So yeah, it, now that I went from being so seller focused to now being buyer focused, I'm trying to kind of figure out my way through that.

So that's my biggest. what are, what are you, what are you doing like specifically to kind of tackle that problem? Are you like telling people? No. Or are you like not taking calls? What's the process like? No. So, um, I'm picking and choosing who to work with, so, okay. I refer out a lot of my business. I refer most of my buyers, honestly, and I'm getting to the point where I'm going to be referring probably like a hundred percent of my buyers out and just dealing with sellers, just.

I'm just better with sellers. You can leverage your time better with sellers. And I mean, that's what everybody goes for. You know, listings are leveraged and it's true. So that's the change that I've made in my business. Um, and there are some things that do come with referring out as far as like, you know, still making sure that the client is being taken care of and making sure like it's still a team effort.

Um, so that's kind of what I've decided right now that I'm gonna do. And then any deals that I take on. As for a buyer because I can't refer everything out cause I still have to get, make money. Um, I utilize a showing agent sometimes depending on you know, how serious the buyer is, cuz the one thing that you run into, if you're using a showing agent and you're paying them per property, you might end up seeing like 20 houses in a week.

you know, and then you're paying all this money out upfront before you close a deal. And it, you know, you just gotta be cognizant of that. So. That's the shift I've made. And so far it's getting me by and you know, we'll see how things continue to grow. Thank you. So I wanna ask you like the, the question that we usually ask is like, what's the most important lesson you've learned over your career, but I wanna be even more specific, not your entire career.

I wanna ask you about like the situation that you explain, like dealing with buyers, dealing with sellers, like what's the most important lesson you've learned, like switching over from buyers and sellers and you know, wholeselling to. So the most important lesson that I've learned. So it's kind of like a two, a two part answer to that.

Mm-hmm the first, most important lesson I've learned is figure out who not how, and I know this, but it's different when you start to apply it. Right? Like I get it. Like I know I have to think of who and you always tell me to happen to my people resources and it's, it's a skill it's, it's, it's like a, a muscle that I have to continue to flex.

Um, I'm just used to trying to solve problems on my own. And so like, as soon as I have a problem, I'm like, okay, how can I solve it? But you really gotta think who can help you solve it, solve it, you know, instead of how you can do everything cuz you can't do everything. And that's the fastest way to fail in business is trying to do everything yourself.

Right. So, um, and then to go along with that, I've realized that the reason why I'm having the it's kind of like I'm having success, but it's, it's a good problem to have that I'm dealing with so many people. So the second, the second parts of that question is. Um, cuz marketing is you have to be consistent in marketing.

That's like the second most important lesson, because I realized that my business is to this point because I've been the most consistent with social media marketing. Whereas though all my other firms of marketing, they worked, but they only worked to some point because I stopped after a while, like I was doing cold calling, right.

I was doing text message marketing. I was doing RBMs. I was doing business sign. I did mailers. Like I did everything for a period of time, six months, eight months, whatever the case is. And then I. But social media marketing has been like posted on social media has been the most consistent, which is why I'm seeing the most amount of growth.

And that's, you know, Yeah, those are the two most important lessons that I've learned that I gotta continue to implement. I like to hear that cuz you know, I'm big on marketing. It's like, oh, people would jump in and they do marketing or whatever and they like, it doesn't work. And it's like, well, yeah. Is that true?

Is you sure about that? Because. Everything works. You just gotta make sure you're consistent. So I'm happy to hear that answer from you. And I also, you know, like I admire your success in what you're doing, because you're consistent. Most people are not consistent and that's what the problem is. You gotta be consistent.

So I appreciate that answer from you, you know, it's, you know, the name of our podcast, remarketing. Real estate marketing. Like you gotta keep marketing. It's not something that you do on time. So, uh, next question I have for you, from your perspective, what is the most important personality strength that someone needs, personality, strength, personality, trait, or strength that someone needs to do, what you do?

I think it's resilience, um, resilience. And that just goes to. Being able to weather the storm because like you just, I mean, it's just like anything in life, it's cliche, but you've gotta be able to stick it out. That's the only way you're gonna see the success on the other side, like you're gonna have to go through the dirt and the mud in order to get to that success.

And it just, it is what it is. There's nothing in life there. Like you can't, even if you have a mentor, you, you still there's certain steps. You still can't skip a mentor will help you. Expedite the process, but you still will get, you know, as Gary V says punched in the face, like you're still gonna go through a lot.

you're still gonna go through a lot. And if you can get through that rough patch, like I'm in a rough patch right now with my business, I have growing pains, like serious growing pains. And I just know if I can get through that rough. On the other side, it's gonna be so much success and I'm already seeing it.

I just gotta actually get through it. You know what I'm saying? So I would think resilience would be the number one trait, um, that you need to succeed in anything. Got you. I appreciate that. And so Lilian, you do, uh, you do a lot, you know, we got our beef about to versus the other stuff, right. You know, we got our little friendly beef.

Uh, you, you post a lot of content. So my question to you is like, How, how do you get that work done? Right. And what time do you get it done? Like, what's that process actually just talk about the process of how you get stuff done. So it's bashing, like we were talking about on the, um, on the presentation the other night, it, I have to batch if I don't batch like.

I will go crazy, meaning that I'm gonna sit down and in one period of time, whether it's an hour or two hours, I'm gonna create as many videos as I possibly can and they'll leak and then leak those videos out throughout the week. So like, um, for example, the other day I sat down and like an hour, 15 minutes, so I created eight TikTok videos.

Right. And if I'm posting once a day, then I have my content for the whole week. Right. Um, same thing with my YouTube videos. I sit down on Friday, Friday morning or Saturday morning and I'll record four videos and I'll post. One to two videos a week on my YouTube channel. So like I have to sit down and create that contact, all that content all in one sitting, cuz if you try to do it every single day, you'll drive yourself crazy.

And even before then it's a process, right? Because I gotta think before then, would I do it? For my YouTube videos, you have to take the time to create, come up with the topic and the script, right? So whether it's word for word or, or notes, whatever the case is, you have to still have to take that time to sit down and prepare.

So there's a preparation piece that comes into all content sometimes with TikTok and Instagram, sometimes it just comes like that. And that's cool. But a lot of times you still have to think about what you're actually gonna put out before you put it out. So there's the preparation piece and then there's the actual creating piece.

So, um, yeah, for the most part, I sit down, I bash my content. and, um, that's just the way to go, because if you try to create it every day, you will drive yourself crazy and you won't even like, be able to focus. Like you wanna be able to go throughout your day knowing that, okay, my content's already like created, or it's already set to like post at whatever time, you know what I mean?

Or you already know that you're gonna post it at a certain time. So that's how I do it. I agree. I'm big on batching cuz I would, I would, like you said, I would go crazy. That's just, doesn't make a lot of sense. People are like, oh my God. You're around every day and it's night. Like, look, no, actually I just do a bunch in one day.

Usually Tuesday, this is my day. Right. I'm getting a lot done. Then I just roll it out. You schedule it. You get out as much as you can done in one setting and then you go from there. So next question we have for you. Lillian is let's see.

Other than the occupation you're in, right. Your business, you're doing real estate real estate. Wholeselling, what's another occupation that you would like to try. You know, I like this question because it makes me think about what I would actually do now. Previously I was a professional basketball player, so that was like the occupation I really, really wanted to try.

Right. But then I achieved that. . I post a video for him.

all right. I still wanna rematch, but anyway, um, so a occupation I would actually like to try is like modeling because, and this is the reason why I would try that is because that would get me out of my comfort zone. I, you know, you know, the transition that I've had over this past year of just like taking my image seriously and just, you know, changing certain things within myself.

And I feel like modeling would really take me out of the box and force me to be uncomfortable because it's still weird. Like, even though I post a lot, it's still weird to like see myself as much as I see myself. Um, so I feel like that will help me grow in like a mental capacity. And I think that will just teach me more about, you know, dressing and everything like that.

And it's actually really fun of me. Like I actually really enjoy getting dressed. You know, I just gotta have somewhere to go most, most women do. And I think that's a really good, uh, like career or even just hobby. Like I would consider like modeling, cuz I, I really do think it would like help with a lot of females, like with their feminine grace.

So that's that's that's and confidence. I'm gonna hold onto that. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. That is that's a good one. I I'm gonna remember that. I'm gonna, I kind of, I kind of do it myself a little bit. Like, like when I take my picture, all the pictures you see on my Instagram are all taken by me and it's, I'm not modeling, but like, you know, I'm doing certain things I'm trying to look good or whatever the case is.

Like, I'm putting effort into those pictures when I take those pictures. So, and you can tell. There's a difference. People always, oh, you just, this you're just there. I'm very big on image. And you can tell when somebody tries versus when they don't try and not, not a lot of people are gonna say something, but I will.

And you can tell the difference when you're trying, when you don't and the. Right. Your current pictures and where you put effort. They are really good compared to the other ones. So keep up with good. Yeah. Modeling. Okay. Thank you. Modeling modeling. That is really good. I'm gonna say, cause I, it could probably bring like, just like, this is a different subject, uh, like women, like it could really help you with like that feminine grace.

That's that's such a, that's really a good suggestion. So I'm gonna start suggesting there or thinking about that. Like maybe it's some classes and stuff that people can take. So we, we went, we, we, with that question, we headed down a personal route, so that's a, a perfect transition into the personal questions that I have for you.

So I got three personal questions for you. And the first one is what is your biggest failure and what have you learned from that experience? Okay. So, um, to me, I really take failures. Like I really do take them as lessons, so nothing really failed to me, but I will say that, um, one of the biggest, um, lessons that I took was when I was, um, doing network marketing, I'm pretty sure everybody has almost done has, has done try to MLM, or I got some Herbalife.

There you go. They, I did every life too, but you know what, the good thing about it is that I've been successful in pretty much every MLM and I I've gotten, I've made money. That's my term of success. But, um, what I realized is that you can't force someone to do the work that they need to do. Right. And that really, that really like.

It did something to my brain because you know, when you're doing network marketing, you have to bring on a team. Right. And so I would be like, oh, okay. Like, I'm really good at this. That means my team is automatically gonna be really good at this. And that's not the case. Like you, you are different from everybody else.

Right. So you kind of have to be willing to, um, doing something yourself versus teaching it or two different things. Right? Like everybody who. Who practices something can't always teach it. And so I really learned about, um, building a team. There's so many lessons that I've learned, but in general, just like trying to force people to do something that they don't want to do.

Like that really like got into my head and that, that translated with like basketball and everything else. Like I've done in life. It's like, you can motivate yourself. Can you motivate other people? And then also with motivating other people, will they actually apply it? You know what I mean? So now that I'm like a real estate.

in the whole team aspect. I mean, I've been told I need to build a team instead and third, and, um, there's reasons as to why I haven't gone that far yet, but understanding that you can't force somebody to do something that they don't wanna do is big for me because now I just move different. Like I know I could do certain things, but now when you're bringing somebody on, even to do certain things, like when I had a cold caller, when I was wholesaling, like you have to understand and be okay that.

They might be a percentage as a percentage, as good as you are. Right? Like they're, it's, it's gonna be, they're not gonna be as good as you are. And it goes back to the who, not how thing, like be okay with the who, maybe not being as good as you are, but at the same time, you're able to delegate and get more time back to yourself.

So that was like a long way to answer, but it all comes back to just like you can't, you can't force something down. Somebody's like you can't force 'em to do something. Right. So you gotta find other ways to basically. find, uh, a common, um, what do you call it? Find common territory between the two to basically kind of get what you want, get what they want, but also get what you want as well.

You know what I'm saying? Does that make sense? That was kind a little bit of a rant that does make sense. And it, it was, it was long, but it was, it was healthy. It was a good answer. So I appreciate that. Our, our next question for you is, uh, how would your parents describe you? Okay. So my parents would, my.

Being an entrepreneur, I've done so many different things. Right. But one thing that my parents would definitely describe me as is kind of like what I was saying before about being resilient. Like I've never stopped in like everything that I've done. Like I've pushed as far as hard as I could. You know what I'm saying?

And being an agent now, like they see like the growth, like it's like every, you don't realize, like, everything you do is leading up to whatever. You know that you're gonna be or whatever you're trying to do. Like all the steps that I took, all the different businesses that I've done before. Like it led me to this path of being an agent.

And that's why I'm seeing so much growth because I've learned all these lessons in the past. So I think my parents would really describe me as resilient, cuz they've seen my growth and they're like, man, like, you know, once she finally does stick with something, that thing I'm gonna explode, you know? And like here I am, I'm in my, you know, this is my first full year of being an.

And like, I've just seen so much success like that. I know that it's compiling and compiling these seeds I've been planted and that, you know, they're gonna sprout. Um, so I, I, I would say that's how my parents would describe me. Okay, nice. Now next question that we have for you is what's a funny story that your family tells about you, that you like, that you would like to.

So one day when I was, I don't know how old I was probably like seven, seven or eight one day. I stayed home from school and I was jumping on the couch. And, um, I, I stayed home because I was like sick or whatever kind of, and I really, but I stayed home and I was jumping on the couch. The next thing you know, I fell.

And my knee went back and hit my, my mouth and knocked two of my teeth out. Right. This is when I was a kid. So, um, but thankfully they weren't my adult teeth, so they knocked them out. But I tell this, I like this story because when I think of how I was able to even get to that point is cuz I was able to stay home and I was such a good student growing up that like whenever I wanted to stay home, my parents would let me stay home.

It wasn't often, but because I was always so on top of they just instill. this, I mean, being Nigerian, you know, they instilled that you have to, you have to get your stuff done, right? You have to there, like, there's nothing like failure, you have to succeed. Right. And some people take that in whatever way they wanna take it.

Whether it's people getting hard on them, whatever it is. But. I was able, I was such a good student. I always was on top of my work. Even when I did have a sick day, I didn't even really like when I got to college, I didn't even like missing class because I knew I had to make it up, make up the work at some point in time.

So I hated missing class anyway, but I was such a good student that my parents always allowed me to stay home whenever I wanted to. And the only reason why I was able to do that is because I handled my work in the classroom all the time. Like all the time, no matter how, like even when I was an athlete in college, I was working and being a basketball player and going to school.

And I still got all my stuff done. I was always at least like an APL, an a, a minus B plus student, like always. And I just say pride in like, stuff like that, because it's not the grade itself. It's the work ethic. Would you, would you say that work, would you say that work ethic transferred over to what you doing your business?

Or what, what are some of the things that transferred over? Yeah. From your past? Yeah. So it's the work ethic and it's the mentality, cuz again, it's not the grades itself. It's, it's the stuff that you put. Behind the grades, right? It's the stuff that you put in behind, like the game winning shots or whatever.

I only had a couple, but, you know, um, so yeah, I mean, I, that stuff, I mean, especially sports, like basketball, that stuff, like I literally see myself now, the way I grinded as a basketball player, I was just talking to my friend when I went to my college game last weekend, like me and my friend, we used to put in hours, I'm talking.

I would go to work in the morning. Look, not at college, but like during the summertime, when we were back home, I would go to work in the morning. Uh, I'm sorry. I would go work out in the morning. I would go lift in the morning, go to work from nine to five and then come back and do like basketball Joe's in the evening.

So I was grinding, grinding, grinding, because I had set my goal to go overseas. Right. So like that work ethic directly translates to real estate. And I mean, we've had conversations me and you where I'm just. Okay. I gotta chill out. You know what I mean? Like I gotta, I gotta learn to like, relax. Like now I've learned to like grind, grind, grind.

Now I have to relearn how to relax, you know? So I mean, it's, it's a give and take, but I definitely, you know, learned a lot and that definitely translates like the work, the work ethic that I had in basketball and school, and just be determined to succeed. It definitely translates now into real estate for.

got you. So we have, uh, we are gonna wrap it up and we have a section where we'd like to ask some closing questions. I'm trying to figure out where we're gonna call it. But since we're in real estate, they're closing questions. And then we, you know, in real estate you got the closing table. So thinking about calling the closing table, so let's get to the closing table.

I like that. I like that. It's a little corny, but you know, people like it. So closing table, it's faster closing . Yeah, exactly. so closing table, what are three books that you recommend to the audience and why? Okay. Easy. Think of girl rich by Napoleon, who that's a given, um, um, millionaire real estate investor, um, by Gary Keller, that's a given.

Um, and then I'm gonna explain after, and then, um, What's third ones, the third ones, the third one, uh, mindset, real estate. And, uh, shoot lost my train of thought. I'll say. Oh

man. I'm why did I lose my train of thought on this face? See, that's why they holding up the closings. They blame blame the really when it's really, when it's really

all right up the clothes. What is my favorite? Honestly, I just hate to give the cliche book. Rich that poor dad changed my mentality too. It is what it is like. I would say those are three books you should definitely read. So, uh, think and grow rich is just a straight like mindset book like that. I think a lot of people don't reach that level of just like openness in their mind.

Like just being able to understand that you can. Not that you could think yourself into being rich, but it is a proponent of how to get to that point. You know what I mean? Because if you don't have an abundant mentality, you'll always like, think that you have limited resources. You'll always like, basically blame.

Something else or someone else as to why you can't reach the level that you want to reach. So that's a really good mindset book that you should read, um, millionaire real estate investor. I say that specifically for agents, because we get so caught up in the cycle of sales that you realize like 10 years later, not me, but 10 years later, you look up and you realize you're still doing the same thing.

Right. So investing in real estate is what's gonna help you, um, basically retire. Because I know a lot of like, especially older, real estates, I mean, real estate agents that just like, they're still doing what I'm doing. And I'm like, well, I don't wanna be transacting deals at the age of 45 50, like I could, but you know, the point is to be free at some point, financially free time, freedom to be able to spend time with your family.

Like you don't want to be caught up in the hustle and bustle world forever. Right? so I think that book is really important. Um, and then rich dad, poor dad. I mean, that book, that was the first, the very first financial book that I've read like ever. Right. And that was in college and that really just.

Opened my eyes to understanding the difference between an employee and a business owner or an investor, because I didn't really understand, like we all know the typical go to college, get a job, whatever. Right. I didn't understand. Like, I didn't know. There was another part, like, I didn't know about being a business owner.

I didn't know about being an investor. Like I just knew what the employee side was. Right. And there's nothing wrong with being, having a job, but understanding that you can get to another side of things. Like you can have a job and still be an investor, right. Understanding that you wanna leverage your money as best as possible.

I think that's what, that was a trigger in my head. And that's why I, I wanted to become an entrepreneur because I understood that. Okay, BI, having a business and making investments are what's really gonna set you free, you know what I'm saying? So that those, those are the three books that I would recommend.

All right. So we got, uh, one final question for you, but before we get there, I'm gonna, so we got two questions. First question is what's one question you wish I asked you and how would you have answered that question? How is my mental how

how are you doing mentally, Lillian? How are you doing? I wish you would've asked me that I'm going.

That's a good one to ask you should an yeah. That's it's not enough attention around that. So, yes. I hope you answer, honestly, you, you going crazy? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no. So I will answer, honestly, honestly, like this week has been, um, a lot, but I know it's because I'm, I've taken on a lot of work this week in particular.

So I understand, I understood what I was getting into, so it's not like I'm shocked, but it is a lot, um, mentally and. Um, so I'm doing okay. I could be doing much better though. I would say that. And I think I also need to take active steps to become better because I mean, like for the last two weeks, I haven't done any like self care, which is not good.

Um, and I was just thinking about that to myself. Um, yesterday I was like, I need to go get a massage. I need to go do something like, I need to take a break, you know? And. Reset. And honestly, it should be a weekly thing. Like a, you should have a weekly way to reset yourself, but, and I've kind of just got off track, like the last couple weeks.

But, um, so like I said, my mental is okay, but I have to actively work to get it better. Cuz I think a lot of people get, think that it's just gonna be, become better. Like people get depressed and you know, I'm not trying to come after that group of people, but it's like people get depressed and they don't do anything to like get out of it.

Um, But you have to take active steps to like, make yourself feel better, you know, even if it's just tricking your mind, like, you know what I mean? Like sometimes you have to lie to your mind, like, oh, I'm on. I mean, I don't know, feel like you're on a beach or something like that, or , you know, I don't know, like whatever you gotta do, you gotta like take action to actually make yourself feel better.

So like, for me, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna actually schedule a massage. Right. And then I'm also going to. put my phone down for a little bit. this weekend. I'm gonna try to do that. And then there's gonna be other little things that I'm gonna want to do, but like, I, I wanna have a spa day. Like that's my main thing.

Um, but I need to actively incorporate that in my schedule. Not that in particular, but something to reset myself every single week. So yeah. So my mental's okay, but we're gonna work to get it better. Yeah, I was gonna ask, I was gonna ask you, what are you gonna do about that? Because you know, I'm solution oriented, but you gave, you already gave all of the answers.

Uh, that, that leads me to think of another question that I typically like to ask people. And that question is like, what's the best way somebody can provide you immediate value in your personal life or your business life. What can someone do for you? Wow. Okay. Well, and you have to give an answer. Huh can't say, I don't know.

That's a, that's a, that's a really good question because that'll probably be the solution to, you know, your problems right now. Um, in my personal life. Well, first my personal life, I'll tell you right now. If I have, if I find a husband, that I be a media so, so how can, how can somebody help you with that?

Um, how can somebody help me with that? I don't know. Yes. I mean, I guess send you prospects,

DMU. text you. What can we, what can someone do? My DMS are full please. I'm full with business full with business. Um, huh. So we gonna fill it with, with prospects, right? You, I mean, prospects are good. Prospects are good. Okay. We can do prospects. what, what kind of prospects? Marriage. Mind? Prospects. Okay. All right.

So you want marriage, mind prospects that's for your personal. Now how about your career? What's some, what's a way someone can provide you immediate value to your business or career. So for my career, it used to be how to. Up until a couple days ago, it used to be, how can I, I wanted to talk with somebody to figure out how can I scale my business as a real estate agent.

Um, but I figured out that solution by talking to a whole bunch of agents, team leaders, blah, blah, blah. And that's just not the direction that I wanna go in. Um, so right now, I mean, you are kind of my next, you're my solution, as far as. Growing different parts of my business. Um, so I kind of got that figured out.

Not totally, but you're helping me because I wanna grow, you know, building, creating a course and everything like that. So right now it's just a matter of, okay, let me. I told you this before, but I'm gonna finish out the buyer clients that I have right now who are taking the most amount of my time, continue to refer out my clients and just handle the listings and try to build, you know, these ancillary products such as my chorus, my ebook.

Well, I already built that and just some other things. So that's kind of why, so I, right now, I, I appreciate you saying that because sometimes I don't feel like I'm appreciated. Right. See, feel, I'm not saying it's true, but I feel like, yeah. See, I was gonna say the way you feel. So I appreciate that. And. One of the things you mentioned your ebook.

So can you tell us how we can get access to that ebook or where to find that so we can learn more? Yeah, absolutely. Um, so it'll be, it's on my Instagram. If you follow me on Instagram, you have to follow me on Instagram. Hey, it's on my YouTube YouTube channel as well, but it's easier to access through Instagram.

So if you go on my Instagram bio, you will see it. Um, it's on my link tree. Um, so that's the easiest way to get in contact. I mean, or to, to, to get the ebook or to get in contact with me is through Instagram. Um, YouTube, you could follow my YouTube. I have a bunch of videos on there helping real estate agents that you could drop comments on any videos that you know, that I created.

I always get back to people unless it's a really super, super negative content, uh, comment that I won't get back. But other than that, like, I will definitely get back to you or you can send me email and I I'm sure you're gonna put all the, uh, links to everything down below. Yeah. And so show notes. So. Can you tell us what the ebook is about?

Can you give us a brief and then I'll ask the final closing statement. Closing question. Yes, absolutely. So the book is called the ultimate YouTube guide for real estate agents. And I created this book because. I started seeing a tremendous amount of success of getting generating leads on, on YouTube. Um, so, and I started getting a whole bunch of questions cuz I would post about my success on my Instagram and people would start asking me like, how do you do this?

How do you do that? How do you start a YouTube? And um, so I created that as a resource to help everybody. Um, and I do think I'm really like passionate about like video marketing and this is why we click so well. Because it is any agent who puts out any type of videos is ahead of their competition in Mo in, in most cases.

So, um, I encourage agents to put out more videos and that's why I have my ebook is to help, you know, agents get started on that journey, um, and hopefully see the success that I'm seeing and even more success. Um, so if you are an agent who's looking to grow your business on YouTube and have the growing pains that I have right now.

then definitely check that out again. It's in my Instagram, uh, link bio. all right. And so I got another question. I'm holding up the closing. What's next for you, Lillian. So we got, so let's, let's be more specific. We got the ebook on how to grow your, your cuz. You know, I, I like digital content. I like digital content creation because it's a little bit more leveragable so you have the ebook what's next.

What's coming next for those agents that's, you know, involve like that. Yeah. What's coming next is the course. The course is what I'm working on. Um, it might have to get, you're gonna be upset, but it might have to get pushed back. I don't know yet, but I'm working on it. I'm trying my best. I told you I'm so overwhelmed right now.

I'm trying to keep my sanity and keep my mental podcast is over, is over podcast

is over. I'm working on, I'm actively working on getting this course out. Um, so that's, what's. That's what's directly next after that, honestly, it's pretty open. Um, you know, there that have, I have been, um, asked to speak at like certain like online, uh, events and like collaborate with other like creators and real estate agents.

So honestly the digital content world is, you know, that. It's a huge opportunity for that. So you might see me speaking in person. You might see me, you know, speaking online, um, maybe holding, I don't know, or that husband, their husband. Oh, who dad on stage. Oh, I thought we were talking about, oh, I thought we were talking about just on business.

Oh yeah. My husband is coming. I'm getting a. what yeah, but the, you know, the more exposure, the more, you know oh, yeah, of course. But yeah. Anyway, that'll be a personal combo that I right. Talked to you later about, but yeah, yeah, no, for sure. I mean more exposure in general is, is always good. So, um, so, so yeah, this, yeah.

I, I appreciate you li I'm gonna ask you the final question then we can, uh, we can get this deal closed, right? Closing table. Okay. So let's close the deal. Where can listeners find you online? Yeah. So Instagram, TikTok, YouTube. I will drop give you the links to everything, but it's my first and last name on Instagram, Lily and Chuck Wey.

I know you can't spell it. So you'll have the link. Um, Lily and Chuck Wey on Instagram, Lily and Chuck Wey on TikTok. Um, Lil Lilian, Chuck w on YouTube. Those are my three main, my three main things. So yeah. Thank you. Thank you, Lilian. I appreciate having you here. So in the same theme of the closing table, do you have any closing statements before we go?

Ooh, closing statements. You resilient. That's all. I got you resilient to make sure you follow me. all right. All right. Lyal thank you. I appreciate you so much. That was an awesome interview. And I look forward to us doing this again in the. Thank you, Jerome. You're welcome. I'll talk to you soon.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Real Estate Marketing Implementation Podcast (The REmarketing Podcast)
Real Estate Marketing Implementation Podcast (The REmarketing Podcast)
Real Estate, Marketing, and Implementation Perspectives For Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Coaches, and Real Estate Investors by Jerome Lewis

About your host

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Jerome Lewis

Jerome Lewis is the author of the book REmarketing - Insider’s Secrets of Successful Advertising, Lead Generation, & Marketing Implementation For Real Estate Entrepreneurs.
He is also the founder and CMO of Digital Real Estate Strategy, a tech, and marketing agency that helps busy but serious real estate entrepreneurs implement, structure, and systematize their tech, lead generation, marketing, and business systems. Jerome has helped over 5000 real estate entrepreneurs from more than 40 states and 4 countries. Jerome has shared stages with some of the real estate industry’s best national experts including names ranging from Vena Jones-Cox, Krista Mashore, Marc Halpern, and many more.
Jerome is a bold introvert, father, and former IT professional. In 2021, Jerome won eXp University’s Instructor of The Year Award. He is also the host of the Real Estate Marketing & Social Media Mastermind, where he teaches real estate investors and agents tech and marketing implementation.